
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Monday, December 14, 2015

My Michael Is NO DAMN CAT!!!!!!!

UGH!! I hate that! People always comparing MY Michael to a damn cat! He's no cat! Now, I don't want to go insulting the people who say this, because they are my friends after all, and I love my friends. But to call MY Michael a "cat" it makes me mad!! My sis asked me why yesterday, because I posted this up on my Facebook page. Someone on one of the groups said he moves just like a cat and then said "MEOWWW" as if she was proud of what she said. She is a sweet person, but I had to set her straight. Most people who say that are thinking of their cats at home, or the panthers they see in the zoo. But Michael is not like that. That's not what I see anyways. I have a more scientific mind than most other INXS fans. I have said this before too, I know I have. This is not really a subject I like repeating, as I have explained it too many times before. But to me, when I look at cats, or when someone mentions cats, I think of a lazy, useless, ugly beast that does nothing but sleep all day long. When it does move, it's slow, lumbering, almost looking like forced movement. Not graceful like most other people think. That's not the Michael I see on stage. It's like saying lions are the king of beasts, its only claimed by fags and wussies.

Someone compares a person to any animal, the first thing that pops into my mind is "OK, what are the well-known (scientifically) qualities of that animal". Take for example, a chicken. Most of society, when they are called a chicken, they think of it as being a metaphor for a coward. But that is not how I see chickens!! In fact, chickens on average are very much the opposite of a coward! They're tough! And I have known people who have been chased by chickens. They don't give up either. They are truly miniature Velociraptors!! Or when someone is referred to as a "dog". What are a dog's biggest qualities? Most people, if they are called a "dog", they think of it as a metaphor of being ugly. LOL! Not sure where that came from, as I have seen many more beautiful dogs than ugly ones. In fact, I can't really think of any dog right now that is ugly to me. Even bulldogs are awfully cute to me!! The Taco Bell dog, as chihuahuas go, was ugly. But as just a plain old dog, would have been cute. But if someone calls me a dog, it means to me a creature that is brave, loyal, intelligent, and descendants of a great survivor!! Much better survivors than the felines!! That means it's a tough animal, with a lot of determination and will-power. Those are awesome qualities! So, I don't mind if people call me a dog.

I remember back in Bozeman, stinky Andy used to call me a "cow", hoping it was going to insult me. Well, what he didn't count on is that I like cows. I think they're cute.They are also quite graceful animals for their size, and they too are very tough. I wouldn't mess with an angry cow! I'd have been more insulted by someone saying I look like Andy, than being called a cow. Andy stinks! He's ugly but thinks he's "all that", and he beats up women, which means he's a coward. And he hates animals. I'm glad I am not him! ANY man, who beats up on women, or harasses people half their age is definitely nothing more than a coward. Anyone with any sense knows that.

But what are a cat's qualities? People think of cats as being "sexy", which is really just plain silly, and there is no scientific evidence to back this up. There is nothing "sexy" about any of the felines. The only real qualities felines have is that they are lazy, sodden-brained, ugly, lumbering beasts. That does not describe MY Michael! Plus, felines hate everything. They even hate other felines. Michael was not like that! He was a gentleman, nice to everyone that I could think of, and he could sing. None of the felines can sing. Birds can sing. Whales can sing. The primates can all sing. Wolves can sing. But none of the felines can sing, and isn't singing what Michael was all about on stage? When the panthers vocalize, their voices sound more like a toilet flushing than singing. When cats vocalize, to me, it sounds like someone running their fingernails on a chalkboard! That's not how MY Michael sounds to me!! So, when someone says Michael was "feline", and I hear it or see it, it makes me mad! It's that person saying they think Michael Hutchence was ugly, lazy and useless, and could not sing a note!! It doesn't matter to me what they think they're describing! Because they don't have the scientific mind that I have. All that matters is what I believe they are describing, whether they are conscious of it or not. So basically it boils down to this: This person said "Michael was all feline". In my mind, she was really trying to say "Michael was ugly, lazy, stupid, and could not sing worth shit!" And it made me angry.

Whenever someone says something like that, I say to them "NO he wasn't! He was NOT a feline!!" I feel like I am defending my man! How dare they compare the man I love the most to a creature I hate the most!? Cats have never given me any reason to like them, let alone "love" them. So it pisses me off when someone compares MY Michael to a cat!! I took to my own Facebook page and posted the same pic and said "MY Michael is NOT A DAMN CAT!!!!!! Stop calling MY Michael a cat!! Michael Jackson, maybe. Michael Moore, definitely! But not MY Michael Hutchence!!!!!" Every time I hear someone referring to Michael as a cat, that is what they're going to get! I'm gonna tell them he is NOT a damn CAT!!!! They can argue with me until they're blue in the face, I am not going to stand by and let them insult my man's memory!

Well, comparing other guys to a cat, Michael Jackson could at least sing. And he was indeed good in that department! Unlike a cat. But MJ was also a child molester, just like a cat, and a manipulator, just like a cat. And he was also ugly, just like a cat too!

Michael the cat.
And Michael Moore, definitely feline qualities! He hates everything, including the country he lives in! I think of someone with cat-like qualities, I would definitely think of Michael Moore!! He looks just like a fatass cat too!

Michael Moore without his make-up.
But there is nothing feline about MY Michael! The Michael Hutchence that I fell so madly in love with on first sight. And I don't believe his moves were ever inspired by any felines! He just had his own style, as one of my other friends pointed out. A style he created on his own.

In a closely resembling, yet unrelated, story, I heard a true story about someone who was befriended by someone from the deep web. He said one of the reasons he liked her was because she was a cat-lover. He added "That's a rare thing these days". I had to laugh at that!!! Unless he's been hibernating for the past 20 years, and he had just woken up, or maybe this happened before this internet cat-craze. But cat-lovers are a dime a dozen!! You cannot go anywhere without meeting someone who prefers cats over dogs now!! It's dog-lovers that are becoming increasingly rare! Probably mostly because of these misconceptions about dogs going around now. Or the internet has not capitalized on the beauty of dogs the way they have the ugliness of cats. Or maybe people today just plain love what's ugly!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Going For An All-New Look!

I have decided it is time for a change. Though I will still occasionally roast, I cannot stop doing that because sometimes it is fun! Even if someone does it to me. So what I did was I completely changed the whole background look. That green all over was kinda dull after a while, so I wanted to go with something completely new and exciting! Well, this is it. This is the change. I actually like this new look! It's beautiful! Now, if only Blogger would let me put my own background picture on here, it'd be totally awesome!!

Also, I now have a little store on the premises, where I sell INXS items. I actually have fun making those things!! Putting the guys' images on some items that are unusual. I even have thermal mugs, which I think are fascinating. They're called "morphing mugs" and they are in the store. You get them, and they look totally white until you put a hot drink in them, then the image appears on the mug. I also have keychains and necklaces, watches, clocks, lamps, all that good stuff, there's even cookies with images of the guys on them. I love those!! Some day I am going to adorn my own home with these knick-knacks. I am working on a whole room devoted entirely to INXS. Everything in that room is going to be ALL INXS. I even intend to put another Boze radio in there, with a multi-disc CD changer, and have it play nothing but INXS music all day every day. I've already gotten started, by getting my first canvas. Check this video out! And I am gonna get one of each of the guys.

My next canvas is going to be Timmy. Then everything will just expand from there. I plan to have all kinds of INXS stuff you cannot get anywhere else. Unfortunately all the official INXS items are only available in Australia, and those that are not is simply nothing more than their logo, which is cool. But I'd rather have images of the guys themselves on an item. I love looking at them. They are my favorite guys! They make me feel happy. Makes me happy to see their faces. If I could hear their voices, that would also make me happy. But unfortunately I was never as close to these guys as I would like to have been. So, having pics of my favorite men is the next best thing. Now that they are retired, this is all I got. Damn that Michael!! It's all his fault!! No wait! Scratch that. It's all that Paula and Bob's fault!! I hate those two!!

Anyways, the store is hosted by Zazzle.com, which is a great platform because they have other sellers contributing to the items you can customize and sell. I was amazed they have a person selling custom lamp shades!! I sure cannot wait to see that in my INXS room!! I got one in my own store with an image of Timmy on it. Oh! I can't wait to see that!! I want to get a multi-color silk screen machine. I found one available from a reliable dealer for only $500. That is cheaper than I thought it would be!! When I get that, I'm going to do my own silk screening on T-shirts and other items. I'm learning how to do those things on YouTube, and I have some awesome ideas that I think would be great. I'm just waiting now to hear from someone who also does designs. I sent her a friend request on Facebook, I am hoping to strike up a deal with her. I saved a design she did with Michael. I like it! I'd like to have her do something like that with all the guys. Maybe cut her in for a share of the profits. Like I said, I have some ideas of my own that I think will make a t-shirt like that totally riff!!! Keep watching here! When I have them available, I will post them in my little store here. To visit my store, go to the blog links at the top of this site (under the title) and click on the button that says "Shop INXS Stuff". Everything I currently have is right there, under each of the categories.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The World Is Their Pantry

Oh boy! People seem to think the world is organized and that everything needs to be labeled. It reminds me of my pantry, where I have labels on everything! Some labels tell what is in a jar, or when it was opened, and all that good stuff. But these days it seems everyone wants to put labels on everything! Today, I worked all day long on creating myself a compilation collection of some of the best episodes of Ernie and Bert. Yes, those two muppets from Sesame Street! Don't knock it, I always loved those two! In fact, I still find them hilariously funny. Ever since I lived in Ocean Shores, I have been trying to recapture my childhood, and one of the ways I know how to is to collect the best skits from one of my favorite programs from when I was a kid. I always used to watch Sesame Street. I loved the show, and Bert and Ernie were always some of my favorite characters, along with Oscar the Grouch. Some people today may like Elmo. But I don't. Give me the classics any day, today's little brats can keep Elmo for all I care!

Well, I also wanted to include some sketches I've found by different online artists of Ernie and Bert, I thought they would make cute little episode dividers. I found some interesting things, including a gangster Ernie and Bert picture. But one of the most interesting things I found brought back an old memory for me. I remember back in 2011, they were calling out to have Ernie and Bert register as a same-sex married couple. They wanted to put the "homosexual" label on Ernie and Bert. That is so dumb! I kinda wonder who's idea it was to have something like that done? Must have been one of those, what my sis calls "libtards". It had to have been some kind of tard!! Because that is the stupidest thing I ever heard, next to the dumbasses who say "how dare you not like cats". LOL!! When I was looking through pics, I found this, it was the response to this campaign by Sesame Street programming's CEO...

Great going!! That's a good answer. Personally, I always thought of them as just plain roommates, no where near being lovers. Friends, yes. Roommates, yes. Lovers, no. But just because they are 2 men or boys living in the same apartment, sleeping in the same room (though in different beds), and they spend a lot of time together, the world wants to label them a "gay, married couple", like everything in the damn world has to have a damn label put on their forehead!! I just want to tell those people to shut the fuck up and leave the kiddie things alone! Stop trying to label everything!

I'm a woman, and I've had 2 roommates, not counting my sis. I had Patti (for a very short time, but it was enough), and I had Donna. Both were women too. Doesn't mean that I was in love with them. I just needed a home to stay in. I liked Donna, but I wasn't "in love" with her. She was just a very nice person who was looking for a roommate to share the expenses with. I didn't like Patti, not at all! But even if I was gay, I wouldn't have ever fallen in love with her! Not only was she a physical eyesore, but she was too controlling for me, to a point it was totally unfathomable to stay with her. That's why I was only there for 3 days, officially. Believe me, I was glad to get out of that hellhole with her! But if she had been a better person, the only reason I would have ever stayed with her was so I could have a home to come home to. It's better than living out on the street. Although, having spent 3 months living on the street, I can even tell you all that living there was 100% better than living with Patti! LOL! ANYTHING was better than living with Patti! If she has another roommate now, I'd definitely feel sorry for that person.

They never said why Ernie and Bert were living together in the same apartment. But my assumption all my life has been they were just roommates, nothing more. It never even crossed my mind that they could have been a gay couple. I was just a kid. Of course, I would not be surprised if today's kids even put labels like that on any characters today. Which makes me wonder what these stupid anime cartoons are teaching them. You know my sis will still not let her kids watch any anime cartoons. Her oldest is now a grown man and has never watched a full anime cartoon from beginning to end. Because if my sis catches him doing it, she turns off the TV. LOL!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Celebrating Michael

Well, I am celebrating my Michael's life today with free ebooks at UMG Productions. Go to this link to download! They are all 100% free! http://www.umgproductions.com/search/label/free%20ebook

That's my way of celebrating Michael today. One person has told me she can't sit in front of the computer long enough to read an ebook. Sorry but, I cannot give away printed copies. They cost money to make. But I was thinking of taking 20% off printed books to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Michael's passing. But that won't be for a couple years yet. I have a lot of plans for that day! UGH!! I'm not even sure if I will be able to carry out any of those plans. I want to go to Australia and read my story I wrote about the day I found out about Michael. I want to make a video of it, reading it from beginning to end. It'll be a long video, but it'll be good. If I can throw some tears in at the end, it'll be perfect!! I always tear up when I read that story! I have a cute idea on how to present it too. If I could make it to Australia just for that, that would make it an awesome video!!!

In order to do that, I'd have to fly there and I am terrified of flying! I've never done it in my life!! Usually when I have to go far away, I go by car or bus. Never by plane. I'll have to make a hotel reservation, I don't know the hotels there. I have a passport, but it's a pic of me fat as a pig! And I hope to lose all this weight by then. Still working on it. I don't think anyone wants to see a fat chick sitting in front of a camera blubbering and bawling like a baby! I dunno though, that might at least look funnier. I have to remember at that time of year there, it's summer, and might be hot. So I have to dress for it.

Well, we fans are not the only one remembering Michael today. I cannot believe it's been 18 years already! It feels like yesterday. I still remember vividly what I was doing when I first heard the news. I remember how I felt. But think of the band. Today must be especially hard on them. Kirk did a tweet this morning about it.

 I told him I miss Michael too. Not a day this past year has gone by that I haven't thought about our Michael at least once. But I can imagine the guys are especially sad today. Bless you guys! Thinking of all of you and sending hugs and kisses!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Well, yesterday on YouTube, I got this comment from some kid who calls himself harukafan1. Seriously, I think he's nothing more than a teenager trying to get attention. Well, I'm having a little fun with him. There is a video where a huge anaconda snake is slaughtered because the people thought it ate a person. So they killed the snake and cut it open. It turns out it was a capybara. I was angry because I don't believe the snake should have been killed because it ate a capybara! Even if they did believe it ate a person, that is no reason to kill the snake! Rehabilitate it, do an X-ray, and then if it turns out the snake did eat a person, THEN euthanize it! Don't kill it first and then cut it open. That's not fair, and it's a waste of life! I bet the villagers who killed the snake did not even eat it!

So is this kind of thing going to happen every time an anaconda kills a capybara for food? Just kill first, ask questions later, then when you find out you were wrong, just cover up your mistake with a little "oh well"? Seriously, sometimes people piss me off! No matter what, I just cannot condone the killing of any living thing for the purpose of nothing more than circumstantial evidence.

Anyways, harukafan1 came in yesterday to the conversation. I'd never even heard of this haruka whatever the fuck it's name is! But when I saw this kid's profile pic, it looked like it was a picture of some stupid, fugly anime character. Well, you all know what I always say about anime fans. And harukafan1 did not break the monotony! When I saw his profile pic, I expected him to be an unpleasant entity. He did not disappoint me in that field! LOL! Staying true to some unwritten code anime fanatics have amongst each other about their own brand of etiquette, this kid was rude, combative, hateful, uneducated, and believes whole-heartedly that he is right about everything and that everyone else is wrong.

Anyways, I am having a great laugh! I had an awesome one this morning! It started like this:

Yesterday 3:47 PM
+Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan Doesn't mean they killed it it could of died from mass expansion or attacked by another animal. Plus "poor snake"? LOOK AT IT'S FUCKING SIZE WOULD YOU REALLY LET A SNAKE THAT HUGE LOOSE?!
Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
Yesterday 3:58 PM
+harukafan1 "it could of died from mass expansion or attacked by another animal."

Maybe, but you don't actually believe that do you?! I don't. Because if that were true, the video would have said "We found a snake in the woods that was killed by {insert ridiculous reason here}"


Yes. I would. I've seen bigger, worse animals loose. You wouldn't ask that I bet if this were a 12-foot long bengal tiger that truly did kill a person. You'd be griping because a dumb tiger was killed with the rest of the pantherfags.

Yesterday 4:27 PM
+Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan Comparing a snake to a cat is rather... uncomparable. You wouldn't fucking see a tiger swallowing a human whole now would you? I admit sometimes they HAVE to be put down. But overall they are nothing more than big fluffy furballs. WHEREAS A FUCKING SNAKE -poisons it's prey - very agressive no matter what. Basically your comparing a FELINE to a KILLER. And your literally showing sympathy for a killer...
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Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
Yesterday 4:50 PM
+harukafan1 "But overall they are nothing more than big fluffy furballs."

And it is exactly that kind of mindset that gets people killed by captive panthers. How many people have been killed by pythons? Maybe 100 in a 10 year period? They don't eat people either. Not normally. Felines on the other hand, kill 10 times that number of people all over the world in one year. Poisonous?? There are no poisonous snakes. I think you may mean venomous. There's a difference. And pythons are not venomous either. You don't mind killing a snake, that may or may not kill you, but you call a true murderer a "big, fluffy furball" and make excuses for them. Excuse me, but I'd rather side with the snake. I like them better.
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Yesterday 5:34 PM
Wherever you get your facts on the amount of deaths. Is unfactual.

So this interested me. It appeared our friend has better statistics. This kid is one of those pantherfags that thinks panthers are nothing but giant house cats. This is why I hate to see people calling panthers "cats", and TV shows and commercials that put panthers in the same frame as being "big cats", which is why I never call any large felines "cats", I always call them "panthers". Any large felines to me are panthers. It's easier, and far less misleading to call them "panthers" than to call them "cats". So anyways, I wanted to see if this kid had statistics to prove me wrong. But I want to see stats that say PYTHONS and BOAS specifically kill more people every year than any kind of panthers. I know already that venomous snakes kill a lot of people, but this video was not about a venomous snake. It's about an anaconda, which is not venomous. Well, this is what happened next:

Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
Yesterday 7:33 PM
+harukafan1 Do you have more accurate numbers? I doubt it dude.

I waited and waited. He didn't respond. So this morning I looked and he still hadn't answered me, instead, he was beating around the bush answering someone else...

ello mlp lady
2:44 AM
right can everybody stop going on about snakes
6:22 AM
+ello mlp lady Im not. you should tell that to the reptile fucker >.>

Notice, he continues not to disappoint me in my theory about anime fanatics. I bet he plays a lot of video games all day too. Well, this was my response to him...

Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
6:28 AM
+harukafan1 Yes you are. So, where are your better statistics that pythons kill more people per year than panthers?
6:45 AM
More than 90,000 are killed yearly by snakes.- scientists have estimated

85 or fewer people are killed or injured accidently or otherwise- in a year by tigers. - reported in statistics by BBC
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6:45 AM
So your stats are WAY off from the real truth.
Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
6:51 AM
+harukafan1 So I am still waiting for your "better" stats.

I'm sure that 90,000/year figure mostly means people who die of snakebites, those from venomous snakes. I don't want to see that. I already know that. I want to see stats specifically for pythons and boas. The NON-venomous snakes. So, harukafan1 repeats...

7:19 AM
"More than 90,000 are killed yearly by snakes.- scientists have estimated

85 or fewer people are killed or injured accidently or otherwise- in a year by tigers. - reported in statistics by BBC" Are you fucking blind? 
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Dee Timmy-Hutch-Fan
7:34 AM
+harukafan1 I'm not talking about venomous snakes. I'm talking about pythons. Show me where it says more people are killed by pythons every year than panthers.

I have the feeling, I am going to be waiting for those special stats for a LONG time!! LOL!! But at the same time, I am having a damn good laugh!!!! I will give this kid credit for one thing, so far, he's been the funniest anime fanatic I've ever had the displeasure to chat with. I mean really, I've never heard of an "accidental" tiger kill!! Snakes may accidentally kill people, but I never heard of a tiger that accidentally killed anyone or anything. Felines are such vindictive animals, there is no such thing as an "accidental" kill in the feline world. I'm not saying that absolutely no one has ever been killed by a python or boa. But in my experience, when a snake wraps it's body around it's handler, it's looking for warmth. It's not a predatory, or territorial act. And the boids are all muscle, they may not know their own strength. They probably are not aware their strength can kill a person.

Well, the burden of proof is on him. Not me. I gave him 2 full families of animals to work with, just to make it fair! Shoot, he can even show me statistics of how many colubrids kill people, along with any other largely non-venomous snake family. And if it's more than that of the whole feline family, I will eat this computer.

Well, I want to thank harukafan1 anyways. #1 for not disproving what I have always said about anime-fanatics and video gamers (as I am sure he does nothing but play video games all day long too). And also for the very deep laugh he gave me this morning!! LOL!! I needed it. Going to be a very rough weekend, and I am missing my beautiful Michael!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Celebrate Our Michael With Free Ebooks!

I have decided to have another free ebook day this year! This time, it's going to be on Nov. 22, to celebrate the life of my Michael. My special gift to the fans is that I will offer all my INXS-related and INXS-inspired stories for free. Completely FREE!! There are no strings attached. No editing out, not sample copies, not condensed versions of the stories. Just 100% ebooks for free. The only difference between these versions and the paid versions is that there will be advertisements for the website within these books. But until you get to the last page, and unless you are really looking for them within the book, you won't notice them. And they are not the printed versions of these stories. Only ebooks. If you want them printed, you'll have to do it from your own printer.

This year, I am starting the "sale" at 11AM, as that was the hour it is believed Michael passed into the next world. It's ending at 7PM, just as it did last year. So, this year's giveaway will be shorter. So, I recommend whomever is interested go in and grab as quickly as possible! I am in the Pacific Time Zone, so you'll also have to calculate that if you're in a different time zone. There is no way I can make these available on that hour at different time zones. Sorry.

Last year, I didn't want to make any adult material available because kids might come in and download those and I'd have all kinds of complaints by the parents. Well, I am disregarding that little rule this year, because I want to make my INXS stories available. Including my freshly-revised version of INXS Goes to Mount St. Helens. Some scenes may not be suitable for kids in that story, so I ask that parents please supervise your children on that day. If the story is PG rated, there will be a warning in the book's description page. So that is why I ask all parents to supervise their kids during this giveaway. I won't give anything really grown up away. Some stories do have some adult explicit material, but those won't be given away.

If you see a story you like among the "free ebooks" category, if you want to download it, or just read it, there will be a button available for that to click on. It's a deep red button that looks like this:

That will take you to a link, that will only be available that day, and for those hours during the giveaway. At that link, you can download or read any of the free ebooks available. Though I suggest you download. These are long stories, some of them.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Westboro Prophecies

Now, I want to begin this post by saying I am not trying to be condescending to anyone on this post. No one except perhaps the Westboro Baptist Church and it's members. Ah hell with it!! I am being condescending to them because they deserve it! They're always condescending to other people, so why not? I was looking back at some of the earlier posts I made about them on this blog. I noticed a lot of the prophecies they've been bringing up have been proven untrue. One of their biggest preachings is against being gay. They contradict themselves a lot with that. First of all, I remember in a documentary, Shirley Phelps said that they call all sinners "fags" because the word "fag" actually refers to a stick that is used to start a fire. While the meaning of the word is indeed true, and I admit to calling radical and militant fans of anything "fags" for pretty much the same reason, let's be honest here! That is NOT the meaning the Westboro Baptist Church had in mind when they call sinners "fags".

The WBC is meaning to be hurtful to gay people! They deny it because it's so easy for them to cover up rather than to admit they are bigots. Shirley claims to love gay people, she claims that is why she goes all over the country holding those stupid signs and calling everyone "fags" or "fag-enablers". Well, I admit to using the term "fags" too, but I only call radical and militant fanatics that name! Because of the reference to a stick of fire. I remember on several talk shows, Shirley said "Being gay is not the only sin there is." But in reality, they think it is. They do mean to be patronizing to gays! Otherwise they wouldn't have 2 male figures having anal sex on every sign they hold up that has the word "fag" in huge letters!! That's the difference between me and them. I'm not putting pictures of 2 men having sex on my blog posts where I talk about radical fans! Because that is not the reason I call those kinds of fans "fags"! And I mean that! Yet, the WBC expects people to listen to them and take them seriously when they say they love gays. Shirley knows there are more appropriate words for homosexuals, but she just refuses to use them because she's really so full of hate and doesn't realize it.

Well, I heard when Fred Phelps died, on his deathbed, one of the last thoughts he had was "Maybe I should have been nicer preaching the word of GOD." That was when his family turned away from him and didn't look back. Fred Phelps was wishing he'd been nicer to people. It says something. It says he really hated what he did, to make GOD sound like an evil being. Sadly, I think the only thing that will make all of them realize they are doing more harm than good to our LORD is them being on their deathbeds. I really think GOD talks to us loud and clear just before he calls us home. The day my grandma died, my ma and stepfather was in her room at the hospital, and all of a sudden, my stepfather told me grandma just blurted out, out of the blue, "My favorite story in the Bible was the story of baby Jesus!" After that, she didn't say much of anything. About 10 hours later was when the family got the call that she had died. I think GOD had spoken to her at that moment. I really do. Because there was no other reason for her to say something like that just out of the blue for no reason. No one in the room asked her about that. Believe whatever you want to, but I really think GOD spoke to her in that exact moment before taking her home.

In the same logic, I think GOD spoke to Fred Phelps just before he went out, telling him that he made the LORD look bad through his preachings of hate. And I think HE sent Phelps where his hate-filled butt belongs! Straight to Hell!! Take that Shirley! I haven't heard anything about the WBC lately. I wonder if they plan to come to Astoria or Coos Bay, just to spite me. LOL! Good luck in that! More likely I'll never see them and they will never see me. They went to Bozeman, but it was like a year or so after I moved. I had said in this blog "Don't come to Bozeman!" and they went! LOL! Too bad it was after I had left. I never intended to stay in Bozeman for long anyways. I only moved there to give moral support to my sis. I missed home too much to stay there long.

I still think a lot of the Bible was misinterpreted. I don't believe being gay is the "ultimate sin". The WBC just took one word from the Bible (the word "abomination") and blew it all out of proportion! At least for that one scripture. But the Bible says a lot of things are an "abomination". For example, eating shellfish. Another thing, mixing colors of clothing. A lot of things in the Bible are listed as being an "abomination". It's not the ultimate sin! People who eat shellfish are not going straight to hell for that. So why do the people of the WBC blow that one scripture out of proportion the way they do? Because one of their family members had a bad experience with a gay person. That's why. It has nothing to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. For them, this whole "GOD hates fags" thing is a personal issue. It's not a real thing about GOD. Fred Phelps and his children were all pissed off because there is a park that gay people went to to have sex at night (happens in just about every large park and forest). And one of Phelps' grandkids was jogging through the park and a gay man chased him. The kid got scared because a madman was chasing him, went home and told mom and dad, Fred Phelps got angry because his grandchild was probably being obnoxious and was chased for being a wise-ass, thus the whole "GOD hates gays" motto of their's was born.

Well, I remember several of the Phelps children have claimed "When Westboro goes, this nation blows". So, where is Westboro going to go when this nation does blow? Because if this nation blows, then every nation blows. The WBC will not be any more immune than any of us. More likely they will be the first ones to get blown up, or get eaten by zombies, however that is going to go. I think GOD finds the WBC an abomination too. I also once heard that back in the turn of the 20th century, some children were warned that Russia is an offense to GOD. This is funny to me because the WBC say being gay is the worst sin and it dooms nations. Funny in light of that how it was said that Russia is an offense to GOD, because gay people have not now, and never have been accepted by the Russians. Russia must still be an offense to GOD, especially since Siberia was smacked with a huge meteorite a couple years back. I don't believe anyone was hurt in that impact, but it could be taken as a warning. So, that's twice more the WBC has been wrong.