
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Another Move, and I Don't Want It!!

Well, its inevitable. I am getting married this year, probably in February. But there is a glitch in the plan. My partner wants me to move to Sacramento, and I have told him repeatedly that I do not want to live too far from the ocean. He knows I never wanted to leave the ocean again. But he says this will only be temporary. He calls it our first baby step. He's got some business opportunities there that he wants to take advantage of. UGH! I don't want to move to Sacramento. Of all places in the world, I never had any desire to move to Sacramento!! Or anywhere in California for that matter. I hate California!!! Not dissing my friends who live there, but California is just not for me. Every time I've ever gone through California, I always manage to get in some kind of trouble! I don't want to do that again!! Not that I go there looking for it, really! I don't! But somehow in California, it just always manages to find me. And I have spent WAY more than enough time away from the ocean!! I never wanted to leave the ocean again!!

I dunno, I don't think this partner and I were really made for each other. I mean, I love meat. He doesn't eat meat. I love the ocean, he doesn't. I refuse to go vegan, even for him! I really don't want to move from the ocean. I know I will be miserable, even with him there. I'll be miserable, because it'll either be too hot, too dry, and too far from the ocean to hear the waves. He promises this will only last for a few months, while he's there getting on his feet. He also promises me a much better life than the one I am living now. He's from a wealthy family, so I believe him. He's a hard worker too. He says after he's connected with a job here, we'll save enough money to move, possibly to the east coast, where he has some associates. Wow. I've never lived on the east coast before. Connecticut sounds like a cool place to move to, I think I want to move there. The east coast has some nice coasts, and the coastal towns are better developed than they are here. But they also have hurricane threats every year. NYC got slapped by a big one in 2014. I'll just have to learn to deal with them I guess.

When I moved here, I had hoped this would be the last place I'd ever have to move to. But I never counted on actually getting married. Oh well, at least it'll make my ma happy. If I move to Sacramento, I'll at least be living less than 100 miles away from her. It's just that I know the few months my partner and I will be there, I know I am going to be miserable, because it's just not where I ever pictured myself living. Sacramento also has a high crime rate. But then so does NYC, Portland and NJ. I'm just not looking forward to this move! You thought I was miserable in Montana? I have the feeling I'm going to be much worse living in Sacramento!!


mikessa said...

I said that you should go for this in the beginning cuz I wanted your life to change and I always wanted you to get married. But that feeling has gotten outta me since I heard you would have to move to California of all places. It would be hell if you had to leave Oregon since you fought so hard to move to the coast and you finally got what you want. Now it seems like you would have to leave it.

If I was you, I would just call the whole thing off. Think about it, he's half your age. That's not a marriage, that's babysitting, and your not getting paid for it. Second, your not gonna be happy being married to him. What if he never moves to the coast? What if he makes you become a vegetarian? What if he turns out to be the controlling type and tells you how to dress and how to eat? The only good thing outta this is your gonna be rolling in dough, but will that alone make you happy?

I always dreamed of you getting married and having a brother in law, since I never had a brother, but to the right person. You know I woulda come to your wedding if I could, but look what I drive. I was barely able to get that damn car to Oregon much less go to Sacramento. If he cant agree to get married on the coast, then he's just not right for you.

I cant make your decisions for you, its really up to you. Your a grown woman and your free to make your own choices. I'm just giving you something to think about.

Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

I don't know what I should do now.

mikessa said...

I wish I could just come up with an answer to this problem for you, but its too complex. I'm leaving the decision up to you.

But if I were you, the first thing you really should concentrate on is finding a new place to live. I'm more worried about you not having any kinda transportation where you are. I would find someplace where you can at least catch a bus, then you can at least get outta your apt from time to time. I'm sure you don't like the idea of being trapped in your apt for a month. If it was me in that same situation, I'd go nuts.

You worked so hard and so long to get back to the coast. You really should just stay where you are, but find another place.

Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

Being trapped in here is not so hard now that it's the winter months. I mostly stay inside anyways, except when I have to go shopping. But I dread the summer months without a car because then I can really feel imprisoned in this house. I like to go to the docs, I won't be able to do that without a car!