
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Little Visitor

Well, to say the least, this person is quite interesting. For about the past month, I have been seeing comments from someone, who prefers to stay anonymous. It's OK. I allow anonymous posts. It started on the last post I wrote on here about Juneteenth, which I still consider a phony holiday. I don't celebrate it, and really, neither do any black folks I've seen. I'm really not sure they even want to consider it a real holiday because they cannot even act like human beings on that day. At first, I was going to let this person go because she started making comments about my being morbidly obese. I've already heard all the morbidly obese comments before. And frankly now, they bore me to death! Not one person in a long time has been able to say anything I've never heard before and got bored with long ago. But then last night I saw the last post she made, and it was interesting.

To give you an idea of how this went on, I must start at the beginning. I'm not exactly sure which sentence this person was originally commenting on in the post, but this was her first comment...

 Anonymous said...

I'd explain to you why you're wrong, but unfortunately I'm out of crayons.

July 12, 2024 at 8:06 AM

I decided to have a little fun with her, as I sometimes do. But keep that first comment of her's in mind, because she never is able to tell me where I am wrong. And this is the same thing I see from leftists ALL the time! They are always telling conservatives we are wrong about something, but they can never tell us exactly what we are wrong about. Watch any debate between a leftist and a conservative. I saw one yesterday from PragerU, an on the street type interview. This leftist says PragerU is dangerous and nobody should watch them, and all their points are wrong. The PragerU interviewer asked the guy to point out why he believes PragerU is dangerous. The leftist guy admitted he'd only seen their channel a couple of times and could not tell the interviewer exactly why he thinks they're dangerous. It's the same with all leftists. They never give complete answers!

Anyway, this was my response to this person...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

Well, you can always ask mommy to go to Walmart and shoplift you another box.

July 14, 2024 at 12:35 PM

Mind you, I was simply playing with this person. I still like to have fun with some visitors. I never really expected an answer from her, knowing how leftists can never really provide straight answers. Here, you can see in this next comment where she started getting personal, which is another technique the leftists are always pulling on conservatives...

Anonymous said...

At least I HAVE a mother. You, on the other hand, were apparently dumped unceremoniously onto someone's doorstep by a big hairy pterodactyl.

July 17, 2024 at 11:40 AM

Hehehe! I'm sure my mom will be happy to know there's one person in this world who doesn't believe in her existence. Not that I think she'd really care. So here I get back to the original subject of the post...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

HAHAHA!!! Nice try dude. 😂🤣😁😂

Know why you cannot tell me how I am wrong? It's because you KNOW I am right! 😆😉 And you cannot argue it.

July 20, 2024 at 10:34 AM

And once again, she uses name-calling to justify her lack of knowledge. Or she tries to...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not for lack of trying. I'd call you an asshole, but you don't have the warmth or the depth.

July 22, 2024 at 9:48 AM

Actually, I reserve the name "asshole" for people like that wacky woman. I prefer to be referred to as a bitch. That's why I don't call that wacky woman a bitch. I save it for people I actually like. But I don't ever call people who comment on my blog names. Unless I know their actual name. I like to have fun poking some people, but I don't use name-calling. I like to at least keep a little bit of dignity and professionalism in my responses. This was my response to her...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

It's not for lack of trying.

No, it's for lack of education and that you were probably hibernating for the past 4 years.

I'd call you an asshole, but you don't have the warmth or the depth.

You can call me whatever you want to hunny, it's not like I care or have any respect for you. 😂🤣😂🤣

July 22, 2024 at 1:28 PM

Usually I don't care. However, this next comment led me to believe I'm not really dealing with any average leftist...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't NEED respect from someone who's living proof that God has a sick sense of humor.

July 22, 2024 at 6:25 PM

Now, I am sitting here thinking, either she is bullshitting me right here or she's no typical leftist. Because leftists usually demand respect. Not that I ever have any respect for leftists. However, I can tell she is beginning to get a bit miffed. This was my response...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

Yep, GOD put me here to make fun of you leftists. And I am good at that!! LMAO!!!

July 22, 2024 at 9:15 PM

Well, there is so much about leftists to make fun of. How can I help it? Just like all conservatives. Especially lately. The pendulum has swung back, and it is our turn to finally laugh and poke fun at the leftists. I learn a lot by watching YouTube videos and seeing how other conservatives respond to loony leftists. Anyway, this was her response to me...

Anonymous said...

If you were actually good at it, you wouldn't have such a small audience. You act all proud and important, but the truth is, people only read the stuff you write to make fun of it themselves. You're not making people laugh with jokes about leftists and liberals-- you ARE the joke.

July 25, 2024 at 7:54 PM

Well, like I said, I am learning a lot from the other conservatives on YouTube. I would imagine if I made more videos daily, like they do, my audience would be bigger. But frankly, I don't have time to make videos every day. Yes, I am on the computer all day, but I also work. My computer is my work. I don't even write much on this blog anymore. Only when something big happens, or I get a brainstorm. That would explain why my audience is not as big as it used to be. But again, I don't have the time I used to have to write a blog post every day. As you will soon see, one of my most favored expressions is this; Things change! I've changed a lot since I first started keeping this blog. Anyway, this person later will elaborate on what she wrote here. This was my response to her...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

If you were actually good at it, you wouldn't have such a small audience.

Well, I'm good enough that it pissed you off. LMAO!!! Leftists laugh at the truth anyway. It's a smoke screen weak people concoct when they are SCARED! And you should be scared because Trump is winning at every turn! LMAO!! I don't give a shit if the 2 friends you have in the world are laughing at me. I don't write these posts for them. I write these posts for friends and family who I want to warn of what you leftists are up to.

Keep proving me right about you people. You're doing a good job! 🤣😂🤣😂

July 26, 2024 at 3:53 PM

This would actually be a 2-part response because I wanted to get one part out as I was writing something somewhere else. But yes, mostly I do write these posts for my friends and family to read. I would make it private and only accessible to them if I could. But since I write about everything that I am thinking of on here, including encounters with other people, I want to give them a chance to respond if they want to. I'm not like Robin DiAngelo. I want to hear other peoples' opinions about what I write. That's why I decided, a long time ago, to even allow anonymous comments on here. This is the second half of my response...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

You act all proud and important,

Now to get to this one. Yes indeed, I am very proud of the progress I have made over the last few years. I have no problem with admitting that. But I don't think I've ever said I am "important". LOL! But apparently you believe I am important, so, I guess I won't argue that point. LOL!

Anyway, it looks like you know you lost the battle, by now using ad-hominem attacks. That's OK though. But it bores me when a viewer starts using that tactic. So, moving on. :)

July 26, 2024 at 5:28 PM

I don't honestly know where this chick got the idea that I am someone important. But that's not the first time I've heard someone say that. I guess confidence may make a woman online seem important. As for me "acting proud", well I'm actually quite the opposite. But at the same time, I am unashamed to admit how proud I am of the progress I have made over the past few years. And I have bigger plans for the future that I am hoping to put in play. I just need to get a few more things done and then I'll be on my way. But I am nobody important. And I never claimed to be. I'm just an old woman who is tired of letting little things stand in my way. I've decided to become like a bulldozer and mow down all the things that held me back. That's why I don't write so much in this blog anymore. I have other projects to work on now. Anyway, to expatiate on the ad-hominem attack I mention here, it was a comment she made on my post about the idea of leftists changing my Trump vote to a Biden vote. I said I'd be furious if I found out anyone did that! I don't get mad much, but when I do, watch it! I can be a real wolverine. This was her response...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But when I am angry, watch it! I can be a real wolverine!

Yeah, I'm real scared of a morbidly obese "wolverine" who spends all her time in front of her computer.

July 26, 2024 at 8:00 AM

Seems I've heard a similar comment before. By Hobofart. Perhaps there is a connection? Hm. Anyway, she seems to think I aimed that comment at her. Unless she had something to do with tossing out the Trump votes in 2020, I was not referring to her in this post at all. But it is interesting she brought this up. Anyway, this was my response to her (less-than) 'classy' comment...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

morbidly obese "wolverine"

And BTW, it looks like you know you lost the battle, by now using ad-hominem attacks. That's OK though. But it bores me to death when a viewer starts using that tactic. So, moving on. :)

July 26, 2024 at 5:38 PM

Yes, these same-old-same-old personal attacks do get old and tiring. And I was really going to move on. That is until I saw this comment from her back on the other post...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just going to leave you with this.

Eventually, just like everyone else, you're going to die. Except there won't be anyone around to mourn you, because you'll have driven them all away with how much of an awful, vindictive bitch you are. You want to keep believing these evil, hateful things? Go right ahead. But all it's going to do is make you a sad, bitter husk of a human being. Everyone who might have cared about you is going to cut you out of their lives, and there's only one person you can blame for this.

It's not Obama. It's not Biden. It's not "the liberals". It's YOU. You brought this all on yourself.

The people in the speculative biology community who used to enjoy your Metazoica site? They're pointing and laughing now, ashamed that they ever supported the work of a monster like you. The people you bonded with over your love of Tim Farriss and INXS? They're probably disgusted at what you've become.

I am not normally in the business of predicting the future, but I can say this much. You will end your life alone, unloved, and regretting the fact that you were not a decent human being.

July 26, 2024 at 7:16 PM

Well, I think most of what she said is a bunch of bullshit. For one thing, I got mostly nothing but complaints from the Speculative Evolution community from day 1. Most of them never really "enjoyed" my Metazoic site. But the INXS fans, well, I am just going to let this response I made speak for it's self...

Blogger Dee TimmyHutchFan said...

Well, I must say, this is very interesting. You obviously have been reading this blog for a long while. hehe! 😁

Except there won't be anyone around to mourn you

You're last paragraph was correct, you cannot predict the future. Things change.

you'll have driven them all away with how much of an awful, vindictive bitch you are

Thank you for the compliment. 😁

You want to keep believing these evil, hateful things? Go right ahead.

You say that like I was the one who invented these ideas.

But all it's going to do is make you a sad, bitter husk of a human being.

And just how exactly do you think I got to this point? I wasn't born that way.

In fact I was never that way until I got into 3rd grade. Hm. But you've read the posts. You should know that already.

Everyone who might have cared about you is going to cut you out of their lives, and there's only one person you can blame for this.

There is a saying I learned long ago; the people who matter don't care, and the people who care don't matter. That's why I only hang around with the conservatives now.

It's not "the liberals".

Yes it is the leftists. It was their own idea to cut out everyone they even thought was conservative. And yes I do blame Obama for that, because it was an idea that came out of his head.

They're pointing and laughing now, ashamed that they ever supported the work of a monster like you.

Then howcome they still look? I haven't really written anything on that blog in a while, but I still get messages about what I post.

The people you bonded with over your love of Tim Farriss and INXS? They're probably disgusted at what you've become.

I only hope they are! I got the best ones of the bunch anyway among my friends. But frankly I haven't been as much into Tim Farriss as I used to be.

I am not normally in the business of predicting the future

Nope, you sure aren't.

regretting the fact that you were not a decent human being.

Maybe. Maybe not. Like I said, things change 😁 I think I'll wait to hear how "decent" a human being I am from someone who has actually met me, and not someone who just knows me by the ranting posts I write about on my blog.

July 26, 2024 at 8:58 PM

Well, that's the whole thing in a nutshell. I think she'll be back. I don't know. She just cannot seem to resist responding. I seriously did not mean to drive her away. Her views are as good as anyone else's on here. Just can it with the personal attacks. Even I stopped doing that quite some time ago. It only makes you look like a pathetic wimp. Once I became aware of that, I stopped doing it.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Whoopi Has "Whoopie" Days

 LOL! She actually admitted that on television! Joe Biden shits his pants on live TV and Whoopi Goldberg actually said she has days like that too! LOL! Funny! If I ever did have days like that, I sure as Hell would not be going on live TV and admitting that! No one needs to know that! Now, I know those days are coming because I am getting old. That's what happens when you get old I guess. It happens to everybody. I never made fun of Joe Biden shitting himself. I never made fun of him falling up stairs or falling off his bike, for pretty much the same reason because I fall down a lot too. Sometimes it's because of Ele. Sometimes I just lose my footing. I know lately I've been tripping a lot over these darn speed bumps here because I can barely see them, and the paint on them faded off years ago. So, that's why I don't make fun of Joe Biden falling.

I also don't make fun of Joe Biden loving ice cream. I love ice cream myself. But I am very picky about what kind of ice cream I like. I don't just put any brand in my mouth. I like my ice cream very rich and creamy! Us "morbidly obese wolverines" have to have our ice cream now and then. LOL! But those are things that are not as private. But if Whoopi Goldberg wants to discuss herself having a whoopie in her underwear, well, save that one for the bedroom. I don't care how hard you want to cover for Joe Biden. A lot of people I know lost respect for Whoopi Goldberg for admitting that on live TV. Then again, what does one expect from a leftist? They always talk about shit like that.

Speaking of leftists, I was reading an article where a man was in a hotel, throwing a fit, and tossing chairs off the balcony because he said "Trump needs to die because he's a liar". Leftists love the word "die", unless someone uses it against them. When someone threatens them with death, they are the first ones to cry foul. Not that I would ever do such a thing myself, I don't make promises I cannot keep. But you've seen how leftists are. They whine and cry because of skid marks on a painting on the roadway. Never once have I heard of a conservative making threats to a leftist. But leftists make threats all the time towards conservatives, and everybody else for that matter. This guy, his name is Jack Campitelli, threw those $300 chairs over the balcony onto a sidewalk below. He did it indiscriminately. He could have harmed someone, even another leftist voter. And this is the kind of violence I've seen from the left over and over.

They always say that Trump is a "liar". But they can never tell anyone what exactly it was he lied about. He may have got some things he said wrong, but being wrong and lying are 2 different things. Lying is purposefully saying something you know is wrong. No leftist in the world knows Trump's mind. They cannot tell anyone what he's thinking when he says something. But I do hear leftists lie all the time. They keep talking about how Joe Biden is "the most coherent he's ever been in his 50 year career", then turn around and say Trump "cannot even put a sentence together". When they start talking like that, you know it's time to pull the plug on the mainstream media!

The harmful thing is, leftists don't even seem to know what they are doing is real violence. The same class of people who gripe that opposing opinions are "violent", and that there should be a ban on guns, are always talking about killing conservatives. GOD, please send the meteorite soon! It's sorely needed! The other day, I got a brainstorm for my Metazoic book. I began to write about how modern mammals are basically advanced synapsids. But then I look at leftists today, and I wonder about that. LOL! It seems leftists have retained that synapsid brain. Synapsids died before the dinosaurs, but a separate line of synapsids, closely related, are still around today. Anyway, I thought that would be a very interesting topic to put in my Metazoic book. I need to hurry up and finish that book. I have a whole slough of patrons waiting for that book to come out. But I have to warn them, it's not going to be cheap. Not the printed version anyway. I also intend on offering it as an ebook, which will be much cheaper. Unfortunately, there won't be anything about leftists mentioned in there. LOL!! Sadly, I cannot do that.

It'll be perfect reading material for when Whoopi Goldberg has those "whoopie days". LOL! I don't expect her to read it though. People like her cannot read, and she probably does not understand anything about speculative evolution. But she does always make fun of Christians. If she were to get the printed version, I could see her more likely using it as toilet paper. LOL! Oh well! Not my problem.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Biden Drops Out

Well, it looks like Biden is going to drop out of the election. I say, it's about time! Step aside and let a REAL man (Trump) take over! Biden is too old to run this country. Even though his wife Jill sadly tries to hide it. But now I think I understand why his first wife and daughter died. Everyone says they died in a car accident. I say, they killed themselves to get away from Joe Blow Biden. It seems everything Biden touches turns to chaos. He didn't handle this country any better than he handled his first wife. Many people have died under Biden's rule. It's sad, of course, but I believe it to be true. Biden does not have the energy or know-how to keep peace in the world. Why, even the cackling hens of The View have finally admitted that Biden cannot handle this country and has to step down. But they think 4 years of rest is going to cure him. I hate to be the one to break it to them but, Biden's condition only worsens. It doesn't get better. Dementia is not curable.

The beasts on The View have brains that are so mixed up, they cannot even tell the difference between Biden and Trump. Everything they accuse Trump of being, and doing, are things that Joe Biden is, and is doing. They've even gone so far as to say Trump is the one who cannot even put a sentence together. They said Trump "mumbled" his way through the debate. I heard that, and I sat here thinking "What??" I never once heard Trump mumble during the debate. However, I did hear Biden mumble a LOT! It really makes me wonder what kind of shit goes on in The View's heads. Maybe Joe Biden isn't the only one here who has dementia. I think the creatures on The View are demented too. You think maybe they've been sitting under those hot lights in the studio for too long? I wonder if what they do is listen to Biden talking, and then their minds super-impose a picture of Trump over Biden to make it look, to them, like Trump is the one talking. And then whenever Trump speaks, their brains super-impose a picture of Biden over Trump to make it look like Biden is the one talking in their minds' eyes. Who knows? I wish I could get my mind to super-impose a picture of something cool over the creatures of The View. I hate looking at them. ALL of them. They're gross and disgusting.

I don't like watching The View because it's so cringey. But if I didn't, I wouldn't have this post to write about. LOL! However, I only watch what other people post up on YouTube. Especially the conservatives I am subbed to. So, I only watch that. But it gives me a good enough idea of what the creatures on The View are like. Today, I cannot even believe I was once a fan of Whoopi Goldberg. I didn't have any idea back in those days, that this is the kind of person she really is. To me, it's unreconcilable the way she talks about Donald Trump. She makes me so mad! She makes me want to vote for Trump over and over! It'd be so much fun when Trump wins, to see how the creatures of The View would take that. They'd probably have to continue to get up and run backstage to cry.

Well, I don't know but they may not have to give up hope. The democrats may still try something unethical like they did back in 2020 to prevent Trump from winning. But I wouldn't try the thing where they throw away all the Trump votes and tell the voters the voting machines malfunctioned again. We already know that trick, and I doubt it's going to work again. And don't even dream of trying the "pandemic/vaccine" trick again either. We're not falling for it. We all know by now that Fauci and the democrats lied! And no one with an IQ higher than their age is going to believe in the mainstream leftist media's lies again! I know it's hard for democrats, but if they want to do something venal, they're gonna have to try and think of another way!

Or perhaps, just leave people alone! Let us decide who we want in office! I want Trump. I don't want no damn Biden! I'll tell you right now, I'd be absolutely LIVID if I ever found out that my Trump vote was secretly changed to a Biden vote by the democrats!!! That would make me madder than anything! I did not then, and I never will, vote for Biden!!! Nor any other democrat! I've had it with democrats! You want to see one mad bitch? Change my vote to Biden and you'll see how I am when I am in rage! It takes a lot to make me angry, really! It does! But when I am angry, watch it! I can be a real wolverine!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wanna Hear Something Funny?

I was at the fairgrounds the other day as I typically go there to let Ele have some run and play time. I was walking up this path that I always go walking on. Sometimes I just walk up and down the path, sometimes I walk into the college campus nearby. There's a certain tree I like to make it to, and I walk up to it and touch it and turn back and walk to the path all the way back down to the car. This day was no different. I decided to walk into the college campus this day. I usually only do that on weekends, when no one is parked in the parking lot. Well, when I had almost reached the end of the path and was going to turn into the parking lot, I noticed that wacky woman's car. I was there with both my dogs and I saw her speed through the field away from us.

Mya is very intuitive about people. I trust her instincts more than my own now. Mya does NOT like that wacky woman! LOL! Every time she sees her, she comes running to me. Ever since the first time we've seen her, Mya's reaction to her has always been the same. She tries to get away from that wacky woman as fast as she can! As the wacky woman was speeding through the field, I heard her shout something, but as usual, I didn't hear what she shouted. 😂😆 Which is just as well because I don't give any shits about what she says.

I watched her as she sped off across the field, and she parked pretty close to the car I was driving. She was spending a lot of time hovering around the car. I kept watching her, thinking she was there to plunder something. My sis just got the windows fixed so now they go down and we can get them to roll back up too and I had left the windows open as I took the walk so it wouldn't be so hot inside the car when I returned. I kept watching the wacky woman walking around the car, to make sure she doesn't go reaching into the car for anything. But I had my dogs with me, and I was nearing the end of the path where I would have to clamber over a blockade rope, so I couldn't keep my eyes on that wacky woman. So, I just said I'll just tell my sis about this when I get home. I was going to just tell her that if she happens to look for something in the car, and it's not there, then that wacky woman took it. Fortunately, we don't keep anything of value in the car, so I don't think our wacky neighbor got anything. But, just in case. 😋😋

About a week or so ago, I had a couple of packages come to the office here at the complex. One was a big, heavy package, but the other one was a small package I ordered from Amazon. I know the package arrived there because the manager described how we had gotten a big package and a much smaller package that day. But when I went to look for the small package among all the other packages, it wasn't there. It was nowhere to be found. I know what was in the package too. I even went back the next day to see if it had been found. No. It hadn't. So, I concluded that someone else got my package and stole it. I cannot prove it, so I probably really should not say anything. But I think it was that wacky woman who stole my package. I'm not saying for sure, but I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that. Kinda makes one wonder, ey? 😶😶😶

Well, I let Amazon know I never received my package, and they very kindly sent me another one. The only thing I have to do is return the old package. IF it shows up, I will. But I really believe it was stolen.

I honestly think all that wacky woman was doing is taking pictures of our license plate. Which is fine by me. I don't care. She's only doing it because I took a picture of her license plate. 😆😆 So, its nothing more than a tit-for-tat thing. The funny thing is the car is not even mine! LOL! The car belongs to my sister. And apparently, the wacky woman has no problems with my sis. I don't own a car anymore. I bet you that freak did not even think of that! LMAO!!!! 😆😆😆 What a dumbass! So now she has a picture of a license plate that belongs to a person she doesn't even have a problem with. That's too funny! But oh well! Let her have it! Like I said, I don't care. She cannot get anything out of it. My sis is well protected. That wacky woman knows I'm not afraid of her. But it looks like she's sure afraid of me. LOL! I've never said anything behind her back that I don't say to her face already.

Also funny in relation to that last sentence, when we still were staying at that apartment close to that wacky woman, I was lying in my bed in the room I stayed in, and I heard someone outside the window shout "Get out of here!" I recognized the voice immediately. I said kinda loudly "That sounds like that wacky woman!" I heard her stomp off after I said that. Really! I did! I heard each of her footsteps on the ground as she stomped back to her own apartment. I think I also felt the tremors she made with each step too. 😆😆

Well, that was my little wacky adventure. Now, I'm going back to the fairgrounds to let my dogs run around some more. Ele is getting restless in her crate, so I believe she has to go. 💩

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Not Divine Intervention?

This article showed up on my feed this morning. It mentions that GOD did not save Trump from dying. An interesting article. Check it out for yourself Did God save the former president. I want to highlight a few key points in this article that I just have to say. That's what this post is for. I must make this clear, this post is not to attack the author of the article. I am more addressing the concerns posted for the sake of anyone else who might have the same doubts highlighted in this post.

my understanding of Christian theology makes me certain that God did not save the former president from assassination.

Jeffress, a longtime Trump supporter, went further: “I believe God spared Donald Trump’s life for a purpose … for the purpose of calling our nation back to its Judeo-Christian foundation.”

But in this case it’s not that hard to see that there is something wrong with a theology that says God intervened to save Trump, which implies in an awful way that God redirected the bullet into the person who was killed at his rally, or the two people who were grievously injured.

While I am very sad for the one person who was killed at the rally, and saying prayers for those who were injured, some divine intervention had to have occurred. The shooter missed Trump's vital area by millimeters.

If God is love, and I’m convinced God is love, then God certainly wants all of us to live and flourish, and it breaks God’s heart every time we hurt or kill one another. Murder is always wrong, going all the way back to the inaugural murder of Cain and Abel.

Because humans have no right to decide when another person dies. That should always be GOD's choice.

With this in mind, we can be sure that God did not save Trump but not the person killed by mistake. God did not save Trump, for that matter, but not the kids at Sandy Hook or Uvalde. God did not save some of the Israeli hostages but not the others. God does not want thousands of kids in Gaza to die.

God is not a monster. God did not want people to be killed on Oct. 7 or Jan. 6 or recently in Butler, Pennsylvania. God is the author of life, and God is on the side of life. God wants us to live and flourish.

These are crimes all committed by humans. Not GOD. We humans will NEVER be able to explain why GOD allows evil to happen in this world. Why did GOD take my father and grandmother away from me? Why did GOD take my dog Groucho away from me? Because bad things happen. We are imperfect. It's not GOD's fault. HE gave us all free will. If you believe in theology, and want to blame anyone, blame Adam and Eve. They made us all imperfect.

The recent assassination attempt should cause us to consider how combustible our country is right now, so divided, so angry, so fearful. It should cause those of us who believe in God to take a closer look at our theology.

I totally agree. And the one who caused all this division, anger and fear is sitting in the White House right now. All Trump did was make mean tweets, which is highly debatable. Biden has made this whole country mean, and it was spread by mainstream leftist media. It isn't GOD we should blame. Like I said earlier, it's people who we should blame. I will forever believe Trump was saved by GOD. HE knows we need Trump back in the White House. I want him back. And no matter what any leftists say, I'm still voting for him this next election.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

I Knew It!!!

 I knew this was going to happen! Yesterday at a Trump rally in PA, a gunman decided to make an assassination attempt on Donald Trump! I absolutely knew this was going to happen! I've been predicting this since Trump became president and the media went bonkers about it. Once again, I am not a fortune-teller. I think anyone with the IQ of a watermelon could see this coming. The leftists have been giving us all hints to their diabolical plan for the past 8 years! Anyone who didn't know this obviously was either asleep for the past 8 years, or is just not into politics. I didn't used to be really until I had to learn (the hard way) what liars and hypocrites the leftists are. I learned that from people I once called "friends". Fortunately, I don't think of them as friends anymore, but still. That's how the conflict between conservatives and liberals first came to my attention.

The leftist media is treating this assassination attempt like nothing. At first, CNN said Trump was "escorted offstage due to being startled by some loud noises". I knew CNN was stupid, but that statement was so incredibly cretinous I cannot believe anyone over a kindergarten level of education wrote that in a public news site. They changed their article title to read Trump was taken to the hospital in an "apparent assassination attempt". Well, that's a little bit better, but still obtuse! Trump was shot in the ear you morons! They were there, they saw Trump was bleeding from his ear! But ya know, Trump was a rebel even after being struck. He did a fist-pump in the air as he was being led to his car. But sadly, one of his supporters was killed in the attack. A real American hero by the name of Corey Comperatore. He was a fire-fighter. IMO, they are one of our biggest heroes. Right up there with the police and our military men. He died trying to protect his family. If that isn't real love, I don't know what is. My prayers go to his family for their loss.

When I heard about the assassination attempt at the Trump rally, I almost cried. But at the same time, I could not be surprised by it. I was grateful though that Trump is OK. But sorry about the one individual who died. Also killed was the gunman. He turned out to be a 20-year old man named Thomas Matthew Crooks. Only 20 years old! Not even old enough to have seen 9-11, but he can terrorize a Trump rally! He was also a registered republican. However, I recently read he donated money to a progressive democrat organization. No one says which one. But he did it on the day Biden was sworn into office. So, though he may have been a registered republican, he was a Biden supporter. So, my guess is he was only masquerading as a republican, maybe to easily slip into Trump rallies without being searched or questioned. I cannot say that for sure though. That's why I speculate.

Well, to think it was Trump's security team who saved Trump from getting killed, and to know the democrats wanted to take away Trump's right to have security earlier this year. Remember Kevin Moxon? One of his biggest complaints was how Trump "used tax payer dollars to have security guards around him as he played golf". And I'd heard that from so many other leftists. But I am glad Trump got tax dollars to pay for his security. Shoot! I would have paid for his security all by myself if I could have! And especially now, after this assassination attempt. I bet you Kevin Moxon will also deny someone tried to assassinate Trump, because the leftist news media said "apparent assassination attempt". 

Now, as for the leftist politicians, they are now saying that the shooting that happened yesterday was unacceptable. Which may seem nice on the surface. But no one really believes they are sincere. One of the many things I learned about leftists, they are never sincere! Especially not when it comes to their opponents. It's hard to take them as being sincere when they have been comparing Trump to Hitler for the past 8 years! So, in their mind, for them to hope for Trump to be safe and OK, would be like them saying they hoped Hitler was safe and OK. But then there could have been some other selfish reason for saying what they said; without Trump, their ratings would cease to exist. Their shows would crash. In fact, I cannot wait to hear what the cackling witches on The View say about Trump's assassination attempt. I can tell you though, I know it's going to be something disgusting, like they wished Trump had been killed. Or something else dumb like thanking GOD he's OK, when they all do nothing on their stupid show but mock GOD and Christians. Or they are only saying it to cover up what they are really thinking. Which I would guess would be "Thank GOD Trump is OK, because if he dies, then so does our ratings and salary!" Just wait and see if I am not right!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Phony Holiday

Well, it's another "Juneteenth" day. The day the blacks wanted to commemorate their freedom. Bully for them! Or should I just say Bullshit for them! This is nothing but a bullshit holiday that some dumb old fogey forced on this country because another phony organization demanded it. And Blow-boy is too much of a coward to resist them. I don't know about Trump, but seeing what I have seen on this day for the past 4 years, I would totally delete this so-called "holiday" from the calendar if I were president!

Have you seen Google's doodle for today? It looks like this...

That's a picture of some black kids jumping rope. They seem to be happily playing together. Well, that is misleading. This has not been how these thugs have celebrated this day over the past 4 years. Today's doodle should look more like this...

That is more accurate. All the black thugs have done since they got this stupid holiday is fight, kill each other and destroy private property everywhere! And they do that every day anyway! Remember last year when some thug shot up a whole neighborhood, and killed a couple of black kids? That all happened last year on this "Juneteenth" day. I said that kind of stuff out loud the other day in front of a business that said it would be closed today in honor of Juneteenth. I called it a phony holiday. Because all black people have done to celebrate it is kill each other. I don't call that celebrating. I got some pretty hard stares from an old woman who was standing near me. I just thought to myself "You can give me all the dirty looks you want to! But it's true!" This "holiday" needs to be eradicated!

Black people, most especially the black leftists, are not ready to have their own holiday. This whole slavery thing was revived because of Obama's big, fat, disgusting mouth!!! Racism in this country was almost dead until Obama and his tranny wife kept bringing it up over and over again! Now, people who have said they've never been racist before, have suddenly turned racist. All because now that they've been reminded of days LONG past, and ancient fires have been stoked again, black leftists just cannot let it all go. And I whole-heartedly blame Obama for that. He's the one that hammered it into peoples' minds that they still need to be angry about slavery. Even though Obama was not alive for those days, and barely was old enough to remember the days of Jim Crow.

I'll tell you, I'd be more capable of taking black people seriously with their grievances if they weren't so short-sighted today. I'll tell you, the same people who demand equity and inclusion and more representation, are willing to completely erase Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben from the boxes of products made by them. It doesn't make any sense to me. And what's to complain about? Both Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben look like happy people who made wonderful products. Their pictures should be put on the box covers. But no, black people cry the images are too stereotypical. Well, I say maybe they are stereotypical. But if I were black, I'd much rather be renowned for making good food than the modern stereotypes people have of black people today. You notice they never cry and whine about being perceived as criminal thugs. As long as they don't have to go to prison.

Another thing the black leftists whine and cry about, is black conservatives. They say they're "not really black". No wonder they didn't go into a tizzy when Joe-Blow said "If you can't decide whether to vote for me over Trump, then you ain't black!" Only the conservative blacks knew what that really meant. But it seemed to flow right over the heads of black leftists. That's because conservatives, black or white, are generally not stupid! Our beliefs are based on facts. Unlike the leftists who only know personal feelings. I'm not saying feelings are a bad thing. There are times when feelings should be taken into consideration. But not for everything in this world. And I personally feel that black leftists are not ready for a Juneteenth celebration. It's obvious they cannot handle that kind of notability.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Felony Pride

Can you imagine this? Pride flag images are being painted on the roadways of America, to honor "pride month". They don't paint them on the sides of buildings, they don't paint them on canvases, they paint them right on the roadways, where cars run and people walk. Well, now a couple of towns are getting bent out of shape because people are using the roadways these pride flags are painted on the way they should be used; as roadways! There are a couple of incidents of skid marks on the pride flag paintings, one in St. Petersburg and the other in Spokane. The gay leftists are calling this "acts of hate and bigotry". The governors of each state has now decided to make it a felony to "deface" the pride flag. I say "Get over it!" These dumb leftists think way to highly of themselves. No one cares if there's skid marks on a stupid road with a stupid flag painted on it! The only ones who care are the gay leftists and their sympathizers, which is actually a dwindling breed now.

I told you all this would happen! You give people like the gays special privileges, it only builds resentment among those in society. That's true if you give any one group of people special privileges! So now, the governor of WA state wants to make it a felony to drive over the pride flag painting on the road. I say he's dumb as dirt! If something is on the roadway, it's going to eventually get skid marks. You know why? Because tires run on the roadways and sometimes they tend to leave skid marks!!! Here's a public service announcement for Gov. Imslee; if you don't want skid marks on your pride flag paintings, then DON'T PAINT THEM ON THE ROAD YOU DUMB BASTARD!!!!!!! Any moron with an IQ higher than that of a cat should know that!!! Why is it hard for a twit-brain like Imslee to understand that cars are going to run over anything painted on the road. And yes, tire tracks will accumulate! So what happens if a person is carrying something and accidentally drops it on the pride flag painting? Are they going to be arrested too? Or what if a bird overhead takes a dump on the pride flag painting? Are you going to have the bird arrested for a "hate crime" too? Well, in Spokane, the mayor wants to have the teenage boys who were riding on scooters over the painting arrested for a "hate crime". They were just kids doing kid things! But the gay community in Spokane are whining and griping about the tire tracks from the kids' scooters all over their "precious" pride flag painting.

The mayor wants them jailed for 5 years, for running over a stupid painting that should not be on the road in the first place! The judge set their bail for $15,000, because he said that's what repairing that painting will cost. Bullshit!!!! They were more realistic in St. Petersburg when they said painting over the skid marks would only cost $1100! How can it cost $1100 in Florida, and $15,000 in Washington?! Sounds to me like the mayor wants to make a profit off this arrest. Fuck him! When I get there, I'm voting him OUT!!!! Him and Imslee!!!! I don't know who the mayor of Spokane is, but I hate him already. Probably some repugnant gay leftist himself!

Leftists need to start learning from conservatives. I've never met a gay conservative who was stupid. I think following any group of leftists turns a person's brain into powder, and their bodies into zombies! A sad way to live! I thank GOD I got out of the left! I haven't looked back either!

In other news, apparently Trump is not going to do any jail time. I don't want to say whether it's really true or not, as I don't know myself. But everybody knows Alvin Bragg is corrupt. All these so-called "felonies" he has against Trump, as I have said before, are nothing really but misdemeanors. And when you look at all 34 charges he's being accused of, it's mostly the same charge repeated 34 times. So basically, he's being jailed for NOTHING. But somewhere I heard he's not going to have to go to jail. I hope not! We need him. But in an interview, Biden was asked how he feels about Trump's conviction, and this was his response:

He just gave the reporters an evil grin. Look at that! I've never seen a more evil grin than that! You know what this could mean? That Biden is behind all these charges against Trump. At the same time, I heard Hunter Biden is now standing in court for his drug-related felonies. Joe Biden claims if he goes to jail, that he won't bail him out or pardon him. I'll believe that when I don't see it! I believe the only reason they're now finally charging Hunter Biden with a crime is because they want to "prove" to America that they are not running a 2-tiered justice system. That's what they want to make it look like. Once Biden is voted out, he'll pardon Hunter Biden. Mark my words on that! Come back here in November and see if I'm not right!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trump Convicted!

 I saw some coverage of the trial on Dr. Phil's Primetime show. Everyone with a brain larger than a molecule knew this was going to be a rigged trial because Alvin Bragg was the one behind this trial. And he demanded the judge and jurors all be hardcore leftists who hate Trump. Those kinds of leftists are never fair and impartial. I know! I dealt with those kinds before. That's why now I don't talk to leftists. But now, they should be happy, because Trump is going to prison. At least, that's what they say. Granted, this was a totally unfair trial. I understand Trump did not even get to have his lawyer with him, and he wasn't allowed to speak up in his defense. So how did the jury come up with a guilty verdict on all 31 accounts? Simple! They judged him based on their own feelings. Since they were all leftists, they all wanted to see Trump go to prison. So this was their one chance to get him there.

See! I told you all, I knew the democraps were going to try something underhanded like that! I never would have put it past them! I've seen how leftists work. Remember how I told you all the one thing they haven't tried with Trump is assassination? Well, I was wrong about that. Did you all hear about the whistleblower who recently came out and said when the FBI invaded Mar a Lago, Biden gave them orders to use deadly force on Trump and his family if necessary? Knowing how Biden and the leftists work "if necessary" would have most likely meant if Trump woke up and walked out of his bedroom to see what the fuss was about. The one thing that saved Trump and his family from being killed by the FBI that day was the fact that they were not at Mar a Lago when the raid happened. Thank GOD for that!

The scary thing is, there was no point in my life where I didn't think the leftists would try such a thing. Never! I knew they would try to kill Trump. I've only known this much about leftists since 2016, and I never doubted they would try to kill Trump. Biden won't tell anyone he did try to have Trump killed. But this whistleblower did. Now, I have no doubt that Epstein didn't kill himself. I also have no doubt that Obama's home chef did not accidently drown on his property. I believe wholeheartedly that the Clinton's had Epstein killed. And I also fully believe Obama had his chef killed too. If he didn't do it himself. Just hearing that Biden tried to have Trump killed brings a whole new light to this case. Or maybe a not-so-new light. Not to me, anyway. I always told you all, I am a good judge of character. Even over the internet. I've had people try to tell me my guesses are "way off" about them. Perhaps in a few cases they might have been. I don't claim to be clairvoyant, I am only human. But I've been studying animal behavior for years (including that of humans). I know a lot about what human nature is like. I judge people based on that. Because even though people try to deny it, human nature is the same in everyone.

Well, I don't care what the democraps say or do. I'm still standing with Trump. I'll vote for him this next election, prison or not. If he has to run the country from a prison cell, well, then I guess he just does! He can still do it. He can run the country from a dungeon and still be a better candidate for this country than Biden or any of his cohorts ever would be! I hope he keeps a lot of security around him so he can get out safely. I don't want anything to happen to Trump. I really even don't want him to go to prison! But if that's the way it has to be then I guess I gotta just accept it. But I wonder, did Trump actually admit that he did those things with malicious intent? I don't believe he did. I think that's just how the jury took it with their little leftist feelings. Besides remember, Trump was not allowed to speak up in his own defense. He couldn't have admitted he had malicious intent. Which means he is being put in prison for no reason at all. Which again, I wouldn't put it past the leftists to do! It wouldn't matter to me anyways, I'm still voting for Trump!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Smile! You're On Camera!

Well, let's start at the beginning. This is a sort of continuation of last night's post. I got a message from the manager yesterday evening. It was about that confrontation my sis and I had with this woman who kept complaining that Mya wasn't on a leash. One thing I did not mention was how my sis started shouting at that woman, and got a bit threatening. I didn't mention it in the last post because well, that was kindof embarrassing to me. I didn't approve of my sis making threats toward that woman. Ever since my sis and I separated and moved to Montana, she's been very threatening to other people. Before then, she used to threaten people back in the 90s when she was in her 30s, and I had talked to her about it then. And she did stop for many years after she was almost arrested for making threats to someone. Until we moved to Bozeman, and she started threatening people again. I didn't like that. But I didn't say anything because I didn't have to worry. She was living on her own then and no longer my problem. But I think she's taken living in Montana too much to heart. She's back to threatening people again. And the whole argument between my sis and that woman was being filmed. More on that in a moment.

I talked to my sis last night when she got back from dashing. I told her how the manager did not like it that she made threats to that woman, and that I didn't approve of that either. I don't want my sis to threaten anyone. Not only is it embarrassing, it is also crazy, and it can go on her record. Here we are trying to move, and my sis might ruin it by making threats to everyone. No one wants a troublemaker to move into their complex. So we have to go along with life here.

I told my sis the manager mentioned they have video evidence of her making those threats, I also told her who I believe turned in the videos to the manager. It had to have been that wacky woman. I don't know how I knew that, but I did. My manager did not tell me that. Then my sis told me about the camera that wacky woman has in her front window. Then I knew for sure I was correct. I don't know that wacky woman, but I do know her type very well. I've dealt with people like her before. People like her are the main reason why I hate people. Well, by the time my sis told me about that camera, it was dark out. But this morning when it got lighter, I had to see for myself what my sis was talking about. So, I took a video of myself going out there to see. Sure enough, I found the camera. It was pointing right out onto the road. Well, I stood there and filmed that camera. I was actually kinda hoping I could get a glimpse of that wacky woman on film to show everyone the kind of person I've had to put up with. She did open her back sliding glass door to ask me if I wanted something and I said "nope!" She then said "Then what the fuck are you doing here? Fucking stupid!!" I got everything she said on film. Unfortunately, I think I forgot to focus the actual picture on her. I even got pictures of her car, and license plate. Which I plan to use at a later time. I'm gonna give her a chance to back off now. If she doesn't, you'll see what I am saving that for.

Well, in response to her comment about me, and lowering myself to her standard of morality, I have only to say "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but cuss words will never hurt me!" LOL! A little later on, I heard someone get in their car and storm off. I had a feeling it was that wacky woman. Apparently, she loves to be called an asshole, but hates it when she is treated like one. Which I find not only hysterical, but interesting too. It kinda tells me she really doesn't want to be an asshole. That this is all some kind of facade she's putting on. I don't know where she stormed off to and really I couldn't care less. I don't mind her even filming people from her window. That's her right and prerogative, and perfectly legal to film. I'm not going to say anything against that. I even believe in her right to cuss and call me stupid if she wants. It's just her opinion. And the cussing doesn't hurt me. It just shows what a no-class twat she is. But I am a believer in free speech, so I say go ahead and cuss all you want! Knock yourself out! But keep in mind, two people can play the filming game! I have cameras too. I can film her and her car as much as I want to. She can't say anything because she has a camera up on her window. Turn-about is fair play! She's already filmed me and my sis and turned it in to the manager. So yeah. I can film her shit if I want to, too.

And the other woman thought I was "following" her at the fairgrounds and told that to the manager. I'm gonna go in on Monday and I'm gonna tell her I was not following her. I was walking my dogs. I will admit, when I saw her come in to the fairgrounds towards me, I did think at first she was coming over to start something. Then I saw she turned another way, and I figured she was not coming to me to start some more trouble. Then, I just continued to walk my dogs down that path. She just thought I was following her. If I'm going to follow anyone, it's going to be someone I like a lot better than her. I have better things to do with my time than follow a dumbass I don't know, don't want to know, and couldn't care less what happens to her. And what if I was following her? That took place at the fairgrounds. Not within the complex. That's not the manager's place to tell me I cannot follow someone if I wanted to. If she felt so threatened by me walking my dogs, why didn't she call the police? I'll tell you why. It's because she's a leftist, and leftists hate the police. She also told the manager that my dogs dump everywhere and I don't pick up after them. I'm going to tell the manager to tell that woman to go to the person whose dogs are actually shitting everywhere and the owner who isn't picking up after them. There's a woman who lives at the end of this building who has 2 huge pit bull type dogs. I see them running around a lot offleash. They also shit everywhere, and no one ever picks up after them. Their piles are bigger than Mya is! And one morning I went out and there were 2 huge shit piles in the lawn right next to the stairs. One of those piles is still there. Ele would be the only one with droppings that are big, and her's are nowhere near as big as these dogs' piles. I feed all my dogs nothing but quality food. So their droppings are never that big. Besides, when I am taking my dogs around here to go potty, I always pick up after them.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Worse Than Wacky

LOL! I still haven't seen that woman since we got back from Spokane last week. I spent 4 days in Spokane, and it really changed me. While I was there, everyone had American flags up on the side of their homes. It inspired me. I have a little flag that I decided to put up in my window, partly for Memorial Day, coming up, and partly because I want to. I've been so fascinated by flags lately. I also put up my Trump flag, because I just want him to win, and I want to show my support. But in Spokane, I found more people there are patriots than they are here. Here, you see more pride flags or BLM flags than anything else. Not so in Spokane. So, my little visit there changed me. Even though I was looking more at the flags, we went mostly to look for an apartment. We found a couple good ones we want to move into. One of which has a funny name; The Whimsical Pig. At first, I didn't think that was a real apartment complex. It sounds more like a barbeque type restaurant than an apartment complex. But that whole area used to be a pig farm, and the farmer who sold the land to them wanted the complex to maintain a pig theme. So, that's why the complex is called The Whimsical Pig.

I liked Spokane, and almost all apartments there have air conditioning. Plus, I also love Idaho. The people there are so friendly. It's rare to go to Idaho and see hateful, nasty people. Nothing like here. We went to the Cracker Barrel restaurant there in Idaho, and got the cutest waiter!!! His name was Cody, and he was a doll! If I were 30 years younger and 100 pounds thinner, I'd have fallen in love with him. LOL! But I have to remember I'm old enough to be his mother! He looked like he was in his late 20s or early 30s. But he sure was cute! He also had a good personality. I wish I could have got a good pic of him. He looked like a young, handsome Michael Hutchence! Or at least like Kit Harington. Either way. They both look like they could have been his twin brothers. Or triplet brothers. Ya know I heard Rhett doesn't like it when someone talks about how Michael looked like someone else. But it is true. I don't say things like that to hurt his feelings. But that's what it does to him apparently. I just say it because it's true. When I see someone who looks remarkably like Michael, I gotta share it with the world! I am truly sorry if it hurts Rhett's feelings.

Anyway, here's the worse than wacky part. When we got home, I hadn't seen that wacky woman in days. Not that I miss her!!! I don't. Just seems a little quiet now without her out there cussing me out and calling me a bitch, and me calling her that wacky woman in return. Though I am truly not trying to start a war with her, and I wouldn't even give her a second thought if she didn't start anything with me first. My sis wanted to take care of her, and I said "No. Don't do anything. Besides, I don't give a shit what that wacky woman thinks!" She's not my problem. We were never friends, and I don't care to be either. I just want to go back home soon and get my curio cabinet, and get out of here. I found the one store that still sells good-sized curio cabinets and I've been wanting one for years now! So I finally put one on lay-away.

Shortly after we returned, I had another run-in with someone else from the B building. Another young woman, and she has 2 kids. I've had minor run-ins with her before, and they were always about the same thing. She always catches Mya without a leash on. Mostly because I'm just putting her in the car. But the first time she saw Mya without a leash on, she had just slipped her head out of the leash, and that woman was driving up. I stood there calling Mya, because she usually comes. But I think she got nervous when she saw that big SUV that woman drives in her way. So, I had to go and get her. When I got her to the other side of the driveway, that woman shouted out her window "It'd be better if she had a leash on!" I shouted back "I know it, but she slipped out!" I don't think she heard me though, because she kept driving to her parking spot. Well, I thought nothing of it then, but then she kept on harassing me because Mya didn't have a leash on. But I just see no point to have her on a leash if I am just walking to put her into the car. It's only 25 feet away! And Mya's usually good about staying beside me. But that same woman harassed me about 4 more times before I finally had it with her. She was never diplomatic. Just sarcastic and angry. Well, this time she harassed me one too many times, and my sis heard it. So, she stepped up and told that woman basically to shut up and leave us alone.

Ya know, there are LOTS of people here who let their dogs run around offleash. I'm not saying it's OK, or making excuses for them. But I never hear that woman harass any of the other people here whose dogs all walk around with no leash on. I was beginning to wonder why that woman never complains to them. The only reason I could think of is that she saw me as easy prey, maybe because I am old or new here. But I had to teach her a lesson that I am not the easy prey she thought I was! I'm not going to hurt her, for the sake of her kids. I'm not that kind of a person! It's just if the only tune she has for her player piano is "your dog's not on a leash!" then I don't care to hear it from her. I hear it enough from the manager of this complex! I don't need her on my back too! Just like that wacky woman, I wouldn't have ever given this woman a second thought if she didn't start harassing me first. I'm a very peaceful, spiritual person. I mean that. I don't want a war with anyone. I just want to live my life my way. Anyone who doesn't like it can go eat shit for all I care.

Well, after my sis was done with her, I took my dogs to the fairgrounds, as I always do, and I walk on this path with them. Next thing I know, I saw that same woman who was just arguing with my sis heading towards me and the dogs. I thought she was coming over to start something again with me. She had her dog with her too, a gray pit bull. When I started walking towards her, showing her I was not going to be a pushover, she turned left and walked that way, down the same path as I always walk with my dogs. She thought I was following her. I told her "I always walk this path, every day! Whether you are here or not!" I still don't think she heard me. She kept on saying "You're harassing me now! Go the other way!" I told her "I was here first. So you're harassing me!" It's true. I walk that little path every day I am there. Several times a day too. I do it because I enjoy it. Not to harass her. I think she thinks too highly of herself. I got better things to do than follow her. Sometimes that's the only way now to get Mya to take a dump. She's old and constipated now. Poor baby! So, I walk with her and Ele down that path. It works like a champ too! And as for Ele, she also benefits from that walk. It gives her a chance to stretch her legs. As an australian shepherd, she needs to run. And she couldn't do it the whole time we were in Spokane. She either had to be on a leash, or locked up somewhere. So, I am sure those runs down that path felt good to her.

There is also another woman in the B building who just sits in her apartment all day long and yells at people. For NO reason whatsoever! She's in a wheelchair. I feel sorry for her. I think she must be angry with the world and so she takes it out on other people. My sister included. And Rosebud. Rosebud is such a sweet little dog who loves everyone! But that woman, for some reason, does not like Rosebud. I'm thinking it may be just because she probably does not like little dogs. I was out with both my dogs, Mya and Ele. Both were on leashes. Then this mexican woman comes out and she has a little boy on a tricycle, I think that was her grandson. She also had her 2 little dogs out with her, not on leashes. They kept approaching Ele and Mya. Ele especially reacts when she sees another dog. She's not violent with other dogs, she usually just wants to greet them. But she does pull violently on her leash. I'm pretty strong though. I heard the woman shout from inside her apartment to the mexican woman "Keep your dogs away you dumb bitch!" At first, I thought she was talking to me, and I angrily shouted back "Say what now?!" then I realized she must be talking to the mexican woman, and I told her that woman called her a dumb bitch. I told that woman, I know you're not talking to me! My dogs are on leashes! I didn't hear anything from her after that.

I still don't know what's wrong with the people in the B building here! Not since I lived in Lakewood have I ever seen so many people from different households and different families with such a similar attitude. In Lakewood, we lived on a triangular street. And the people at the bottom of that triangle all had nasty, hostile attitudes. But I think they at least had an excuse for it. At one end of their street was an old cemetary. So, I think evil spirits were at work in that neighborhood. That was also the neighborhood that one bad cop lived on. The one who stopped me once because I was too close to his car, and he had an attitude like a viper! He lived on that street too. But here, I don't know what it is about that B building. Whether it's evil spirits, toxic fumes, or that's just where the complex puts all the drunken Portlanders. But something is going on in that B building that makes the people who live there so hateful. If it was just one person, or one family there, I would say it was just that one person. But it's several separate families there. None of which I believe are related to each other. I know it's not me, because I didn't speak to anyone there before they started shit with me. I knew I wasn't going to be here more than a couple months.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

"Wacky Woman"

Well, I had another run-in with her yesterday. This one was a bit closer and more personal. I was coming home from the fairgrounds with my dogs, and I saw her walking up the road towards the complex. I said "Oh no, it's that wacky woman!" She saw me looking at her as I turned the corner to enter the complex too. I was getting out of the car with  my dogs just as she was coming toward me. She had this big, evil smile on her face and she very sweetly said "Hello!" So, I returned the evil smile with one of my own and said in my friendliest voice "Hello!" I was standing with the back door open calling Mya to come out. I said to Mya "Don't go near that wacky woman!" She just smiled again, saying "Its so nice you can talk shit about me to my face!" I responded with "Oh yeah! I'd gladly say it to your face!" I noticed she had a friend with her, some tall, thin, Mexican woman. I didn't pay much attention to her though. Just took a glance at her to see who she was so I would know not to associate with her. LOL!

Then that wacky woman says as she gets closer to me "Yep! I'll sure be glad when you go back where you came from!" I looked her straight in her face and replied "Tell you the truth, so will I!" LMAO!! I thought it was funny she'd actually say that. I felt the same way when I was ready to move away from Montana. I knew I was pretty much hated by the people of that state. I didn't care though. But my sentiments were the same as they are here. Nobody wants me out of here more than I want myself out! It's just that wacky woman was the only person to actually say that. I've gotta give her props for that. At least she was brazen enough to tell the truth to me. I still call her that wacky woman. For one reason is because I don't know her name, and she seems like the type that if I asked her name she'd say "I'm not going to tell you my name!" So why even bother asking? Second, when I called her that to her face, she actually laughed. Of course I think it sounded like a fake laugh, but I don't know that for sure. So, I'm going to assume she likes being called "that wacky woman", just like she liked being called an asshole.

I'm actually kinda glad she found someone who will give her gumption to speak up when we are around. I don't understand her when she just mumbles to herself. I think I might know who her companion is. She owns a little dog that looks like a mixed yorkshire and brussels griffon. It's a cute dog, but that lady and her family don't seem to be very friendly people. So, I just admire their dog and stay away from them. I've been seeing them walking their dog here for a few years. She never talks to anyone. Just gives funny looks. She and that wacky woman are 2 peas in a pod! LOL! Oh well. It really doesn't make any difference to me. I don't like strangers either. I think though, from now on, we're not going to see that wacky woman without her sidekick. I think I upset her. So, maybe she feels she needs help when outside in case I "talk shit" about her again. OK then.

The truth is, and I really don't want to say this to that wacky woman's face, I don't want to start a war with her. I just want her to leave me and my dogs alone. That's all. You like being an asshole, that's OK for you. But leave me out of it. Or else I'm gonna treat you like the asshole you enjoy being. Then, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. I can already tell she doesn't like how I talk about her, just by the fact she has to have a companion with her when she's out, and she said I was "talking shit" about her to her face, and that she'll be glad to see me go home. Those are some clear-cut clues that somehow, I struck a nerve with her. But again, she has only herself to blame. She should have left me and my babies alone. And don't act like an asshole unless you're prepared to be treated like one. I know that all too well! I act like an asshole all the time, and I get treated lousy. But I'm an older woman. I'm more used to it. And not a people-person anyway. I can cope with it a lot better than she can at this point.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Trump Vs. New York

 I will be watching this tonight on Dr. Phil. But before I did I want to give my take on what I've heard about it so far. I've got to tell you, these people are beyond evil, and are too proud of that! The judge for this case is already hinting to the world that he has no intention of making this a fair trial! Trump is not allowed to have his lawyer there, and his lawyer is a very intelligent person. But the stupid judge, Juan Merchan, said Trump is not allowed to have a lawyer present. That's something I heard the other day that the mainstream media will not tell you. Plus, Trump has a gag-order on him. He's more likely not even going to be allowed to speak up in his own defense.

Today I heard the court wants to hold Trump in contempt of court due to him apparently "attacking" witnesses. Oh GAWD!! I don't believe for one second Trump ever "attacked" any witnesses. But the leftists believe he did, with all their heart. But then again, my experience with leftists are they don't have 2 brain cells to rub together! But whether you love Trump or hate him, how is putting a gag-order on him, and not even letting his lawyer into court to defend him fair??? Tell me that! I thought all judges are supposed to be fair. I thought this country was built on the concept of liberty and justice for all. So where is justice for Trump? The judge's mind is already made up, he doesn't like Trump at all. So everyone knows he's not going to be fair to him in this trial.

Oh, but it gets worse. Trump cannot miss a single day of his hearing, and is not even allowed to go to his son Barron's graduation from high school. And I just know they want to do that just so the leftists can say "He doesn't care enough about his own child to attend his graduation!" I know how leftists are. It's the same reason the leftists took all his provisions that were supposed to go to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and put them in a big storage shed! They wanted Americans to believe Trump didn't send anything because he "hates Hispanic people". Which I know is a damn lie! But then what is a leftist if not a liar?! But just wait and see if I am not right about the leftists now going to say Trump "doesn't care about his own child". I'll bet anyone $200 the leftists start using that against Trump within 2 months of Barron's graduation. Maybe won't even need that long. Maybe within 1 month.

Well, we all know why all these trials are going on. The democraps have already admitted, they have to get Trump in prison before November. Nobody likes Joe Biden anymore. And no one is going to fall for this "there's a pandemic going on" shit again. And we're sure as Hell not going to believe Joe Biden is going to win again this year by another 80M votes!!! Not even a 40M vote will make me believe. Even if the leftists say Biden got ahead of Trump by 900M votes, by 90M votes or by 9 votes, I'm not going to believe them. You look at a Biden rally, there's only a couple dozen people there. And chances are, they were paid to be there. But go to a Trump rally, and you'll see so many people in there, some have to sit up in the rafters!! There aren't enough seats in any arena to support the number of people who go to Trump rallies!! I didn't even believe for one second that Biden got 80M votes in 2020. And my sis saw the whole thing on TV, and she said after Trump started getting more votes than Biden, they stopped counting Trump votes. That's how Biden supposedly got 80M votes. And now hearing bags of Trump vote ballots were found on the bank of a river. Shit no! I'm not going to believe it if Biden wins.

The leftists also want to have Trump jailed for denying the election. If Trump is going to be jailed for that, then I want to see Hillary Clinton jailed for the same thing! She totally denied the 2016 elections, and even spread lies about Trump, saying his win was due to some kind of collusion with Russia. Funny how the leftists will believe that, but not believe big sacks of Trump vote ballots were found dumped in fields. Well, like I said, leftists are dumb. They don't have the sense GOD gave an artichoke!

Well, I found out I am not the only conservative in the world that was converted by republicans. It took me longer than average, because I wanted to believe there's good in all people. Not so with leftists. Most other conservatives also say they switched from being a leftist to being a conservative because of other leftists. I don't blame them! Leftists are crazy asf! And they LIE!! That's the biggest thing I learned about them is they LIE!!! They do it in real life, they do it in the mainstream media, they do it on social media, it's part of their nature. When I found out the media tells mostly lies about Trump, it just made me think back to when the INXS fans lied to others about me. And how most of them believed them. That was what converted me to a conservative. I even remember Katrina made a comment on this blog about me not going to Australia. She was upset. Then one of the leftist INXS fans came in and tried to convince Katrina that I am not a good person. Katrina wasn't going for the bait. LOL!! She knew me longer than any INXS fans have known me. She wasn't going to fall for their lies.

Well, Katrina's been kinda angry with me lately, so I haven't seen or heard from her in a few months. Personal reasons I won't get into here. But we always gravitate again towards each other. But I thank her for that every single day I wake up. Just when you think the world is against you, there's always really good people out there who know your true heart and soul and don't listen to the negativity.

That's how I feel about Trump. I feel like the mainstream media and all leftists have done him a grave injustice. So, I don't go for their bait. I know how it feels to have leftists spread lies about you, and never have all the facts when they do so. Then they sit back with sinister smiles on their big, dumb faces as the rest of the world turns on you. On nothing more than their say-so. No thanks! I want nothing to do with leftists.

I miss my apartment. I want to go back! This part of the complex I got stuck in now has the meanest, rudest, most short-tempered and obnoxious people I've ever seen in my life! They all seem to be confined to the B building here. And I don't give a blue-ass fuck if Hobofart forwards this to the members of this complex, like he did back in Bozeman. I don't give a shit! I HATE the people of building B. With a red, burning passion! I came home today after taking my dogs to the fairgrounds to go potty, and my sis was upset. She told me some dumbass in a wheelchair yelled at Rosebud for no reason! I don't like that. I asked my sis if she told that woman to shut up. She said yes. But then my sis mentioned the woman had a pit bull. I thought "Well maybe that's why she yelled at Rosebud. Maybe she didn't want her to get to close to her dog because, being a pit bull, he might be aggressive". I don't know, I'd have to probably talk to this woman myself. But my sis said she was standing outside with Rosebud, talking to another woman, minding her own business when this woman in a wheelchair came up behind them and started yelling. And said she was yelling in a very angry, hateful manner.

My sis saw her go home, and said she lives in the B building. Ya know, that's also where that wacky woman lives, who yelled at Mya the other day. I mentioned that in my last post. But she yelled because Mya was offleash. Mya came running back to me that time. But when I said she's an asshole, she said "Yes I actually am, thank you very much for saying that!" I just laughed at her then. So now, whenever I see her, I always be sure to call her an asshole, and a wacky-woman because she talks to herself. She came to the fairgrounds the other day, I was walking my dogs both offleash. She went up to the outer fence with her old dog, and let him offleash to go potty. I saw her and I shouted "Oh GOD! It's that wacky woman!" I saw her and heard her shout something back at me. But I didn't hear what she said. I just turned to my dogs and said "Come on, babies! Let's get away from that wacky woman!" LOL! Then I heard her shouting something and I turned and looked and said to my dogs "I see she still talks to herself!" LOL!

I dunno, there must be some evil spirits taking over in building B here, but there's some whacked-out-ass people there! I'm kinda glad I wasn't moved in to the apartment on the bottom far right. Then I would have had to live underneath that wacky woman! And perhaps the evil spirits would have got to me too! LOL! I tried to get into that apartment because I really cannot take stairs. It's empty now. It's been empty since I was relocated here. I thought it was vacant. But the managers said it's not. Someone actually lives there. Here it is though, I've been here for over a month and no one has moved into that unit yet! When are they going to get there? Well, it doesn't matter anyways, I don't want to live under that wacky woman! And I don't want the evil spirits to get to me either! Go figure!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Most People Are Good?

This morning, I had an encounter with one of the neighbors in this community. She lives right across from us. I don't know her name, but she is kindof a fat, hateful chick with reddish-blond hair that she always has up on top of her head. She also has an old hound type dog that she walks around with. Well, I was out at the same time with my dogs, I had just gotten back from taking them to the fairgrounds to do their business. When I got back, that woman came out with her dog on a leash. Yes, I know! We're supposed to have our dogs on leashes! But normally, Mya follows me directly to the house. I don't know why, but Mya insisted on trying to meet this woman's dog. I didn't want her to. That's the one time she won't listen to me is when she is distracted by another dog, or something that smells interesting.

So that woman yells at me "Do something about your fucking dog!" I start calling Mya, which is all I can do. She came running to me. I don't know if Mya sensed that the dog could attack her and flatten her if it wanted to, or if Mya did not like the vibes coming from that woman. But she came running back to me like her life depended on it. Either way, I was grateful she came to me. But then the woman kept going and going. Honestly, I think that woman is a bit psycho. Most of the talking she did was more like mumbling to herself. But I heard her say "My dog can eat your dog and you won't have her anymore". I said to her "You leave my dogs alone. They ain't harming you!" Then she muttered something else, that at first I didn't hear. I asked her to repeat what she said and she said "And shut your dogs the fuck up while you're at it! Fuck you!" I said to her "Yah, yah, yah, fuck you too, bitch!" Then I realized what I said, and I turned and said to her "No wait! Bitch is too good. You're an asshole!"

Well, apparently this woman is a habitual asshole and is proud of it. She said to me "Yes I am! I thank you for that!" I looked at her and I said "Yeah, and you look like one too." I chuckled a bit and took my dogs upstairs, all that time, that woman was talking and cussing to herself, just barely loud enough that I heard her as I was going up the stairs. I said to her "And stop talking to yourself! You look like a spaz!" I understand people sometimes talk to themselves. But this woman was talking and cussing at herself. I wanted to slash her tires. But I am not that kind of a person. My sis wanted to curb-stomp her face. But I don't want her to do that either. We're not going to be here long. Just a couple months. But I am telling you all now, these are going to be the LONGEST couple months of my life! Especially with that asswipe in the next building. And would you believe? She has children. I couldn't help wondering if she kisses her kids with that filthy mouth. She is the very definition of white trash.

The thing I am trying to say is I've noticed the people in this part of the complex are meaner! Much more so than they were in our regular neighborhood. It's like this complex is two different worlds. One where everyone is nice and friendly, and this one, where people hate and are hostile to each other. The funny thing about seeing this woman this morning is I was reading a post on Quora just yesterday, and it made me think of why people are so grouchy these days.

This guy on Quora spoke of seeing a woman carrying bags of groceries in her arms to her car. The man approached her and offered to carry one of the bags to her car, and she said to him in a very rude manner, "I don't need your help!" So, the guy put the bag of groceries on the ground and got in his car. As he was driving out, he saw that same woman at her car and one of her grocery bags tore, and all her groceries were all over the ground. The guy just looked, smiled and waved at that woman and drove away. He did not offer to help her again, and I don't blame him! Shame on that woman! If someone were to offer me any assistance, I thank them as kindly as I can. I'd never turn down any help I can get. But then I was raised to be appreciative. Though I've got to tell you, these days it can go any way. Sometimes when you've spent your entire life being nice, people still tend to want to kick you in the butt. And I have also seen when people are mean to each other, other people find them fascinating for some reason. Since I've stopped being such a nice person, I've noticed people find me more interesting now. Go figure!

But this neighbor of mine, she wasn't even trying to be nice. Just hateful all the way. They say dogs can sense when a person is bad. I truly believe that's why Mya came running to me. She didn't want anything to do with that woman. I don't know what this woman's problem is. Maybe she's like me, she hates strangers. Or maybe bitching at people gives her some kind of sexual thrill. Or maybe she's not really a dog lover. Who knows? But the next 2 months are going to feel like an eternity if I have to put up with her every day like this.

Ya know, right after my sis moved here, she told me some woman in a black hummer got behind her at the intersection by the main office, and was practically yelling at her to move her car faster. You can only go so fast down these roads. There are too many speed bumps. Plus there are kids everywhere and no one wants to run them down. But my sis told me she saw this woman behind her, yelling and pulling on her hair, trying to get my sis to drive faster. When my sis described her to me, I thought it was someone else at first. But then I thought no. That person is not that bad. She has kids. I would have normally thought someone with kids would be more conscientious about why the speed bumps are out there. But now, thinking back on it and the description my sis gave me, and knowing this woman revels in being an asshole, I think it was her.

I'd seen that woman before, many times, around here. Mostly at the school bus stop is where I remember seeing her most. I never talked to her. I never had a reason to. I still don't. Maybe I had a sense too that she's not a good person. I told my sis that I had a bit of a falling out with that woman, and she said to me "I'm sorry you had to deal with her". I said "Ah! It's nothing. Doesn't bother me at all". But what does bother me is how she is not the only person I've seen around here like that. It's almost no wonder people here want to move out. I know my sis and I do. But I really do not want to move to Spokane, or Bozeman. My sis loves heat. I don't. In Bozeman and Spokane, a 70-degree day feels like 100 degrees! And a 90-degree day feels like 120!! What I love about the coast is we rarely get days that warm here. But I don't want to stay in OR. I want to go back to WA. I miss it there. That's my home.

I have a good mind to send my sis back to Bozeman or wherever, and move myself back to WA. Either Long Beach or Copalis Beach. Not Ocean Shores again. Because I want to have a lot of dogs! And OS has a limit to how many a household can have.

Right after I moved here, my very best friend, Katrina, who is much more of a people-person than I'll ever be, told me that most people are good inside. I mean, I agree. I don't know many people who will watch a person fall into a hole and not offer to help them out. At least, that's how I was raised. But in this day and age I don't know! Seems to me that if one person spots another falling into a hole, they'd be more likely to film it to share to TikTok than help the person in need. I think social media is to blame. Although I've seen some horrible people even before social media. One day my sis and I were at the beach in Westport with our little chihuahuas, and there was this big, fat Mexican-type boy walking his dogs. He had 2 cattle dog puppies on leashes. The boy looked to be no older than about 12 years old, and fat like the side of a barn! Our little dogs wanted to greet his dogs. I didn't want them to, because I had no idea how his dogs would have responded. And I didn't like the vibes I got from that boy! He just looked genuinely evil and hateful.

Anyways, I like cattle dogs, so I was smiling looking at his dogs. One looked just like Hutchess! My sis was watching as Odessa walked behind that boy and his pups. She told me that boy actually flipped Odessa off! LOL! I was laughing and thinking "What a dumb kid! How's a dog going to know what flipping the middle finger means?!" We called Odessa back over and she started to come. Well, I always say kids who look evil generally are evil. I heard that boy say out loud to his dogs as he left the beach "Come on guys! Let's get away from those RATS!" He said it in a very harsh and angry tone of voice too. I knew then, I was right about him. Then I heard his parents calling him, saying "We've been looking for you!" And that boy said to his own parents "So kill me!!" also in an angry and evil tone of voice. I turned to my sister and said to her "He doesn't need to be killed! He needs to be SLAPPED!" Parents today are so afraid of their own kids that they let them walk all over them! I could not believe it!

I've seen how rebellious teenagers talk to their parents, and I never heard anyone sound like how that kid talks to his parents! If he was my kid, he'd have been smacked the first time he tried to disrespect me like that! I blame these democrat laws that say a parent cannot spank their child. I remember when Bill Clinton mentioned passing that bill. I thought it was a bad idea then, and I've not changed my mind 30 years later! I've now seen the result of parents who refuse to punish their children. I see it all the time in leftists. As well as modern-day feminists, the neighbor lady we have here, that boy at the beach, Antifa, etc. I would only hope we go back to the days of corporal punishment. Kids need to have that fear put in them. Otherwise they will never learn accountability. And they'll grow up to be like the evil people I always see around today!