
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Why I Hate People Too

 And I never want to see any of them again! Except for family and close friends. Fortunately, I have very little contact with people at all. With the exception of on Facebook. I ran into a chick yesterday whose name is Leeann. I opened up Facebook and noticed she had sent me a message. I don't even know this chick! She's not among my friends. But she told me one of my friends is a liar, that she tells people she was raped just for attention. I didn't know who she was talking about. I didn't see the picture she posted at first. I looked in her profile and saw a lot of vegan/Adopt don't shop propaganda. So, I was thinking she saw my post about Trump and was calling him a tramp and a liar, just like ALL leftists always do! I was about to tell her that both Biden and Obama lies even more than Trump ever did. But I wanted to make sure of who Leeann was talking about. I wasn't sure if it was somebody or something motivated by next year's election.

I left for a bit to do my rounds all over the internet, like I always do. When I returned to Facebook, I finally saw the picture she posted to me earlier. It was from a young lady named Bailey. Leeann said "Its very clear who the tramp is". Um, OK, so I read the post. Apparently, Leeann had been harassing Bailey for quite some time. I noticed a couple things stood out in the post that Leeann showed me. Bailey had been asking her to please leave her alone, and all Leeann has done is call her nasty names, told everyone she sleeps around like a slut, said she hopes Bailey gets raped and murdered, etc. I saw that and I asked Leeann "You wished she'd get murdered and raped????" She could not deny it. She stopped the conversation right there. I told her "Girl, if you are wishing someone to be raped and murdered then it sounds to me like you are the one with the problems!"

This is why I hate, hate, HATE the vegans and ADS crowd!! With the burning passion of 1000 Hells! The reason Leeann is harassing Bailey, telling her she'd like to see her murdered and raped, is because Bailey breeds dogs to show. Vegans and ADS people hate that!! I always say, if it's good enough for nature, then it's good enough for us. I PM'd Bailey to let her know what went on, and get her side of the story. Bailey showed me another post Leeann made to her once. Leeann mentioned something about Bailey lives in a backward state, and added "You're probably pro-life too" yadda-yadda-yadda. I said I hate anti-life, hypocrite vegans. Leeann probably has a dozen cats, which if you follow me, is always the biggest contradiction to any vegan's beliefs. Especially if they are radicals. Because either she has cats and feeds them meat, which is cruel to cattle, pigs, fish and chickens. Or she feeds her cats vegan food, which is cruelty to the cats. I may like cats, but I do still feel any vegans who own cats are hypocrites. One way or another.

I'm glad I contacted Bailey. That's how I got the whole story. Thus the whole truth. Leeann told Bailey that because Bailey has a mental illness (which she doesn't) Leeann is going to turn all her friends against her. Well, she didn't succeed with me! I'm not like the INXS fans! LOL!!! Leeann would definitely be able to fool them and get them on her side. But not me! Leftists always only believe leftists. I told Bailey to just ignore Leeann. I like Bailey, and I love her dogs! She has multiple champion Australian shepherds. One of my favorite breeds. I told her to keep doing what she's doing.

The funniest thing about this is Leeann told Bailey yesterday to stop harassing her! LOL!!! I was like "Excuse me, but it seems you Leeann, are harassing Bailey!" If she's asked Leeann nicely to leave her alone, then Leeann should just back off.

Yes, I know exactly what it feels like to have someone spread vicious lies about them. I know the feeling of knowing some evil individual has taken control over your friends' minds. And it's especially hard to deal with if your emotions are already weakened by a recent tragedy in your life. I know exactly how that feels. But for me, I'm older. I was able to overcome it. All I needed was Mya, whom I got in the midst of this turmoil. Not only has Mya cheered me up, but she's also made me more social with the neighbors. But Bailey is a minor. It's harder for her to deal with. I understand that too. I was mistreated by bullies as a child as well. I just hope GOD and her dogs can help give her strength. She's doing a good thing for aussies. I'd like to see her keep it up and go big places with it. Leeann can stay home, cry over pigs and women who oppose abortions and become a loser just like all the other leftists.

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