
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oprah Getting Fatter?

Just when I think things got better for Oprah, things get worse. The woman is packing on the pounds again! I don't usually talk about Oprah, as she is usually the last thing on my mind. But according to this article on E! News, she is gaining weight. Want to turn to Dexa-fat for help? I recommend not. As a fat-ass myself, I cannot specify enough about how much this product does NOT work!! I've tried it several times. It promises to reduce your appetite and that is BULLSHIT!! It never reduced my appetite! In fact, it made it worse. There was one solution that would have worked if it was still around, inject your body with tapeworms!! You're guaranteed to lose weight, but the problem is, after you lose the weight, you have to go through the trouble of getting rid of the tapeworms. And believe me, they are NOT easy to get rid of!! I used to rescue feral cats, I know how difficult they are to get rid of!! This was a popular weight-loss method back in the 1920s. Tapeworms however, tend to also drain your body of vital nutrients and vitamins, so it was not a very good idea!

Well, poor Oprah! I must say I feel sorry for her. This is why I stay away from diet gimmicks. It's better to stay the fat-ass I am than to try and "re-train" myself to follow a diet! Diets make you gain weight, not lose it. I take my walks daily, so I know I will at least be a healthy fat person. But try to lose weight? Well, if it happens, OK. If it doesn't, I can live with it. And fat-names don't bother me anymore. I guess Oprah's high-priced chef will be returning to work next Monday after probably being out of work for several years. But then again, I don't know. Maybe it's just holiday fat for Oprah? But if the laws of medicine is anything to go on, if her highest point was 237 in 1990, Oprah should now reach a whopping 260 pounds!! Maybe even 300 before she figures out how to get her weight back down again. She'd better rush! At 54, her time is running out! The older you get the harder it is to lose. The only thing you will really lose is your mind trying to lose that weight only to find out you can't!!

Well, if she can't, she can always join me in the club O.B. City. Just call 1-800-LARD-ASS. I'll be there, so will Odessa and my sis Anna. We all are working on our weight issues.

On second thought, don't dial that number. Would you believe I tried that once, just to see if that was a real number and what it lead to, and I got some kind of an interview company. It's apparently a company that does interviews for other companies. I never heard of a place like that before, and I thought I just made that number up. LOL! But apparently not. And there is such a profession. So, Oprah won't lose weight or get weight-loss support if she calls that number. But if she loses her job as a talk-show host because of this, that number might get her an interview with another company that can give her a job.

See What I Mean...

I knew this would happen, the Bible-thumpers are in. LOL! One particularly entertaining individual who calls herself Paliban Mom, has accused me of never reading the Bible. HA!! If she only knew. This is why I have NOTHING to do with organized religion. I never said I didn't believe in GOD (in fact, I prove just the opposite every day), and I never said I didn't believe in Jesus (or that I "hate" Him) sorry man, but that was your own interpretation!! NOT mine!! But people like her are definitely why I hate organized religion!! Not GOD or Jesus, I hate religion in general!! It's a case of hate the message not the messenger.

I took a peek at her own blog, and she is bad-mouthing mormons. Saying they hate GOD. UGH!! My ma and stepfather happen to be mormons, and they do NOT hate GOD!! The main reason I hate religion: They pick on other religions to make themselves look superior. Not my style!! It's always about "My religion is right and their's is wrong!" and blah-blah-blah!! It gets downright annoying!! So I stay away! I worship GOD in my own way and under my own terms. You don't like it? Then you can kiss my behind!!!! If you ask me, this Paliban Mom needs to get her facts straight!! How dare she say my ma and stepfather don't love GOD!!??

And who the heck was it that brought up Barry Manilow?? OMG!! How on Earth did he get in this blog?? I don't even like the guy! LOL! Sorry, I am strictly an INXS fan. But oh heck! They'll now be saying INXS is evil! Not my Timmy though! He is a religious man, BTW! Just because it is a rock group does not mean it's full of evil musicians. And I loved the way JD sang Amazing Grace at the concert I went to in '06!! He sang as beautifully as a bird, or a whale!! hehe! Whichever animal you like listening to, he sounded good!!! People who are such strict Christians that they wouldn't allow someone to have a bit of fun listening to their favorite music make me barf!! Pure and simple!! I remember when I was about 8 years old, ma used to watch the 700 Club on television. And one day Pat Robertson was telling the World how evil rock music was, and some of them when played backwards had satanic messages in them. Well, NONE of those songs he talked about were on our playlists back then, but ma got the wrong idea about all rock n roll songs and took our music tapes and tossed them away. I never did forgive her for that!! And I hold a deep resentment for the 700 Club to this day because of that!!

There was another religion that I heard of that said it was unGodly to have pets of any kind in the house. I remember I learned about that from a woman who used to pick me up some mornings to take me to school, along with her own little boy and another little boy who was in my class. She would never let her boy have a pet because she said it was against her religion. She didn't even like me at all because I had a dog. But I didn't care!! I was NOT about to give my dog up for her or for some dumb religion!!! I can live without people like her, I cannot live without my dogs!!! After a while, she stopped picking me up. She told my ma I was disrespectful to her. Oh Geez! Man, she was disrespectful to ME!! NOT the other way around!!! She was just pissed because I told her no religion is worth giving up my dogs for, and I was glad I wasn't a part of it! All that from an 8 year old! LOL! Well, my feelings were not at all hurt when she never came back to pick me up again. So that is why I prefer now to worship GOD in my own way! Doing it my way, I can listen to whatever music I want, I can have as many pets as I want, and I only have to answer to HIM. Not some nameless, faceless pastor of some church far away preaching a religion I can't even remember about what beliefs are what!! GOD has been good to me so far, so I must be doing something right.

I also despise going to church. I never liked it. I always felt it was wrong. I never saw the point in going to church to prove that I am a worshipper of GOD. I would think the fact that I have always obeyed the 10 commandments, and always treated others with respect (well, at least I did when I was growing up before being scarred by people) was proof enough. That's more than Paliban Mom can say.

And just FTR, the homosexual guys I know are indeed Christians! There is apparently a movement going on now to get Christianity to accept homosexuals into their church. It seems to be working! They are people too! They should be as accepted as anyone else, regardless of whatever old-fashioned ways you all are thinking.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well, that creepy little church I quoted today surprisingly allows people to comment and send e-mails. Why would anyone want to do that I wonder? But I'll tell you, they must get a lot of hate mail. Look at this Disclaimer they have on their e-mail page:

Please Review the Message Below
PLEASE NOTE: "If you send an e-mail submission to this site, you are certifying that you are 18 years or older and you are granting The Landover Baptist™ Parody Website a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display your submission (in whole or part including your personal e-mail address) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed." This means, we could write a book and include your email messages and all of the money we make from your stupidity belongs to our Godly Pastor, Deacon Fred! Praise Jesus!

Well, looking at their quotes on my last post on this blog, we all know now they are going to take e-mails and twist the meanings of the words we write as these people are nuts and have nothing better to do with their lives. But if you'd like to submit your own "stupidity" to their little book (believe me, nobody can possibly be as stupid as these people and still be alive), you can e-mail them by all means!! They may find this blog, thanks to the dirty dozen mob, and see what I have to say about them. But hey! I can write books myself! And I have!! And I can write a book about this group and put some truth in their articles where there was none before. And they call themselves "Godly"?? I think GOD would be ashamed, as I am and I have nothing to do with these people!!

Complaining Christians Without A Cause

And without a LIFE!!!! Oh my GOD! This is why I have NOTHING to do with organized religion! This is from a Baptist church site, landoverbaptist.org. They seem to have nothing better to do than to pick on Disney movies and blame them for all the evils in this World!! I will admit I am getting a bit bored with Pixar-style animation, as I do tend to miss the old ways, but the things these people accuse Disney film makers of doing is silly! I have to comment!! I mean, these people just get downright ridiculous!! I tell you, I'd be kicked out of this church fast! I cannot see things the way these people do. I would be considered "unsaved" because I don't believe that dinosaurs look like penises, or because I believe ALL fish are supposed to only be green in color. And if you'd notice, their motto on the top of the page says "Unsaved are not welcome". It also says "the largest, most powerful assembly of worthwhile people to ever exist". They sure are full of themselves, aren't they!!?? And these are supposed to be Christians!! Sounds more like a demonic cult. Well, I decided to roast this site for today. Let's look first at these people tearing down the movie "Dinosaur", which came out in 2000.

Here is the link: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0600/dinosaur.html

They say: "Dinosaur," the latest propaganda film from the Disney company, tries to indoctrinate America's children with the idea that it's "a-ok" to have disgusting sexual relations outside of a Christian marriage.

My response: This is a movie about ANIMALS!! Since when have any animals had to put on a wedding suit, go to a church, stand before a preacher and say "I do" just to prove they are together? One of the worst cases of anthropomorphism I've ever seen!!

They say: Barney taught our youngsters that it was just fine and dandy to be a big flaming sissy who wears outrageously homosexual colors like purple.

My response: Everyone knows Barney was a drip!! But it wasn't because he was purple!! And that must be something new, I never heard of purple only being for homosexuals, and I went to church my whole childhood.

They say: Coyly voiced dinosaurs spew lewd and licentious double (sometimes triple) entendres and give each other “come and get me” looks that would make a streetwalker blush. Indeed, even the most radical liberal can see the unGodly intentions of this filth.

My response: You know, I'm as liberal as a person can get and I didn't see anything unGodly in the film!

They say: It is a well known fact that no one alive today has ever seen a dinosaur, since God killed them all off in the Great Flood.

My response: Really? I always thought it was an asteroid that killed them, since more proof of that has been found. *rolls eyes*

They say: But this doesn’t stop Hollywood from making most of them look like big long male sex organs.

My response: I had to laugh at this statement!! Dinosaurs looked like penises?? LOL!! No more than a giraffe or a sea lion looks like one!! So are these people going to say anyone who goes to a zoo is lewd and crude??

They say: Even the caves in which the dinosaurs live are made to look like the orifice of a woman's most sacred region.

My response: This person either needs to get glasses or get a life!! It looked like nothing but a regular cave to me!!

They say: now parents have to monitor "G" rated films because Hollywood homosexual cartoonists are once again blatantly attempting to recruit innocent children into their evil lifestyle through the big screen.

My response: Geez man, SHUT UP!!!!!

They say: This vicious attack on America's youth is the last straw!

My response: I think your attack on these cartoons is the last straw! If you all say this about Disney cartoons, I'd be interested in seeing what you all say about such cartoons as Spongebob, which I think is a stupid cartoon!!! And the drawings are MUCH more crude than those of any Disney movies.

They say: As if the sex wasn't enough,

My response: So far, you have not been able to accurately point out one single scene in this movie that involved any actual physical sexual acts.

They say: the script writers also made certain that the film was as historically inaccurate as possible. Christian creation scientists have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that human beings walked the earth at the same time the dinosaurs did

My response: I swear I choked when I saw this line! What a riot!! I still have not been able to find anyone who believes in creation that can show me dinosaurs buried in the same rocks as giant sloths, mammoths, saber-toothed cats, rhinos, or even people. Proven?? By WHOM??? I'd like to meet the person who has proven that theory!! I have a great number of questions for him (or her).

They say: yet there is not one human being in the entire film.

My response: Even if it were true that humans and dinosaurs were around at the same time, the movie is called "Dinosaur". Not "Humans". If you notice, Bambi also had no humans pictured in the movie, yet deer and humans ARE indeed walking the Earth at the same time.

They say: If you can stomach this, then your intestines must be made of solid lead.

My response: Well, I guess I'll be giving my "solid lead" guts a workout, because of all the diarrhea I've had to read in this article.

They say: The satanic plot involves a young dinosaur who is continually seeking ever-greater sexual thrills through multiple partners, not caring whether its sexual perversion is carried out with a male or female dinosaur

My response: As far as I know, the dinosaur only found one partner, until then, he didn't want a mate at all. Just the animals he considered his family.

They say: It just wants to commit unnatural acts.

My response: Once more, we are talking about ANIMALS!! How much more natural can it get??? IMO, marriage is UNnatural!!! One reason why I don't want to get married.

They say: We don't even know if the main character is a male or female,

My response: Are you crazy or just DUMB??? I would think the manly-type voice (and the fact it is always called "he" or "him" throughout the movie) would give that away right off.

They say: During its journey, it meets three little monkey-birds

My response: Huh??? What the heck are "monkey-birds"??? I don't think I remember seeing anything like that in the movie.

They say: These little monkey-birds attach themselves near the dinosaur's anus. It is never explained why.

My response: Maybe it is never explained why because it never happened in the movie.

That does it!! Trying to understand this idiot is like trying to read posts on the delusional fans forum by Catsredrum or Mayday06!! It seems everything this guy thinks about the movie is taken out of context and the meanings twisted around so he can give the plot meanings of his own. He goes on to say things in the article like "They just hang there through the whole movie, and sexual acts are implied when the characters are off screen." What makes this dipshit think he knows what kind of "acts" is going on offscreen?? Did he help animate the movie??? I wouldn't listen to a word he says!! He doesn't know SHIT!!!

Well, someone called my attention to another article on that site, this one about Finding Nemo. I will admit the movie was something of a mistake because people were going to fish stores and buying clownfish without knowing anything about them, that was probably the worst thing about that movie. But listen to what this idiot says on this site.

Here is the article: http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0703/nemo.html

First of all, check out the caption under that picture. Has anyone else seen the movie? If so, does anyone remember any place in the movie where it can be interpreted in the slightest that Nemo's father was telling Dory that he was homosexual??

They say: Christian pastors here at Landover Baptist thought their tireless efforts to warn Americans about the carefully disguised homosexual agenda targeting toddlers through Disney cartoons was working.

My response: No, not really. But then again let's face it, no decent person cares what you all say!

They say: They thought that since President George W. Bush, a devout Christian who attends a Bible church regularly and believes in the same three-headed God (Father, Son, and flying side-kick, The Holy Ghost) took office, that Americans were finally waking up.

My response: So that explains Bush's stupidity! Also, "flying side-kick"? I went to church a great number of years as a child, and this is the first time I've heard anyone refer to The Holy Ghost as "the flying side-kick"!!

They say: Our pastors took for granted that Americans understood that Jesus is not above sending little children straight to Hell for watching cartoons.

My response: I guess I'm going straight to Hell. So are all cartoonists, including the ones who made the movie "The Prince of Egypt".

So this is what their Pastor Deacon Fred said about Finding Nemo:

Fred says: Walt Disney would be spinning in his grave if he knew his animation studios were full of giggling homosexuals,

My response: Did you actually know Walt Disney?? And here we go again with the "homosexuals" comments.

Fred says: But as we all know, Walt Disney never made it to Heaven.

My response: We know that?? How? I would think that would be between Disney himself and GOD. Nobody else's business!!

Fred says: Although he hated Jews almost as much as the Apostle Paul did, he never took the time to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

My response: If he hated Jewish people so much, why did he use a lot of Jewish actors to illustrate his cartoons? Almost all celebrities with any amount of character back then were Jewish, and they were enjoyable.

Fred says: So Mr. Disney is burning in Hell right now and God melted his eyes right out of his head.

My response: Is this how Christians are supposed to talk? How shameful!! Sounds more like something that would come out of the mouth of a teenager hooked on video games! Not a Deacon of a church!!!

Fred says: The poor fellow can't even see that his wholesome empire of family entertainment is overrun by prancing homos, skipping through its echoey corridors like clomping herds of wild ponies.

My response: Here we go again!! Same shit, different asshole!!

Fred says: Some folks don't think they need Pastors like myself to tell them what to think, but apparently they do, otherwise, they wouldn't be letting their children keep seeing these disgusting Disney cartoons

My response: I don't need you!! I don't need people like you!! I have my own thoughts and my own mind!! Just cuz I don't think the way you do, don't think for one minute means I need people like you! I like Disney cartoons.

Fred says: Just in case you ain't a Christian person, and can't see that Satan and the damn liberals and homos are behind just about everything that is wrong with this country, let me clue you in.

My response: "Damn liberals"?? Hm. So because a person has a mind of their own means they are evil homosexuals? (And once more, here we go again with the "homosexual" comments).

Fred says: The movie, Finding Nemo incorporates an exaggerated use of unnecessarily bright colors, and hues (especially pink and yellow).

My response: I will admit they could have used less colorful animals to illustrate the story with, but listen to his reasons against these colors....

Fred continues: As True Christians™, we know that these colors are like a trail of poop leading right up to the rabbit hole of homosexuality.

My response: Oh brother! Again with the "homosexual" comments. These people never tire of spewing that BS!! And what's with the trademark symbol after "true christians"? Only us INXS followers are allowed to trademark ourselves ;) hehe!

Fred says: Do they take us for fools?

My response: You? Noooooo! You're doing a much better job of presenting yourself as one on your own.

Fred says: I've been to the fishing hole before, my friends - and I've never had a tug on my line from any orange or yellow striped demon possessed looking fish.

My response: Have you ever caught an actual clownfish? Wouldn't exactly give your line much of a tug I wouldn't think!

Fred says: Everyone knows that fish are green!

My response: Well, I didn't know that, and I've worked with fish all my life. *rolls eyes* I think he's confusing fish with frogs!!

Fred says: Every time I see a commercial for this movie, it makes me want to scream and smack my giggling little grandson in the head!

My response: I'm glad you're not my father or grandfather. I'd smack you in the head for smacking my child in the head over something as small as that!! And if I was your grandson I'd hate you for life!!!

Fred says: And it wouldn't be my fault if I did smack him! It's them damned homos who forced me to do it!

My response: Yeah, blame everyone else for your stupidity except yourself. FYI, it IS your fault you're stupid!!! To quote your own words: "Praise the sweet name of Jesus!"

Fred says: Since I don't have to lift up a sewer lid, to know it stinks down there - I also don't have to see movies to know that they are about.

My response: Maybe you should try seeing a movie before critiquing it, then you'd actually know what you are talking about! Trying to critique a movie without having seen it just makes you look dumb! Then, you can lift the lid of that stinking sewar, and crawl back in it where you belong.

Fred says: Aside from the homosexual cartoonist's calling card of high budget glitz and glamour that accompanies each new Disney/Pixar release, there is a more sinister agenda at work here. This film is about a young fish boy from a single family fish home.

My response: Again, we are talking about FISH!! Who gives a shit if it is from a single-family FISH home, or if both parents raise it?? This is as dumb a statement as the "dinosaurs who aren't married" comments!!

Fred says: He rightly runs away after finding out his daddy fish is a flopping homosexual.

My response: Here we go again, and again, and again!! Children occasionally defy their parents, it's normal behavior. So you're logic is implying a parent who tries to get their child to mind them is doing it because they are homosexual, and the child who is defying them is just trying to run away from their "homosexual" parent?? That makes a lot of sense (NOT!!!) First, I'm beginning to wonder, do you even know what homosexual means???? I'm starting to believe you don't!

Fred says: His daddy fish wants him to come back home and live with his boyfriend!

My response: I don't recall the father fish even having a boyfriend!

Fred says: This homo-fish intends to marry outside of his own fish race by taking up residence with a male blow fish.

My response: Huh??? You haven't seen this movie have you, bub? I don't recall the father fish taking up with a male blowfish!

This dude is nuts! And I mean too crazy for me!! Too, TOO crazy!!! I can't even think of an equal for this guy, except maybe people already in prison or the looney bin!! I cannot read anymore. You all can read it and interpret what you want. I'm finished!! But just to give you a clue to the stupidity of this website, I wanted to post my responses.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Want!!!

I saw this commercial last night and it was about a cell phone that was so cool!! Remember when all you used to be able to do with cell phones is just talk?! This one, you can not only talk, but the feature I liked the most was fascinating, and nothing else in the World has it!!! Did you ever have a song that you recorded off the radio and you didn't know the name of the song or who sings it? I have! And it drives me NUTS!!!! But with this iphone 3G from AT&T you can hold the phone up to your stereo, play the song and the phone will tell you the name of the song, who sings it, and even tell you where you can purchase that song! That's way cool!!! I want that phone!! I've never been one for getting cell phones with all that fancy technology because I have enough trouble remembering to push the talk button on my phone!! But this is COOL!!!! I have so many songs I want to get and can't because I don't have a clue of what the title is or who the devil sings it!!!! Makes me MAD!!!! Most of the songs are from this old record we used to have when we were kids, and lost. But found it again like in the late 80s, and had it for a long while until I sold the record player (and all my records) in 1993. I recorded the records before I sold them, but I never thought to write down the song titles or who sang them. Back then, I never even thought there would ever be such a thing as downloadable music off the internet. Shoot! Back then I never even heard of the internet!!!

This phone not only finds songs, it is an ipod, a GPS, and an internet provider that even finds your bookmarks on your computer. I have a lot of things bookmarked that I don't even use. I keep them anyway. Never know when I'll need them. But anyway, I want this phone!! Or I at least want to know someone who has one!! Then I can find these dang songs that are driving me nuts trying to figure out who sings them and all. I know they still exist, I still hear them from time to time. I am never able to catch the names anyway. But nothing makes me crazy more than having a song I know I like, and cannot get it because I don't know who sings it or what the title is!! I remember I got lucky once when I found out who sings this one song that I loved but could not even think of who sang it. I had to call the radio station I last heard the song on, and ask them. It turned out to be Rasputin by Boney M. I had the song recorded on audio tape off the radio, but the announcer never revealed who sang that song, that I know of anyway. If he did ever say it, it was long since forgotten!! But that song drove me nuts for years because I didn't know anything about it except that I liked it, and it sounded GOOD!!!

We need gadgets like this that aren't phones. Like a wireless internet-type gadget that I can just plug in, play the song on my stereo and it'll tell me right off what the name of the song is, then I can at least try to find it myself.

Friday, November 28, 2008

An Old Breed

Well, I want to discuss an old breed that has been extinct since the 1960s. The last of their kind has died out, never to be seen again. It is called the comedy team. We all remember them. Well, those of us who grew up watching old movies as I have. It's a very sad end to something that was so successful in the 1930s and 1940s. A very sad end!! Most of the old comedy teams are now passed away, since Bob Hope's death in 2003. I always did like Bob Hope. I still do in fact. I still remember writing to him, asking if he'd like to exchange pics. He gladly complied. He gave me a pic of himself, complete with autograph, and I sent him my pic. I actually wrote to him a few times before stopping. One letter he sent me, where he said I was cute, was unfortunately lost in a flood in 2000. But the thing I wanted most from him was his autographed pic, which I kept in my old photo album. The letter faced nothing but the fury of jealous rages by the kids in my school at that time, so I got to a point where I just didn't take it to school anymore. I kept it in a box, and unfortunately it and everything in that box was destroyed in the flood that struck our house. After Hope died in 2003, I started thinking about that letter and wishing I had kept it in a safer place like I did his picture. I even used to write to Red Skelton, he told me I was very sweet and he enjoyed hearing from me. I still have that letter. He never did send me an autographed pic like Bob Hope did, but his autograph is on that letter. Red Skelton was funny!! To say the least!! He too passed away in 1997. I used to have one of his old radio shows recorded on audio cassette, and unfortunately that too was destroyed in the flood!!!

Ma recently introduced me to a site that has all kinds of old radio talk shows, and I've been going crazy downloading them!! She recorded some for me that has Lucille Ball, Gayle Gordon, and some other guy who played her husband (not Desi Arnaz). It's funny, I got to hear it, but it isn't the same as I Love Lucy. It's supposed to be the radio version of I Love Lucy from the early 1940s. They are funny, but it's not the same. I personally can't even imagine I Love Lucy without Desi Arnaz!! Some of the funniest things ever said on that program were said by Arnaz in Spanish!! Reminds me so much of my father when he used to yell at us in Spanish!! The funniest things were when Arnaz combined both Spanish and English words in the same sentence. LOL!!!

Well, here's a pretty little-known fact, Bob Hope was actually briefly a part of a comedy team, with Bing Crosby. Most of their movies though were them being On The Road To somewhere. They were traveling to Morocco, Utopia, Singapore and Zanzibar. I love Bob Hope, but Bing Crosby never appealed to me at all, except for his singing. I've only seen On The Road to Morocco, which I thought was cute.

Sing a song of Singapore.

My most favorite comedy team of all were the Marx Brothers. I could sit here and write a novel covering my years of being a Marx Brothers fan! I've been a fan since about 1983. That was actually the year I discovered Harpo Marx. He made me become a Marx Brothers fan. I still remember the first night I saw him, it was on a program that came on back then called You Bet Your Life, hosted by Groucho Marx. It was in September of 1983, I have the whole story in a mini-diary. I was just a kid back then, but I had actually begun to wise up at that age! I was watching the show with my ma and pa, it was after I had a shower and washed my hair, ma was sitting on the sofa and I was sitting on the coffee table while ma was brushing my hair (I had looooong hair back then too! That was the only way she could brush it all). I was both reading a magazine and watching the television at the same time. And when I saw Harpo approaching the stage, blending in with the guests who were walking out, he had such a big smile on his face and was so cute, it made me squeal "oh he's soooooo CUTE!!!!!" That moment led to a fascination for all the Marx Brothers that has lasted to this day. From that night on, I became a faithful tuner to You Bet Your Life. My interest in the Marx Brothers were also what paved the way for me in gaining interest in all old comedy teams and movie stars, including Bob Hope. The Marx Brothers were one of the best comedy teams that ever lived! And Harpo was cute like no one else was. That was actually only a costume, outside the costume he was actually bald. They were always billed as Harpo, Groucho, Chico and Zeppo. And here's another odd tidbit, there was a 5th brother named Gummo, who was never in the movies. He prefered to live his life a traveling salesman. He was called Gummo (real name was Milton) because of the gum shoes he used to wear that were actually quite popular back then. Apparently they were the "Doc Martins" of the 1920s and 1930s. Chico was an actual 'ladie's man'. More so actually than Harpo. In the beginning, his name was actually spelled "Chicko" because he used to chase the chicks (girls) backstage. But they changed it to plain "Chico" and he developed the Italian accent he always used in their films. His real name was Leonard, and he passed away in 1961. Harpo's name was the most obvious, because he played the harp! He taught himself to do that too! Much like how Garry Beers taught himself to play the bass guitar. Like Garry, Harpo was also very talented!! But here is another little-known fact, Harpo's real name from birth was Adolf, which he had changed later on to Arthur during WW2 because of his hatred for Adolf Hitler. Even out of costume, Harpo was a handsome man!! He married the woman of his dreams, Susan Fleming, one of the most beautiful women in movies at that time, and they stayed married until Harpo passed in 1964. Susan herself passed in 2001. I remember e-mailing their son Bill, who is still around, and used to have his own website. He wrote back to me too, quite faithfully. Now, he is a jazz musician.

Marx Brothers prior to Duck Soup.

The Marx Brothers after Duck Soup.

Next to Harpo, Groucho is one of the most popular of the Marx Brothers. I guess Harpo was simply cuter and funnier than Groucho Marx was!! Everyone thinks Groucho got his name from the fact that he always insulted everyone, like Oscar the grouch on Sesame Street. But that is not so. Groucho actually named himself that after these so-called "grouch-bags" that he used to carry. The story was he went off on his own as a child and hopped a train to another part of the country. All he had with him was this grouch-bag that had all his clothes and sandwiches tucked in. That's how he got the name. His real name was Julius, and he was one of the younger Marx Brothers. He passed away at the ripe old age of 87 in 1977. He too was quite a handsome man if you could look past his over sized moustache and eyebrows. He did have all that lovely, black, wavy hair!!!! I'd have fallen in love with him if only I had been old enough!!! Of course he didn't have that kind of hair when he passed on. The last and youngest of the Marx Brothers was Zeppo, whose real name was Herbert. He only made the first 5 pictures with his brothers, but he did help produce some others of theirs. Even though in his movie appearances, he seemed like a sweet, innocent man who would never hurt a flea, he was actually a very tough man! And he did do some professional fighting in his career. He was the only one of the brothers who always went on stage without any major make-up. He too was a very handsome man! He had nice muscles anyway. After 1933's Duck Soup, Zeppo decided he didn't want to act in movies anymore, so he quit. He had always acted as the agent for his brothers, and when he quit, they had to move on to a different studio and use a different agent. Zeppo passed away in 1979.

Check out those muscles on Zeppo (second from left)!!!

My second most favorite comedy team is the 3 Stooges. They went through some dramatic changes, much like the Marx Brothers, only considerably more dramatic. They started off with Moe, Larry and Curly. Curly was the fat guy we all remember who was always acting more nutty than the other guys. He always "whooped" and "nyuked" and even barked and growled. LOL! My favorite little thing he did was when he growled. Sometimes I find myself mimicking his growling when I get ticked off. But that's only because I'd been watching them too much! When he was younger, Curly was too quite a nice-looking man. I have no pics, but I've seen some pics of him before he became a stooge. Moe was the serious one, always smacking the others first. You know they actually did smack each other, it wasn't just sound effects. Curly was on for a long time. I think until about 1949 or 1948? Then he was taken over by another man named Shemp. Shemp was only on for a few years. He suddenly got a major heart attack and died in 1955, actually right in the middle of filming one of their short episodes. After that, another stooge took his place named Curly Joe, who was not the same as the original Curly. It was at that point, they slowed down in filming their TV shorts, and started doing movies. One of my favorites was Snow White and the Three Stooges.

The original Stooges.

With Shemp.

Curly Joe DeRita.

Laurel and Hardy also did a lot of shorts like the Three Stooges. I liked them because Laurel was the calm, more serious guy, while Hardy was the skinny, whimpering buffoon. Especially when Laurel smacked him. It was funny. I've seen some of their shorts and thought they were out of this World!! But I haven't seen any since I was about 12 years old. I don't know what happened. Have they been banned? Or is it just that no TV stations play many old movies and shorts anymore? It's been so long since I watched a Laurel and Hardy episode I almost forgot all about them. But I do remember it was Hardy's whimpering that made the shows so hysterical!

"Take a card!"

The last team I want to discuss is Abbott and Costello. We all know Abbott was the tall, straight guy and Costello was the short, dumpy, comical man. Abbott used to smack him a lot too. It seems all comedy teams made their success by slapping each other a lot! It all got started I think with the Keystone Cops. I think Abbott and Costello also did a lot of talk radio, comic-style. I've heard some of their shows. Costello was famous for his "Hey Babbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!" which I can say has been characterized a lot in cartoons as well. Even the cartoons that mimicked them were as funny as the original people. His long calling of his buddy Abbott was usually followed by some kind of complaint. Listening to his whiny, squeaky voice up against Abbott's voice which sounded more like he belonged on a news program forecasting the weather is what made this comedy team so hilarious!!! I know Costello died in 1959 of a heart attack. I even read the story of how he actually died. He had a heart attack and was hospitalized. Just when it looked like he was going to recover, he wanted to have a cherry ice cream soda. So one was given to him. He took one sip and said "That was the best cherry soda I ever tasted!" Then layed down, closed his eyes and died right then. Boy! When I go, I hope too it's with the sweet, soothing taste of a cherry ice cream soda in my mouth!!! I'd like that!!

"Hey Babbat! This article is almost over!"

Well, those are the biggest comedy teams I can remember, but we don't have these teams anymore. The closest things we have now to resembling the old fashioned comedy teams is TV sitcoms that present families in them. Or music videos. Not quite the same thing. The old fashioned comedy teams are now an extinct breed. Just like many extinct species, may never be seen again. It's a sad fact. I guess nobody these days wants to team up with the same people and make movies like they used to anymore. Which is a dirty shame!! Shoot! Even music videos are becoming extinct!! Unless you're a serious night-owl like me. But during the day, all MTV does is reality programs. I think MTV and VH1 has everything backwards! They should do the music videos during the day and broadcast the reality shows at night. That's why their channels were set up, to do music videos, seems they have got away from that now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week's Worth of Ideas

Been quite a week, and it all started on Sunday. My landlord is moving to California, and she asked if we'd be interested in her dinette set. I told her I've been going crazy trying to find a good dinette set that would fit in this house!! Our dining room is not very big at all, so it's been damn-near impossible to find a good dining set that would fit. I hope it isn't like one of those bistro-type sets where the chairs are as tall as I am!! I HATE THOSE!!!!! I cannot for the life of me figure out why they are made that way now!!! How is a woman who is only 5-feet tall supposed to get up on those things without struggling and straining?? I haven't seen the set yet, and I asked the landlord what it's like. All she said was it's made of metal and wood. But I need a dinette set. I already said yes to it, sight-unseen. Hope it's not a mistake. Cuz if the chairs are taller than I am I'm screwed!!!!

Well, anyway, it'll be nice to finally have a dinette set. Some more good came out of this week. I got to visit Cathy and we were discussing a new idea for a story. We got the jist of the story, we need to think how we are going to work this in. It's all about this character Brittney, a character that Cathy created back in 1999, based on her own daughter who was also born that year. I've used this character in a few of my own stories. One of which is based on what happened to Groucho. It was a venting story, but it came out pretty good. It may even become available on the site. One of the methods I use to get over something is to write about it, and writing that story helped me a little bit in getting over the loss of Groucho. It helped me cope with it. I'm still not 100% over Groucho, but writing that story has lessened the pain. It's titled "Brittney's New Pet", look for it! Yeah, she got a new pet, but she has a very hard time finding the right one. Kinda embodies the personal conflict I went though to love Vegas as much as I did Groucho. That's a whole other story in it's self, but I am glad that I conquered that endeavor. The thing with Vegas was he came along too soon after I lost Groucho. I was still in the process of grieving when he was born to Odessa, so it was kinda tough to love Vegas that much at first. But with some kind and gentle words from a very wise woman I met thereafter, I've grown very attached to Vegas now.

Well, that was one struggle in my life. A lot of my stories are based on a lot of personal experiences I've had. Some good, some bad. Shoot! I even characterized the dirty dozen mob (including mcgillicutty) and am in the middle of writing a story with them in it. LOL!! I didn't use their real names though, and in this story they are outside the computer. I cannot wait till that story is finished! Sometimes I even surprise myself with these stories! But that story is mostly based on the association I used to have with them, and the battle that turned everything upside-down a couple of years ago. So far it's good, and funny!! I don't have a title for it yet, but I will be putting that story on the site once it's complete. Sometimes it takes years to finish a story, sometimes I can complete it in a few weeks. The ones that take a long time to finish are the best stories though, because they are very thouroughly thought out and carefully put together. Those I rush through I tend to leave some things out of and don't realize it until the story is done (then I have to do it all over again!) But one of the biggest subject lines in my stories are based on personal experiences. It is always those that keeps the readers interested! It sure works with these blogs!! I get (on average) 30 views per day, which isn't too bad, and most of those are repeat visitors. Many of them I've known in my past. My biggest bookmarkers are from the Rockband forum, the Lovehammers forum, and most recently the Pluba and BBC forums. hehe! I've accumulated more than 3000 viewers just in the past 6 months. Again, not bad!! People say they hate crazies like me, but they are obviously intrigued in some way because they keep coming back.

Hey!! Nothing wrong with being crazy, in a fun-loving way like me!! I actually like it when people tell me I'm crazy. I'm an artist, I'm not supposed to be 'normal'!!! If that ever happens, that will be the day I'd have to retire my paintbrushes and my modeling clay!! And I could no longer write stories. That would totally SUCK!!!!! Well, no artist I've ever heard of is what people today would consider "normal". Even modern celebrities (artists in their own way) are coming out of the closet with their 'not-so-normal' minds. Check out that post I made about what they name their children for further proof. So it is us 'crazies' that actually make the World go round. If everybody was what others refer to as 'normal', this World would be a pretty dang dull place!!! No entertainment of any kind, anywhere!!! That's why I like my friends to be a little bit on the nutty side! They are the people who have the most fun, and are the most fun to be with. Believe me, nothing is nuttier than when me and Cathy get together! LOL!!! We may be nutty together, but we sure do have fun doing what we do. At least we never hurt anyone! What chaffs my ass is when people are crazy themselves and they don't even realize it. Then those same people point fingers at people like me and tell everyone that we are the only crazy ones. Like the people of the delusional fans forum.

Well, this week is Thanksgiving for us here in the USA. Turkey, and giving thanks, and in my case, Shilo Bars!!!! That's what this day means. I already listed things I am thankful for on this blog. I always give thanks to the good LORD for HIS many blessings. I could really go on and on and on. Then comes Christmas in line next. Yes, I still believe in Santa Clause. Santa must actually know Catsredrum. He sure does talk about her all the time. He says "Ho-ho-ho!" Then the last holiday of the season, New Year's!! And from that day I'll spend the following 8 months trying to remember that it'll be 2009 instead of 2008!! By that time, it'll be darned near 2010!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weird Celeb Baby Names

What is it with celebrities? They give their kids the strangest names these days. It seemed to start with Michael's daughter, Heavenly Hiraani Tigerlily. I just call her Lily, it's easy to remember, and it's either that or Heavenly. LOL! But it's almost as if celebrities see themselves as a different race of people. I think it's basically just the typical artist craziness. It's good to see artists are coming out of the closet with their real minds, but some of these names are downright unreal. For examples:

Ashlee & Pete's son Bronx Mowgli Wentz
Gwen & Gavin's son Zuma Nesta Rock
Jason Lee's son Pilot Inspektor
John Mellencamp's daughter Speck Wildhorse
Penn Jillette's daughter Moxie CrimeFighter

Actually, Speck Wildhorse sounds like something Native American. It's not so bad, but I have to put a tie on Jason Lee's son and Penn Jillette's daughter as the 2 weirdest names listed there. Makes me want to ask "where do these people come from?" Some of those names I actually like, I think Zuma sounds pretty, but it sounds more like a girl's name. This from a woman who named a female pet mouse 'Romeo'. Well!!! She looked like a Romeo!!! She was sweet too, as pet mice go.

With those strange names popping up among celebrity children, I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later I see someone naming their child 'Rainbow's End' or 'Made in Mesopotamia' or something like that!!!

Michael Hutchence (1/22/60 - 11/22/97)

I just realized I never said anything about Michael. That's absolutely CRIMINAL!!!! Even though I may not be a major fan of his anymore, I should still say something because I did love the man for many years before, and even quite a good number of years after he died. I am glad I got to see him live once and that I got to at least touch him as he wandered through the crowd (I was very fortunate to have an aisle seat). I even got to kiss him, hehe! Yeah, I still say I got to kiss him, even though by now everyone knows it wasn't a face-to-face kiss!! More like hand-to-face kiss. Some people count it as authentic, others don't. I do. hehe! He wasn't the first celeb I met and got to kiss though, but he was my most favorite at the time.

I still very clearly remember the night I found out he'd died. I've told that story before on here too I believe. I can actually describe each second word by word, and inch by inch, I remember it so well!! One of the few things in this life I actually do remember so well!! That was the longest 2 minutes of my life! It was so long, I could actually write a novel about what I was thinking and the different emotions I felt!! In terms of all the thoughts going through my head, that was the most emotional 2 minutes I've ever known in my life!! And years later, I didn't think I'd ever get over it. I grieved for such a long time over a man I didn't even know. Sorry Michael fans, but it made no sense to me any longer. So, I've since let go. I'm still just glad Tim is still around. I hope he'll be around for a long time. At least until I am gone.

It wasn't Michael who had me worried, he's dead. His problems are over with. It was always Tim who had me worried. I don't want to stir up bad memories for him, but I read in the INXS autobiography that Tim and Michael had a spat before he died that left Tim storming out of Michael's hotel room and for many years, he felt bad because Michael died before they had a chance to reconcile. For years that haunted Tim. I know how he felt. Though he seems to be over those feelings (at least he looked like he was when I saw him), I'm sure Michael forgives him. I don't know Michael, but I know Heaven, and I'm sure he is up there. Heaven isn't about carrying grudges, it's about love and forgiveness. And I feel Michael is up there and has forgotten all about what happened between him and Timmy and loves him again. Tim just needs to have faith in knowing this. Believe me, it helped me in dealing with my grandma's death. There are a lot of things that happened between me and her before she died and I never got to reconcile with her about. I was going to go see her that day too, and I wish to GOD I had. Funny thing, the day before she died I was thinking of going to see her, but it was a busy day, and it was late before we were done. The oddest thing happened, a little voice actually told me to go see her that afternoon. I brushed it off and asked my sis if she'd like to drive up the next day and see her at the hospital, she said yes. After that, this same little voice said to me "tomorrow will be too late." I still just brushed it off, and went on about my business. But I got a very sinking feeling, like I had just swallowed a bowling ball. I still just brushed it off. Then that night my sis and I got that dreaded call, ma was crying and told us that the hospital called and said grandma had died. When I heard the news, I suddenly got dizzy and a million things went through my head. I even thought back to that little voice I heard earlier that day, and how I brushed it off saying I would go see grandma the next day. But I never thought that would actually happen to her!! I always thought she was too strong to die, and usually she was!! She always snapped back happily after an illness. She was doing fine. I never thought she'd go that quick. The worst thing was how I knew I should have went to see her that day and I didn't say anything and just ignored my inner voice!! I had so much to tell her and I never got to. I was so upset!! I felt like she went to Heaven not knowing how much I loved her. So I know how Timmy felt about his spat with Michael. That's why faith is so important to me. That is the one thing in this World I never want to lose!! If I ever lose faith, I got nothing left.

I remember before grandma passed, I had a dream of catching what I thought was a butterfly. It turned out to be a white bat. I'd always heard that a white bat meant the death of a child, I guess it also means the death of a grandparent because that was the day grandma was taken from us.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Most Innocent Victims of Mortgage Meltdown

Thanks W. This is all your doings! People abandoning their pets because they cannot afford to keep their houses anymore and have to move to apartments that do not allow pets. This ticks me off! People get pets and treat them like they are disposable. I would never get a pet I thought that way about. One of the reasons I'd never get a cat. Apparently according to this article, people are turning in their pets to shelters. Most people are anyway. Some animals are not even turned in, they are just abandoned on the property. It's terrible. Not everyone is like me. I never go anywhere that doesn't allow me to bring my dogs. I'd never rent an apartment or go to a shelter or hotel room that would not allow me to bring my babies.

I met someone last summer on a walk that just moved here and she used to have a chihuahua. Well, she was in the flood that plagued Chehalis last Christmas, and she and her family were flooded out of their home. So, they had to stay at a hotel while they looked for another apartment. Well, the hotel didn't allow them to keep their little chihuahua dog in the hotel room so they had to keep the dog in the car and it was cold that night. The next morning the dog disappeared. Almost as if it was snuffed off the face of the earth. The woman thought what happened was it was so cold out the dog crawled under the car seat and froze to death. That would never happen to our dogs because first of all, I'd have went looking for another hotel once I found out they would not let me keep my babies in the room. I wouldn't care if I'd have froze to death myself!! I got kinda ticked off at that woman, she went and got another dog too! Want to bet sooner or later when worst comes to worst again for them, that dog too will join the ranks of these poor pets in this article? Someone like that does not deserve a pet at all.

I remember when we were looking for this apartment it was sooooo difficult. There were not very many choices. The few choices there were many of them did not allow pets, or they allowed cats but not dogs. That's one of the first questions I always ask is if they allow pets and what are the limits. If they say "No we don't allow pets" I say thank you, hang up and don't look back!! I was lucky with this place. The landlord is very understanding. I told her before we moved here that our dogs are our family. And it is still a very nice apartment!! Got a lovely ocean view. Not from my room, but you can see it from some parts of the house. The ocean is just across the road, and I go there quite often. Yep, this is my "little la-la land"!! hehe! And I love it, and I still have my babies!!

Last Christmas when the power went out for a week there were some shelters set up with heat and electricity and I turned down going there because they wouldn't allow us to bring our dogs. I would have rathered staying here in the house where it was cold and didn't have electricity than to abandon my babies. We would have stayed here but Anna got cold and scared so we went to ma's. I could have stayed all week though. I made sure ma would have let us bring the dogs, thank GOD she did! Otherwise I'd have said no to staying there. I'm very conscientious about my pets, I cannot for the life of me understand why everyone else isn't the same way. I hope there never comes a time when all apartments start not allowing pets at all. But if they do, I know who to blame for that, irresponsible people! That will be the time I will start looking into buying a house. In the meantime, I enjoy living in apartments. That way if I don't like the neighbors (or the area, which there is no chance that will happen here) I can always move out. There is absolutely NO chance in Hell I'd ever leave this town. I've been desiring moving to this town for many years, a tidal wave couldn't drive me out now!! The only thing that would drive me out is if my parents died tomorrow, even then, my dogs are going with me. I'd never abandon them. I always said once my ma and pa are gone, I'm moving out of the country. I was thinking either moving to Australia or the UK. I wonder what the coolest area in Australia is? I cannot tolerate too much heat.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prank Calls

This is all about a prank call someone got. Poor guy! The telemarketer calls and asks for someone and gets the story of a man who has been murdered. I kinda wonder if this is for real? Of course we all have had calls from telemarketers, and have wanted to do something like this to them. Katrina once told me she did something similar to this, but not exactly. Someone called asking for her and she told them "Oh, she's not here right now." and proceeded to tell them that instead she was in China teaching a panda to do a waltz and won't be back for another 3 years. Whatever!! But this guy instisted on keeping that telemarketer on the line.

I've never made prank calls, I have annoyed telemarketers on the phone though. LOL!! I always go "What? What? What? I can't hear you!" It annoys the shit out of them!! LOL!! I had one telemarketer who actually got pissed and yelled at me in a real angry tone "Hello?!?! Can you hear me now?! Is Cassandra there!?!?!" I just hung up! hehe! Seems telemarketers these days have gotten smarter. Now, a recording does all the talking after you say hello. I hate that!!! I guess with years of customers pulling pranks on them, the telemarketing companies are paying us back. LOL!

I've never made a prank call myself, but I have been on the receiving end of one. I was about 17 years old then, still in high school. One night my ma went out and was going to meet up with a friend, she told me that some other friend of her's named Jim was supposed to call that night and she told me to tell him that she would be back in a couple of hours. I said OK. So I sat and watched TV for a while. When the phone rang, I expected it to be either ma or this guy Jim. So I answer and it's a man on the other side. I'm thinking this was the friend ma was telling me about (I hadn't met him before that time). I told him what ma told me to tell him. Oh my GAWD!!!! Next thing I know we are deep in conversation, at first it started off innocent enough. He sounded like a friendly enough guy. He said I sounded very pretty. I thought that was weird, but not an uncommon compliment I get over the phone. Then all of a sudden, his conversation turned a little more dark and devious. I began to get a bit uncomfortable. He started not to sound like someone ma would associate with. Finally I asked him who it was (I know, I shoulda asked that first!) he said his name is Mike (not the same guy as in the video). Next thing I know he was talking, and I heard a squishy-squeaky sound in the background, like a waterlogged squeaky toy. Then Mike started asking me "Is your's nice and wet?" Apparently that squishy sound I heard was him fiddling with his weiner!! LOL!!! I said to him I am NOT that kind of a girl!!!! And he hung up.

Well, that was my brush with the unusual. LOL!! Ma's friend Jim never did call that night, or if he did, he probably tried to call while I was on the phone with that perverted idiot, Mike!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Loved One

Apparently there is a new documentary about Michael's life. I want to see it!! Not so much for Michael, but I bet there is some awesome footage of Timmy!! I heard it is now available in Australia, where it hasn't been before. It's also available in Europe and South America. So why not North America and Canada?? What has Michael's family got against us? It's ridiculous! Apparently, according to this source, it's not an official documentary, that will be released next year. But anyway, official or not, I don't care! I want to see it anyway!!

So what happens when the official documentary is released? Will it too only be released in Europe and Australia? Nothing here in the US? That totally SUCKS!!! Well, I've spent enough time grieving over Michael, I mean I hardly know the man! I never met him, just kissed him. So, I figure my days of grieving are done with. But Timmy is still around and I can enjoy him! And Timmy, if you are reading, WHEN are you going to release Fish In Space like you told me you would in chat??? I want to see that too! I don't enjoy fishing that much, but I do soooooo want to see him! Apparently it was kindof a rock-documentary set-up, where Timmy fishes and plays music on his boat at the same time. I bet that's cute to watch. He told me he saw the video recently and laughed so hard. So if it makes him laugh, I want to see it!! More than anything! I bet his boat is awesome too!! I'm a girl who is fascinated by boats. I don't know why! Must be my love for the ocean.

I'm fascinated by a lot of strange things. My top fascinations (besides Timmy) are boats and ships, clocks, lighthouses, dragons and the unexplained. Though I am an artist, for some funny reason, I hate going to art galleries!! UGH!! I've recently entered some of my work in a gallery and I tried going through to look at other peoples' work and it just does nothing for me!! Art is funny that way. I think Bill Cosby explained it perfectly, art is like jellybeans. What is beautiful and enthralling to one person may be junk to another. I don't know why I am so fascinated by clocks. LOL! But it's such a deep fascination, every time I see one anywhere, I get so enchanted that it stops me in my tracks and I have to look!! It drives whoever I am with crazy!!! I have a lot of clocks in my home I don't even need, and I never use, but I keep them anyway. Same with lighthouses. I am up to my ears in lighthouses!!! I even have a lighthouse lamp that I adore!! I was once offered $100 from another collector for that lamp and I turned it down! LOL!

I love shows about the unexplained. With the exception of stories about UFOs. For some reason, that is not on my list of worthy conundrums. Not unless someone reports seeing the little green aliens!! That's different. But stories about UFOs themselves don't interest me. What I really am fascinated by are the stories that are rare to hear about. Like a story I recently printed in my Metazoic blog about humanoid-like footprints found in 600 million year old rocks!! That was fascinating!!! There were no vertebrates 600 million years ago, yet there was the footprints, covering a crushed trilobite as if someone stepped on it when it was alive. If they were humans, they must have been about 9-feet tall!! The foot impression was HUGE!! 30-something inches long!! No one I know has feet that big! Most recently discovered are these so-called 'rods' that fly through the air. I think they are just regular flying insects and camera tricks.

Wow! That was a dramatic subject-change!! But that is what I am all about. Thinking one minute about something, then the next instant, something else!! My mind is never on just one thing!! LOL!

Friday, November 14, 2008


I was reading an article about the high number of threats against Obama today. The number is higher than that of any other president we've ever had. I'm not at all surprised! It's like putting a black chicken or spotted chicken in a coop with a flock of white or plain chickens. Chickens, like a lot of people, tend to get nasty with those who are different from them, and they gang up and peck the newbie to death. I knew this would happen. Besides, I know how those white supremists are! I've never flocked with them, but I've seen enough of them in talk shows and documentaries to know how they tick!

I heard of one person who put up a flier in a convenience store in Maine I think it was, asking for $1 from everyone in lieu of a bet for how long it will take for Obama to get assassinated! The winner (the person with the closest guess to date and time it'll happen) gets all the money collected. And at the base of the flier it said "I hope there's a winner." I heard the flier has since been taken down. Oh my! I don't like Obama either, but I don't want to see anything like this happen. As for the white supremists, I wish they would go extinct!

*************Now to change the subject******************

I've been thinking of something for some time, I really don't want to say what it is exactly, I just want to get this feeling off my chest. It's something I've always wanted to do (well, since it became popular in 2000) and it sounds like fun! The final choice is all mine, but that is the problem. Part of me says "You want to do it, go for it!" and the other part of me says "It's too much, if you do it, you won't have no fun no more!" And I'll probably fail at it anyway. But I don't want to mention what this thing is, because every time I mention something on the internet, it gets jinxed!! And in case I do decide to do this thing, I don't want that to happen. So for the past couple of days, I've been seriously thinking about it, but doing a serious mental tug-of-war with the final decision.

I just had to spill that, been on my mind for the past couple of days and I still haven't made up my mind!! But it's a lot of hard work to get where I want to. And I don't mean just like work, I'm talking get-down-and-dirty, hard sweat, all-nighter kind of work. I've done some work like that when I did the books for the website, but if I start this thing there is no getting out, and it will be like that for the rest of my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slide Away

I used to hear all the time about a biopic about Michael Hutchence. Well, I may not be an MH fan, as I prefer Tim over Michael, but I did want to see this movie, supposedly to be titled 'Slide Away'. I did a Google search to see if anything else about it has been mentioned. Unfortunately nothing new has been mentioned since 2006. But I for one would still like to see it. The latest article was written by someone who has a very bad attitude about INXS. He says they are a crap band and implies they have no talent. You can say a lot of things about Michael, but untalented is not one of them! The man was very talented! Even I recognize that!

I remember one of my MySpace buds did an interview with the director Nick Egan about the making of the movie. I didn't get to read it as she put it on her forum, which I am not a member of, but that was still no less than a couple years ago. I kinda wonder if she has heard anything new yet? But as for Michael being untalented and INXS being a crap band, I guess that's just a matter of opinion. I don't think Michael being kooky has anything to do with him not having talent. In fact, it's the kookiest people who have the most talent. Michael was very musically inclined. I guess though that natural talent has to be understood to be appreciated. And someone like the guy who wrote this article has no ear for natural talent. I heard Mozart dealt with the same thing! There were those who did not care for his talent, even though we today know the man was extremely talented! Musical ability is not something that everyone is born with.

Well, I left a comment, and very kindly asked the man to give his opinion of what is a 'good' band, since he obviously feels INXS is not in that category. Personally, I can't think of a modern musician who has as much natural talent as Michael had. But then that's just my own opinion (oops! I used that term again! LOL!) Michael had talent, but Tim has the looks!! Well heck ALL the men in the band are good-looking. I've never seen any other band where almost 100% of the band members were so handsome. Well, poor Kirk. He's not as attractive as the other men, but he wasn't too bad looking during the FMDH album.

Anyway, I don't know if the picture is still on, I'd like to see it, but I haven't seen any new mentions about it in a couple of years. Here is the article that someone wrote, he says it looks like it's still on, but I don't know. Nothing new in all this time. I know Johnny Depp was asked to play the part of Michael, I know he and Michael were good friends, but he turned the part down. Kindof a shame! He'd have been a great Michael!! He looks just like Michael! Maybe the producers have someone else in mind. I thought Colin Farrell would be perfect to play Timmy. I took one look at his eyes and said he IS Timmy!! Has that same dangerous look in his eyes I'm so used to seeing in Timmy!!

Job At the White House

For all those Obama fans, how would you like to work at the White House in his administration? HA! Apparently you can. There's something like 7,000 positions available, some of which would be pretty high up in the administration. You might even get to know other World leaders. There is a catch, you must be willing to give your complete life-history! I'd probably make it up until they get to the section where they ask for blogs and Facebook accounts. LOL! Obama would see all the stuff I wrote on here about him (and myself) and say "Oh Hell NO!! I don't want her! She's too damn crazy!!" hehe! He'd not only throw my app away, he might go so far as to shred my app and throw it away! LOL! Well, at least I'd keep his children happy with my vivid imagination. But they are nuts if they think I'm going to reveal to them things like how much I make per year! That's something I never tell anyone.

Anyway, here's the link to the story, along with links to the apps to fill out and send in. I myself am not at all interested, I don't want to move to Washington DC, and if staying with them would mean I'd have to get rid of my dogs (due to their child's allergies) that is a definite no-no!! I love my babies, I don't want to give them up just for 8 years of uncertainty! I'm still not even an Obama supporter. I'm only accepting him because he is the current president, he is owed that respect at least. I still feel like the end of the world is coming. Laugh if you want, but Obama winning (and McCain being the only other candidate) denotes the end is near to me. I wholeheartedly agree with Ratlady, read Revelations! If that does nothing for you, read Nostradamus. Or read the Mayan Calendar! All of which have proven correct over the years.

One thing I love about Bush being out of office, the gas prices are going down. In some parts of this state, we're already seeing gas for under $2 per gallon. I hope it keeps going down more! I want to see $1 per gallon gas again!! It'd be nice to be able to fill up my car for less than $20 again. I hope it never again goes up to $4 or $5 per gallon! That was ridiculous!! I'd rather walk to every place I ever wanted to go than pay that much for a gallon of gas again.