
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8

Tim was in good voice tonight! As he talked about the year 1991. Of course I realize these shows are pre-recorded!!! LOL! Anyway, I never realized how little I listened to the radio in '91 until I heard tonight's show. I have these periods, just like everything else, that are neutral and periods where I cannot get enough of something. Radio was among those things. In 1989 and 1990, I listened to the radio constantly! In 1991, I only listened to the radio a little, for maybe a few months of the year and then I stopped. I don't remember listening to the radio at all in 1992 or most of 1993. Then about around September of 1993, I started listening to the radio again. That started a long trend of constant radio and music that lasted several years. Between 1993, '94, '95 and most of '96 I never had the radio off!! I'd be in my stereo room and I'd listen to the radio, in my bedroom, I'd listen to the radio, the car sure enough the radio was always on. Then late in 1996 I suddenly stopped listening except in the car, and that was only occasionally. In 1997 I hadn't started up yet, 1998 I was more into INXS so I listened more to my CDs than the radio. But in 1999 I started listening to the radio once again and didn't stop for a while. All of 1999 and 2000 I was constantly listening to the radio, especially on my way to work. In 2001 I didn't listen to the radio at all though. That was the year we moved to Olympia and I lost my favorite radio station when we did that. So, that was a bummer! I hardly ever listened to the radio unless I was in the car and just didn't have anything to say to whomever was in there with me. Usually the dogs. I'd take the dogs when Anna wasn't there so I'd have someone else to talk to. Unless it was hot out. After 2001 I never listened to the radio again, and out here there is only one radio station and it only plays country music. A big no-no in this house unless my stepfather is DJing, and then only to show him family support.

Anyway, I only recognized a few songs tonight. It could also be that I am not from Australia, but most of the songs I either barely remember or do not recognize. But who cares? I just enjoy hearing Tim's voice!! He even sounds beautiful! Forgive me for lusting!

Speaking of forgiveness, I wanted to announce I forgive the dirty dozen mob for what they did, I forgive DonnaG and her supporters for what they did in the past, that includes Catsredrum, Netrage, Mayday06 and NetsAngel. I forgive you all. I forgive those who have trashed me for no reason, I respect their decision to not want anything to do with me anymore. I forgive the people on the Anti-PETA forum for what they did. I'm not sure I'm supposed to list everything, they know what they did, and I really do not want to get into it, as I want to keep this clean. May GOD have mercy on them all.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7

Well, tonight Timmy did the show for the year 1990. A great year! I was in the Voc school that year, and became something of a grown up. It was a part of my high school continuing education program. Yippee!! I was glad to get away from the high school kids and become a grown up. Though even then, on the bus to the school, I still had kids barking at me. Don't ask why!! It was their thing, not mine! They were nutty kids! They were on their way to a school for troubled kids, so that should give you some idea why they acted that way. I was also madly in love with my first boyfriend this year, and hoped to marry him once I graduated from high school. He couldn't wait either. But later I found out he was being transfered across the country. He wanted me to come, but I couldn't. My family and friends are here, and it's not easy for me to make friends (back then we didn't have the internet), so I opted to stay here. He couldn't stay, so he had to go. I thought we would keep in touch, he had my phone # and all, but he never called, wrote or anything.

Now, I wish I had gone with him. I stayed there and lived in my father's house for many years, and every day was a constant battle with him!!! I never knew from one minute to the next if he was going to be in a good mood or bad mood, he changed with the wind!! Ya know, I think that's what turned me into a bitter old woman?! A woman who doesn't trust anybody! Maybe if I had gone with my first boyfriend to NC, I would not have become such an ogre! Being overly-defensive at every turn, hating everybody, or not trusting them, thinking everyone is either out to get me or is only being nice because they want something from me. I got so used to living that way staying at my father's house. But he was nice enough to let me live there on a minimal rent. It was just every time I saw him, he was either very very sweet, or very very mean. And I didn't know what he was which days. Sometimes he would come to the house nice, and later turn mean and nasty, for no apparent reason. Well, those days are behind me. He's a very different person now. I honestly think it took us moving out here, almost 100 miles away from him, to tame him down. Now whenever I see him, he's always very thoughtful, kind and polite. Miracles never cease.

Anyway, 1990 was also the year I discovered INXS. It was the summer of 1990. I'd been hearing INXS's music for a couple of years, and it was one of the first bands to capture my attention, and my imagination. When I saw a video of their's for the first time that summer, at first I fell in love with Michael. It was Need U Tonight/Mediate. Michael was so cute I fell in love right away. But it was Tim who caught my attention in Mediate, though he was at the end of the video, he had the best set of buns in the band!! So round, and fully-packed!! Let's face it, I'm a butt-woman!! I love a man with big, round buns like Tim's!!! I never seen one like his on a man! Michael had the face, but Tim had the buns!!! Michael had a cute face, but Tim was nice everywhere else! But like everyone else, I went for the lead singer of the band back then. I wasn't really like I am now. Now, I like to think independently.

Well anyway, I enjoyed the show. Timmy is really a damn good DJ. He should also make a career of this! I heard one song tonight I haven't heard since 1990! I think it's called "Onion Skin" or something like that. I used to hear it all the time on the radio station I was hooked on back then. I used to HATE that song!! I did at first. Then I started listening to it and learned to like it better. When I was ready to record it one day I discovered that they had actually stopped playing the song! I was upset, and I never heard it again. EVER!! Not until tonight anyway. I had even completely forgotten about that song until I heard it tonight!!! Thanks again Timmy!!!! Luv ya, and keep up the good work!


This is my newest blog. As you can see I am just getting started. Actually, I hope to begin this blog in the next week, after I delete my last blog. I'm trying to go for a new start for the new year and I figured this is one way to do it. I'm hoping this blog will be more tame. But anyway, this isn't going to be a blog to bash people with! I'm trying to make a change in my life. I don't want to become known as an internet bully, so I am trying to move foreward. And this new blog will be the way to do it.

Hope you all enjoy this one this time. I will be talking a lot about my own personal experiences, and also about the stories presented on my UMG site. It'll be fun here!! And I promise not to fly off the handle anymore. I will also try to get a much better layout going. I really do not like this one!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, Here it is

Here's to a productive New Year. Hope that I keep up with fixing my attitude problem!! LOL! I heard from the anonymous e-mailer again and he told me that he didn't want to see me turn out like a couple of other scientists he knows who everyone knows is nuts and never listens to them. Well, I told him I like it that I am a little bit crazy, but I don't want to be known for being psychotic. The problem was no one ever told me I am like this. Well!!! No one meaningful!! The only people who have told me I'm psychotic are all DonnaG supporters or the dirty dozen mob, and I wouldn't listen to any of them either way! Why not? First of all, because DonnaG and the dirty dozen mob are all crazier than I will ever be!! So it's like the pot calling the kettle black. This e-mailer, even though I just "met" him, does not act crazy at all, so I would believe him if he said I was acting irrational or freaky. Second of all, this e-mailer does not approach me like the dirty dozen and DonnaG supporters do. When they approach me, they do it in a way like they are poking fun and acting like a bunch of 6th graders, so naturally enough I won't listen to them. But this e-mailer seems to have class and finesse, yet very upfront. And I like that. I don't mind constructive criticism, but how it is delivered is what really counts. That is why, after hearing what he thinks of my attitude, I was able to take a long hard look at my behavior, and I am now ready to go for a change.

I will not promise to change within like the next few weeks, but hopefully by the end of the year, barring BS from the dirty dozen and DonnaG supporters, I can say the change will be noticeable. The only real way to avoid conflicts with them is to stay off the forums. I got one thing going for me, the dirty dozen have stated they don't care to comment on my blogs :) So at least I don't have to look at them if I don't want to. Cool!!! And I never go into the Rockband lounge or the Switchboard so no chance of butting heads with the DonnaG supporters either. Way COOL!!! I'm not even on inxs.com anymore so that too is off. Maybe with this I can put my life on 'Reset'. hehe! I'm just shocked none of my friends, buds or family ever told me any of this! Took a stranger, though a kind stranger, to bring it to my attention!!
So anyway, here's to a change.


I looked in on a group I am a part of still and someone posted up an interview that Kirk's new fiance did, she mentioned Kirk is a "retired musician". OK, so what is up with that? Not that I care about Kirk really, but it makes me think, is INXS retiring? I only hope that is just a rumor. I hope it's not true. Then someone else mentioned that a couple of the Farriss's got different jobs and I was like "oh no!" INXS cannot retire!!! 30 years in music is not long enough!! Considering the fact the Rolling Stones have been in music for 40+ years, it's by far not long enough. And what about JD Fortune? What about his career? He became their new lead singer. What's going to become of him now if INXS do retire? What is he going to do with all that talent? What about the new CD INXS was supposedly coming out with? What about the 80+ songs that Andrew was supposedly working on while INXS were on their extended break? Aren't they going to go into publication? This brings up so many questions and concerns it's not funny!

On the other hand it sort of makes sense. Maybe INXS touring for 3 years straight was sort of their way of saying goodbye to the World. What a shame! I wanted to see Tim again, I miss him so much! And JD's career was just getting started. That sucks!!! So what is the point of having an INXS fan club now if they are retiring? Geez, I guess now would be the best time to move to Australia. Not that I believe whole-heartedly I would ever get to meet Tim even there, but at least I might have something of a chance of seeing him again. Maybe they will tour only through Australia instead of going around the World, like small pub shows or something of the like. I can go to those easily and still see them.

Tonight I got an e-mail from an anonymous e-mailer who has been exchanging messages with me all week. He (or she) kept on asking me why I hate felines so much. I tried to avoid telling this person, but finally I gave them an explaination. Well, today I got a message from this person telling me how I get irrational and foam at the mouth when I answered. This person said it freaked him (or her) out. I admit I do get quite passionate when I talk about things I don't like, and I tend to fly off the handle. The best explaination I have for that is that it is my handicap. It's something that for some reason, I cannot control. I think the reason for that is because I never acknowledged it. But I thanked this person for bringing that to my attention, because to be honest, I knew that went on but I couldn't figure out if it was me or the other person. No one else ever told me any of this, but it has actually made me open my eyes and look at myself. The only indication I ever had about this, believe it or not, was just my sisters occasionally telling me to "chill out". I've asked this before, am I really a monster? I guess this person answered my question!! And probably the main reason I dislike cat-people is because most of them are hypocrites!! I've met many, especially on the YouTube site, and they are nothing but whiny hypocrites!! They say they hate dogs because dogs kill people. Dogs don't kill people, people kill people!! If a dog kills a person, the one to really blame is the owner because they brought the dog up to be killers by either not socializing it, or just getting a puppy and training it to fight, and keeping it in the back yard, tied to a tree and never showing it any love. That would make anyone develop a lust to kill!! Even a person raised like that would more likely kill others! But then what about all the larger feline species that have killed many people in the past? How do these cat people, who hate dogs so much because they say they kill people, explain when some tiger or lion or cougar kills a person? At least if a dog kills a person, their alibi is they were brought up that way by a person. But felines have no alibi. Nobody brings them up to kill, that is how they are wired. A difference? Not really! Not to those people anyway. I've had cat-people who have threatened me with a gun because I don't like cats, and I tell you, it did NOT make me see cats in any better light after that!! In fact that is what formed the basis I have that cat-people are no damn good!! Both of those incidents did. Those plus the fact the dirty dozen mob are all made up of cat-fanciers and everyone by now knows how I feel about the dirty dozen mob!! I need not mention that anymore. I try not to judge people by what they like, I said I wasn't going to do that anymore after all the stuff I said about the Garry fans and having met the man!! But when I meet cat-people who are all basically nothing but a bunch of bad apples, what am I supposed to think? The only cat-fanciers I've met that I still like is my sis Eva and Cathy, one of my best friends. Both have and adore kitty cats, both prefer cats over dogs. But they both also understand that I am not a cat person, and have never threatened me with shooting or any other form of bodily harm or anything else. I can honestly say I've never harassed anyone because they didn't like dogs. I just puzzle over it because I cannot see what is so special about cats over dogs. I've had both before, and it's dogs I enjoy more. Especially the small breeds.

Well, with this anonymous person bringing this to my attention, and Katrina suggesting I make a New Year's resolution again to take on a more positive attitude, maybe I should try it all again. I made that resolution last year and I did not follow through. Especially after the dirty dozen mob broke into my Hotmail account. I don't give a shit what CrystalK says!! She knows who did it! Maybe this time it will be easier to keep that resolution, as long as I stay out of forums and only talk to people I genuinely like. I have my MySpace, my Facebook, this blog, and my UMG and Metazoic sites. Admittedly there are a few people on MySpace and Facebook that I don't know too well, I never say anything to them, but there are those who I talk to that I do like a lot. There is also my chihuahua site that still gets many views daily and many viewers leave me messages in my guestbook. Some are good, a few have been bad, but only a few. One person told me some time ago that Anika was saying on her website I was a puppymill. I always felt sorry for that woman!! She's too crazy for me, but I feel sorry for her. Apparently she's not breeding anymore, but she was a show breeder. Even had the #3 chihuahua in the country at one point. But she charged exorbitant prices for spayed and neutered dogs. Well, I never got angry at her because I knew she was nuts. Everyone knew!!! I just asked her who gave her permission to use my kennel name on her website. I never got a response from her. I searched her site and found nothing about my kennel though. Either she took it down or it was never really there in the first place. Don't know. But oh well!! It's dead and stinking now.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Honor Roll

My sis Anna got a letter from her school today, and because she did so well last quarter, she is now on the honor roll! My sis is an honor roll student!!! I can hardly believe it myself, no one I've ever known has made the school's honor roll!! I almost feel like Anna is a celebrity! She's going to get her picture in the newspaper. I cannot tell you all how high I am walking on air now, I am so proud of her!!! I just had to shout it out. Geez!! This sure does shoot to death the theory Mcgillicutty came up with that my sis is a "stupid sis". LOL!!! I guarantee you all, mcgillicutty would not know anyone who has ever even come close to being on the honor roll. Oh yea, I'm going to gloat a little!! hehe! When the newspaper comes out with her story and her picture, I'm going to buy lots of copies and pass them out to all our family and friends.

I just had to spread the word!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

John Travolta's Son Jett Dies

And at only 16 years old. What a shame!! So young, it's always sad when people (or animals) die so young when they have so many good years ahead of them. My heart really goes out to John Travolta and his wife tonight.

You know, this is weird! It was only a few short nights ago I was thinking heavily about John Travolta!! I even wrote about him on this blog!! I kinda wonder if that was a signal of some kind. This same thing happened about a week before Michael Hutchence died. I had a picture of INXS over my sofa and I started to look at Michael for several minutes at a time for the first time in something like 3 years. For some reason back then, even though I was in a neutral period with INXS, I just started thinking a lot about Michael. And it just came on all of a sudden! One minute, I was basically indifferent to Michael, the next minute, I couldn't get my eyes off him. Then, it just progressed, my interest in him just grew and grew. I couldn't explain it! It wasn't a "love" per se, it was just a growing interest. Something somewhere was trying to tell me something. Then 9 days later I heard Michael had been found dead in a hotel room in Sydney. It isn't often I think about John Travolta. Not often at all!! Well, not since I was a little kid and had a minor crush on him. But that night I wrote about him on this blog, I was thinking of him quite a bit! Is it irony or coincidence? Or did I get some kind of early signal of an impending tragedy?

I don't know why when I got back into INXS again in 2005, I was more sweet on Tim than on Michael this time around. I hope that does not mean he'll be next to go!!! I don't think so though. That's really laughable!! I think I just like Tim a lot! I more believe at that time I sensed INXS was going to make a big comeback. And they did!! That was before I heard about Rockstar: INXS coming out. It wasn't until after I already made up my mind that I love Tim so much that I found out about Rockstar: INXS. It was my "re-discovery" of INXS that made me interested in INXS news in the first place. So I couldn't have known about Rockstar before. Either way, it's eerie!! I knew my senses were good, but I never imagined they were that good!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well it is 2009. Another ending decade. Isn't it funny? I still feel like it was only yesterday that it was 1999. The years seem to be going by faster and faster every decade. I'm not going to get into "is this a sign" kind of discussion. I just want to say Happy New Year. Yesterday was a long, tough day, Anna and I went to Olympia to do a little after-Christmas shopping. Today, nothing is open, except maybe the 24-hour shops (even those I'm not sure). I'll never find out here because we don't have any 24-hour shops in this town. We drove past a store and someone was selling puppies last night! They were too CUTE!!!! Do you know how long it's been since I touched a puppy? It's been 2 whole years!! Since Vegas was a puppy. I never realized how much I miss having a puppy until I got to hold those little babies last night!! I never even realized how long it's been since I've held a puppy until last night!!! It felt so GOOOOOOOOOD!!!! Those things were so sweet!!! They were so soft and cute, and had such floppy ears and beady eyes and waggly tails!! And so light!! Uhh! They were as light as thistle down! I could hardly feel one in my arms as I held it. And the puppy breath! That's something I miss more than anything! Nothing smells sweeter than puppy breath and I got befuddled on that last night!! I tell you, if I had my way, I'd have brought one of those flocculent babies home and that puppy by now would be singing my praises as a mommy! LOL! I'd have cuddled with it all night long. But I couldn't. We went to Olympia for the same reason we always do, to shop for groceries. And they are more important than a puppy right now. Besides, I really do not like the idea of getting a puppy from someone who is standing in front of a store trying to unload them. I'd have preferred to see the parents. It gives me a good idea how the puppy is going to look when it gets older. But anyway, it was a definite high! Anyway, it was the light of my day yesterday!

When we got home last night, it was dark, windy and rainy. But we had a lot to unload. One of the first things I always grab is my little MP3 player (my old one). I thought I grabbed it last night and brought it into the house, but I looked for it last night and realized it wasn't here. But I was so exhausted I didn't really want to bother with it. I just figured it was still inside the car. So I said I'd get it the next morning. Well, this morning I got up about 7 AM (unusual for me), and I looked out the window and I saw a small, pink object lying right next to the car. I was like "oh no!" I knew instantly what it was. I rushed out there and sure enough, it was my little MP3 player. I thought for sure it was doomed! I brought it back into the house and pushed the play button and it actually played!!! I thought "What a tough little device!" I could not believe it was still playing! Now, hooking it up to the stereo might be a different matter. I haven't tried that yet. I just could not believe that little device survived a whole night of cold wind and punishing rain!! It was raining hard last night!! I could hear it pounding on my window. The funny twist in this is that I was laying in bed last night thinking I was so glad that my MP3 player was in the car and not out in that rain, because I have actually dropped it before, but I never just left it to lay on the ground!! I would have almost sworn I brought it back into the house though! I'd have bet my life on it!! LOL!

Well, I was tired last night, but I wanted to stay awake to make my New Year's wish. Every year, I make my New Year's wish and every year it comes true. One way or another. In 2006 and 2007 I wished for INXS and to go to more concerts. In 2007 I only had time to go to one concert though, and it was all the way in Michigan. But still, it was a good show, even though I thought the opening band SUCKED!!!! Their music wasn't so bad, but the killer for their songs were the long, instrumental bridges!!! They went on too long!! 20 or so minutes on average!! Too long, when I go to a concert I want to hear some singing dammit!! That's one of the things I love about INXS. But even if they didn't sing, just seeing my Timmy is a great enough reward! I tended to keep my eyes on him a lot. Not to say I didn't enjoy seeing JD, Andrew, Jon and Garry as well. But the real reward was seeing the very handsome and beautiful Tim Farriss!!! I hated that trip!! The area was so dry! And getting there was no picnic either! My feet kept swelling up like balloons!! It was the first and only time in my life I felt like a freak!!! Like I was deformed or something. And it just struck all of a sudden! I never had my feet swell up like that before. But seeing Tim at the end of the line made it all worthwhile!! Anyway my feet got back to normal when I got home, but honestly, I thought for a moment they were going to be that way forever! LOL!!!

When I got home last night I got an anonymous e-mail about my Metazoic site. I always get people who have some kind of problems with the site. But this was about my little spat with the owner of the SE forum. Everyone thinks I don't like the owner!! He calls himself Proletarian. I never said I don't like him!! I said he needs to grow up, and he does. Especially if he's going to be the administrator of a forum. He was starting to act like Adolph Hitler! Kinda like the personality Vicki took on in the Switchboard. Only I like Proletarian a lot better than I ever did Vicki. In fact, I never liked Vicki at all. Something about her from day 1 was very disturbing. Not so with Proletarian. I think, for such a young man, he's just drunk with the powers of administration. He was never like this on my forum (now torn down). But on my forum, I always treated him like an equal. I never cussed him out because I didn't like the fact he believed in The Future is Wild's terrestrial squids. But he was cussing me out because I believe mammals can evolve to walk like ostriches, which I’ve gotta say is a lot more conceivable than giant, walking squids, or squids that swing through the trees like gibbons. He doesn’t believe it. I always say they have their opinions and I have mine. I think like I do for a reason and I stand by it. Admittedly there are those who are a lot less stubborn than I am in their points of view, but at least I can say I have my reasons for thinking like I do and not be so easily yielded. I said Proletarian is being a typical cat-person, and everyone by now should know what I think of cat people. I’ve met so many.

That was another thing brought up by this e-mailer. He asked me why I hate cats so much. I don’t hate house cats, as long as they belong to other people and stay in their homes and not come to mine. I do hate panthers of any kind—lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, cougars—I hate them all!! Well, the only exception is snow leopards. I have a thing though, the more popular something is, the less I like it. Since panthers seem to be the most popular animals of all, I don’t like them. I used to like them, but that was ages ago!! Since I’ve seen them in so many movies, tv shows, documentaries, etc, I got sick of looking at them. Especially when everyone told me that I cannot hate panthers because everyone else likes them. I especially said I didn’t like them then. Now, don’t think that just because I think this way about felines that it means I feel the same way about people. LOL! I know some idiots will think that. But being popular does not make a person to me. Look at me. I’m probably one of the most unpopular people, especially on the internet. But my friends, who know me in person, say I’m one of the most lovable, unobjectionable people they’ve ever known. Contrariwise, I’ve met some people that everyone on the internet likes who are the most insufferable and hateful people I’ve ever met anywhere!! I can tell. And my instincts are almost impeccable! For example, for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting some bad vibes from someone I thought I would like. This person has always been nice in the past, and I really don’t want to say anything until I am 100% positive. Unfortunately, most people don’t say anything until it’s too late, and in the meantime they fool you into thinking nothing is wrong by just not saying anything. But I have a natural knack for picking up on these little things, that later turn out to become bigger things than I first thought.

Yeah, I admit it, I may be a little paranoid, but I have good reason for that. I’ve been “played on” before. The worst recollection I can think of was a young woman I knew in vocational school. We became fast friends, maybe too fast? We called each other almost daily, we went on long rides together; we even went so far as exchanging Christmas and birthday gifts, and that lasted for 3 years. I thought we’d be friends forever. It sure seemed that way! Then one day I called her and for the first time since I knew her, she didn’t call back. I called her again, and no response. Both times I left a message on her answering machine so she knew it was me. I puzzled over that for quite a while. But I thought nothing of it because at that time she had just recently moved into a new apartment and I figured she was just getting settled in. That is until I went back to the voc school and noticed she was acting strangely when I said hello to her. Usually, she and I were always happy to see each other, followed by hugs, smiles and laughter. Well, this time there was none of that at all, and she acted more like “Oh no! Not you again!” I sensed that in her voice and facial expressions almost immediately. But still thought nothing of it. I went home and continued my day. That evening I called her again, got her answering machine and left another message. Waited 3 days and she still never responded. Then we had an adventure Christmas shopping, and I met a nice young man. I wanted to tell this friend about him, since she’d tried to get me back together with a man since my first boyfriend moved away. So I left a message on her answering machine again, waited and still got no answer from her. I figured the friendship must be over for sure now. Such a shame too! I really did like her.

I cannot say for sure why she chose to end it so abruptly, as usual I can only speculate based on events and little signals that began just shortly before they began showing up. One of the biggest things that comes to mind was she had a guy friend who was looking for a roommate. I was still quite young and looking to get a place out of my father’s house. This friend introduced me to him saying he has a room for rent. So I said I would move into this guy’s empty room. Well, he set a time and date to meet, and I was going to go. But I never showed up. But this friend of mine I guess got angry at that, and honestly I could not blame her. But if she had bothered to ask me, she would have found out the reason why I didn’t show up at that appointment. Somehow my father caught wind of the news that I would be rooming with a guy, and said he would completely disown me if I moved in with him. Well, I didn’t want my father to disown me, as I would have wanted to see him again! So, I just didn’t go. I had no way of letting this guy know this either. Back then, cell phones were not as popular and widespread as they are today. And I didn’t have his home number. The only one I could call was the woman friend of mine. And if I recall correctly, I did try to call her to tell her I wasn’t going to be able to make it there, that was the first time I called and left a message on her machine and she never answered back. I still, to this day, remember the corny message on her machine: “Hello. I’m cooking dinner. Leave me a message…..BEEP!” And I said “Jennifer, it’s DeeDee, call me back, it’s important.” And no response from her in days. Of all the friendships I’ve had and lost over the years, I think that was the one that hurt me the most, simply because I put so much of an emotional investment in that woman. I trusted her like no one else. I was always there for her and she was always there for me. I won’t say we were without an occasional spat, but it seemed like we were going to be friends forever.

I have a thing, I never explain why I do anything unless someone asks me. Most people I’ve noticed don’t ask. Those that don’t ask, I always just assume they don’t give a shit so I just drop the subject altogether. But then, it always seems that it meant more to them than they let on from the beginning. Especially when they just choose to drop the loving friendship I gave them. I’m not like that. Someone does me wrong, I always have to know why! I want to give the person a fair chance at explaining themselves. I don’t want to condemn someone I like over a misunderstanding. I’ve been wrong before, and I want to hear from the other person proving that I am wrong, and how so. I know there are some people, like Passion Wolf, who think they don't have to explain themselves even to their friends. People like that you know don't care about others in general. But what my [real] friends and family thinks means everything to me, but I always go on their lead. I don't want to talk out of turn. Maybe that's my handicap. And this other person I've been getting bad vibes from, well, I just don't want to say anything yet. But it may be better if I just let go.

OK, this has turned into a novel for the first day of the year! LOL!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Something I Forgot....

I was supposed to put this up on my last blog post and I forgot. I mentioned the story Gracie's Odyssey, but I never really showed anything from it. This is a little advertisement I made. It's just some pics from the story (in color) put to some narrative words and music. I like to use classical music in my movies because it's the kind of music that reaches the soul. Like it or not, you've got to agree the way I put the music in these movies really captures your spirit. You can listen with the sound off, but I don't really recommend it. IMO, the music tells the story.

I made quite a few of these little advertisements. Here's one I am really proud of, for a story by Cathy. It was the first story she ever did for our group, in 1987. I had just met her, we went to school together and I showed her some of the stories I did. She liked them and she showed me one that she did earlier. Well, in June of 1987 we both pooled our talents together and came up with this story about a bushbaby and an otter shrew. At first she wanted to make the story about a bushbaby and a cheetah, but I said I ain't a-drawing no cheetah!! By that time, my interest in panthers of any kind had completely diminished. I liked otters though, but that would have been too big an animal to make friends with a tiny bushbaby, so we took the next best thing, an otter lookalike, the otter shrew. And it is indeed small enough to fit in the story. This one is also already available on our site, it's called Growing Up is Hard to Do. And sure enough, the little otter shrew faces the hardships of growing up alone. It's a hilarious look at how sometimes some things don't always go the way we want them to. But the shrew is made a stronger individual because of these things. He just picks up the broken pieces and says 'life goes on.' Again, you can listen with the sound off, but I don't recommend it.

John Travolta Double Feature

LOL! He's a cool old guy, I like him. I loved him in Grease. Unfortunately Saturday Night Fever was not as good or as funny as Grease. I think they used the same characters. Not sure though. I remember I saw SNF once and I never wanted to see it again. In one scene in the movie, one of the guys killed himself and I remember it literally made my belly churn. It really made me physically ill!! I was just a kid back then, but it really did make me physically ill, just the thought I guess of this one guy killing himself. I guess that is why I never had the desire to really kill myself, even though I've been through some pretty far down moments. The only time I seriously contemplated doing anything harmful was when my Groucho died. But Grease is funny. In all fairness though, Saturday Night Fever does have the better soundtrack. I've been listening to it for many years. I even remember having the album as a child, and having the maddest crush on the Bee Gees. Especially Barry Gibb. Of the three of them, he was the one that looked more like a man. LOL! Kinda hard to explain there, but it is true. I've seen a recent picture of him, this is what he looks like today:

Still not bad!! I love a man holding a guitar!!!! (nothing like someone who is loyal to her childhood fantasies, eh?) Even though this was the guy who used to trip my fancy:

Now, his brother Robin was not too bad looking either. But he was too skinny.

More than anything when I was a kid, I think it was his hair I was more attracted to. LOL! Not really his face, lips or anything. I like guys with a bit of meat on their bones. But you know Robin is still that skinny? Believe me. I used to pretend like me and my sis were at a concert of their's and they were playing on the stage in front of us. Then Anna had the good destiny to actually attend one of their concerts. I was too young to go so I didn't get a chance to. I stayed home with my pa, and my kitty cat that I had at that time. There was one song the BeeGees did, called Tragedy, that is a good song. That is until they come toward the end when you hear what sounds like cannon guns firing off. Anna told me that when she was at the concert, those things that sounded like cannon guns are actually pyrotechnics. Now, I can believe it. But when I was a kid, I'd never even heard of pyrotechnics. Imagine the BeeGees going for those, like some major heavy-metal rockers. INXS never has used pyrotechnics. Not that I've seen, anyway. IMO, the BeeGees should not have used them in that song, it was a bad idea. It kinda ruins the ending for me.

Actually, Travolta himself used to be kinda good-looking too. He's not a bad singer either. I never had a crush on him, per se. I just liked his appearance on Grease and a few other movies. Grease was the funnier of his movies back then, and Saturday Night Fever was more on the dramatic side. That's how I saw it. I haven't seen SNF since I was about 7 years old. It was enough.

Well, on to a subject I know I'll love, Timmy again. The DJ. Unfortunately, I was right all along, the shows are only going to be broadcast in Australia. I thought the show was going to cost $175!! Apparently that was to subscribe to some other radio station for the news about the stations that will be broadcasting this series. But still!!! I won't get to hear it. According to this one person who told me about all this, there will be livestreaming, but no podcasting. And the livestreams are only for Aus. It still SUCKS!!! I was confused for a slight second. I probably would have understood more if I was still on inxs.com and able to read everyone's responses to that. But I am not, and I am not ready to return yet. I still love Tim, but still taking a "break" from INXS. Now, I am still new to computers and gadgets and how stuff works, but I still don't see why someone in Aus cannot record the programs as they come on the radio there and make podcasts of them and post them up on like inxs.com or somewhere. Well Tim, I still love you man. I hope someone can think of some way the rest of the World can hear this! I'd sure love to! I can bet it would be priceless!!!

Well, I'm also taking a break from working on my Metazoic website. I'm back to working on my UMG website. I've been hard at work on a story called Gracie's Odyssey. It is a UMG masterpiece!!! It's kindof a combination of Finding Nemo and Brother Bear, but this story is twice as old as those movies. It was first completed in January of 1998 by one of my best friends, Cairo. In fact, he based the story on my life at that time. hehe! Cairo has retired from our little group, and is now writing poetry and hang-gliding. HA!! He likes that stuff. Now, our group is down to about 3 individuals, not counting my sis Anna, who has also written for us. But Anna doesn't seem to want to make a career of writing. The story is about a fawn, named Davy, born in a zoo, and he is undersized compared to his brother and sister. Gracie is the mother. When Davy's brother and sister are sold, he is left behind with his mom. Gracie develops a special kinship with Dave and does not want to part with him, and he doesn't want to part from her. But one day the zoo keeper slips into their pen in the middle of the night and takes Dave away from his mom and sells him to another zoo far away. Gracie is pissed! And Dave is upset his mom isn't with him anymore and he feels he will never see her again. Well, I cannot give too much of the story away, but that is the jist of how it begins a long conquest for Gracie to try and get her fawn back. The story is based on me. That was a bad time for me, for several obvious reasons. So the story represents me, and Davy represents a small, but important, part of my soul that was lost at that time. It's a long explaination. But it did turn out to be a very good story!!! It will be up on our UMG site very soon.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Operacion Repo

I was watching a marathon of this last night. Man!! I never seen a bigger bunch of roughnecks in my life!! But I guess you've gotta be a roughneck to do the kind of job they do. But this one guy named Matt, oh man!! He's the roughest roughneck of all of them. He manhandles everyone, man, woman, short, tall, fat, skinny, he doesn't care, he roughs them all up!! Man! I've seen gangsters who were not as quick-tempered as this guy! He is built like a bear with the temper of one of those honey badgers.

These people repossess cars and other vehicles from those who do not keep up the payments. They do come up against some pretty rough characters themselves. I'll never forget that woman in a pizza parlor who threw her whole pizza on this one woman Sonya's head. Sonya always seems to go to these repossessions like she's going to a ball. She always wears this big, huge, lacy dress, but she's got an attitude like I've never seen before. She kinda reminds me of a woman I lived with for 2 weeks once. That's a different story though but it was a live-in babysitter position and the mom was a roughneck too. And a hard-rocker. I had to quit that job when my pa was pestering me because she was paying me little more than room and board. At least I got a new sofa out of the deal! But anyway, she is who Sonya reminds me of.

Anyway, I've been rather lucky I've never had to have my car repossessed, I always pay for them in full. That way I know there will never be any threat of repossessions. I may not have the prettiest and flashiest cars on the road, but at least they are all mine from the get-go. I've never had a car repossessed and I never will. :) Well, I'm not like most of these other people who were trying to stop these people, hitting them over the head with pizzas and stuff. LOL! I'm more the type that would say "Go ahead and take the car! It's more trouble than it's worth!" Out here, I can always catch the bus. Not a big problem. But anyway, if you like watching roughnecks repossessing the cars of idiots, I recommend this show. It's funny as heck!! Don't get Matt angry though!

Dian Fossey, the Sequel

Today is the day I celebrate one of the greatest people in the World's history. Dian Fossey was killed in her home on this day in 1985. She would have been about 76 years old now. I usually prefer to celebrate the person's life on the day they die as opposed to the day they were born, particularly someone like Dian Fossey. She was a remarkable woman! A real pioneer. Like me, she prefered animals to people. Jane Goodall is a great person too, but she is not as great as Dian Fossey was. Until Fossey took those first steps to make close contact with the gorillas, Goodall would never have even thought of interacting with the chimps, which she didn't do until long after she began studying them. Fossey, like me, enjoys more contact with animals. Also like me, animals always took to Fossey! She has made close contact even with cape water buffalo, something I wouldn't have the guts to do voluntarily. But she was never charged at by the buffalo. They just looked at her with great indifference. In short terms, Dian Fossey was COOL!! She knew how to "talk" to animals. Well, she was almost supernatural in her ability to make even wild animals feel at ease around her. This is why people like Dian Fossey, who are no longer with us, I prefer to celebrate their lives on the date they passed. Because then I feel we celebrate all their accomplishments, which is really something to celebrate. People like Tim Farriss, I still celebrate his birthday because he is still here and I love him a lot as a bandmember of INXS!! He has had some great accomplishments too, and I reflect back on those. If it wasn't for him, there never would have been INXS. That would have been a very intolerable existance for me!! INXS has always been counted as one of the all-time best live rock n roll bands, I can't even think of life anymore without my memories of the concerts I've been to, and the times I have met and even been in the same room with Tim Farriss and the rest of the guys from the band.

Anyway, in her lifetime, Fossey even published a best-selling book, "Gorillas in the Mist", I have read the book and enjoyed it. Fossey's own comments on the book though were that there was too much "me-itis" in the book. That's what she called it when one thought too much of one's self. But the World thought it was a great book. I loved it. So there is actually a lot to celebrate in Fossey's life, she's always been my hero, for a long time she was, and still is. I still look up to her in a lot of ways for a lot of things. I've even looked up to her back when I was breeding chihuahuas, I did what I could to defend the breed as aggressively sometimes as Dian Fossey defended the gorillas. Though back in those days, I still liked people, so I was a little more diplomatic in my approach. Today is the day I give my donation to the Gorilla Fund. I've given a lot to charity this year, I gave a lot of donations to the thrift store out here, it's a non-profit thrift store whose money all goes to help those in need in this town. I gave $20 to the Salvatian Army red bucket this year, and now this. I'm buying myself a great deal of good karma (luck, prayers, you name it) I can use it next year. Have a lot of plans for next year.

Here is another choice tidbit, 2009 is officially the Year of the Gorilla, well, scientists are making it that way according to this article: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/12/01/year-of-gorilla.html. The mountain gorillas have become something of an icon for endangered animals. Today there are about 700 individuals in the wild. That's not a bad number considering at one point when Fossey was studying them, there were as few as less than 400 wild individuals. That's quite a jump! That makes mountain gorillas one of the most endangered animals in the World. The only thing rarer that I can put my finger on (according to that same article) is the Asian cheetah. But I don't give a shit about cheetahs, ugly bastards!!!! So I concentrate on saving the mountain gorillas. Dian Fossey began the gorilla fund after the slaying of her most favorite gorilla she called Digit, and in fact, the fund used to be called "the Digit Fund". Now, it is called the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. In all honesty, I don't think Dian Fossey would approve of that!! She would have more likely argued that the fund was founded for Digit, not her. But not much we can do about it. But knowing Dian Fossey as well as I do, if she complained to her publisher about putting too much of herself in her own book, she sure as Hell would have griped about naming this gorilla fund after herself and taking Digit's name off it. No way she'd have stood for that! But she isn't here to argue so I guess whoever it was that changed the name of the fund thought what they were doing was right. Well, Fossey can sit in Heaven and be happy at least the gorilla population is increasing. Slowly! Gorillas were never meant to be very common, they are slow reproducers. Even more so than we are. Because they don't have sex just for the fun of it. They don't care about having huge families like a lot of people do. They think about what the long-term consequences are on thier environment due to their population and people usually do not. Believe it or not, animals are programmed by nature to only reproduce when necessary. Humans are not. Humans just think about "Oh I have 3 kids, but I don't care about the long-term affects! I just want to have MORE kids!!" Animals are not like that. They are programmed that when food is scarce, or their environment may be going through some kind of particular shortage, or when there is too many of their species and not enough natural population control, they stop reproducing. Unfortunately human interferrence doesn't count because people just chop down trees and build houses and farms and kill off natural predators without thinking what it's going to do to the animals. Or they kill animals for fun (also known as poaching). So animals that are slow to reproduce, like mountain gorillas, wind up suffering drastic declines in their population. And it's not like mountain gorillas can be kept in zoos either. The gorillas we see in zoos are always of the lowland variety. Animals that have adapted to the mountain climates very often are difficult to keep in captivity because they require special adaptations to live in their harsh environment. These adaptations are not compatable with the small habitats they provide in zoos. I'm surprised snow leopards can be kept in zoos. But snow leopards are relatively young as a species. They evolved off of regular Indian leopards no more than about 100,000 years ago, maybe less. But as far as gorillas go, I'm afraid they still have a long way to go. But Dian Fossey would be enjoying this progress. The gorillas would be saying to her "We're doing the best we can with what little resources we have left!"

Friday, December 26, 2008

What I Want For Christmas

Hehe! Well another Christmas has come and past, next in line is New Years! I got some cool gifts this year. Katrina gave me a little graphic MP3 player. It plays not only MP3s, but also movies and stores pics. I put all the Timmy pics from my computer onto this little gadget, now I can take them anywhere with me. I already have an MP3 player, but this one is better really. My older one doesn't have a screen, and I cannot view pics. This one Katrina gave me also plays WMP files, and MP4's. Eva gave the both of us a little mini digital camcorder. I love it! I can edit our home movies on my computer and even apply music to our videos. I gave Anna a programmable coffee machine. Anna gave me a projector, so I can put my Timmy pics on it and draw them on a piece of paper I tape onto the wall and make them huge!! hehe! I could use a nice poster of just Timmy, and now I can draw it myself! I always have trouble drawing Timmy. He has such a complex expression on his face that it makes it impossible to duplicate. Believe me, I tried. I'm not that fricken good yet!!! Well, when the time comes I want to take the gift cards I got and get myself a portable DVD player that also plays VCDs. An electronic Christmas!! I can hardly wait!! I'm going to wait until my sis Anna goes back to school after New Years, I want to just laze around the house a little longer. I don't want to clutter my free time by going out. hehe! Yeah, I'm a lazy-ass!! Don't ya just HATE it?! LOL!! I'm also going out to get me some of those ex-pens for my dogs. Someone told me about them on here and I think it'd be the best investment I can put in my little family here. I just hope the high winds here don't blow them away. I'd like to find some that are easily collapsable.

So where is my phone and my HDTV? LOL! I'm just kidding! I have a little left-over egg nog in me I need to get out. Don't worry, it was non-alcoholic. Just super sweet. I spent most of yesterday cooking and baking. We had friends over and stripped the turkey bare. Poor old bird!! LOL! Katrina could have come with Eva, but they were snowed in. That's why I didn't even try to make it over there. Katrina hasn't even been at work in days. We had a brushing of snow here Christmas morning, but it melted quickly. We still have a bit left over from the last arctic blast we had, but it's not even snow anymore. It's more like slush.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dian Fossey

Every year at this time, one person comes to mind more than any other, besides family. It's Dian Fossey. I've been an admirer of her's for a long time! I mean LONG!! Ever since "Gorillas in the Mist" came out in the theaters. I was just a teenager then, but she was fascinating!! Funny I never even thought about mountain gorillas until I saw that movie. Back then, I was more into other types of animals, like lemurs and mongooses. Gorillas never even crossed my mind. The gorillas are sweet, but Dian Fossey really fascinates me. She and I have a lot in common. She grew up not liking people either, for the same reason as me. She had too many bad experiences with people to like them. If only she'd been here during the internet age, I can imagine what she'd think of people now. Too many people on the internet shit-talk each other.

Anyway, Dian Fossey has always been such a big inspiration in my life, one has to admire a woman who died fighting for what she believed in. Sometimes I think that is how I am going to end up. One of the biggest misconceptions though is that she died defending the gorillas, and it has recently been discovered that that is not completely true. Though it was a part of why she was targeted for assassination, the real reason most people wanted her dead was because she was trying to stop the gold trade in the Virungas. It was learned that a member of the Rwandan government was actually the guy who killed her, he went to her house to retrieve gold that Dian confiscated from some smugglers. Gold to the Rwandans is like narcotics are to us. It's worth so much to them that they actually kill for it. But apparently it's illegal there to smuggle, so Dian tried to stop the smuggling of gold by having the smugglers arrested and confiscating the gold herself. The man who killed her (his name escapes me at the moment, but it was an African name) admitted it was not his original intent to kill her when he broke into her house, he actually went there unarmed, thinking she was not home. He actually used a woodcutter's knife that was hanging on Dian's wall as a decoration. But still, even if the sole purpose for her demise was not due to the gorillas, not all of it anyway, she did die fighting for what she believed in, and that is admirable.

This is why on the anniversary of her death each year I give to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, or DFGF. No other person has influenced me so much either directly or indirectly, outside the family. Family always comes first. But I've known about Dian Fossey and studied her so extensively for so long she almost feels like family to me! LOL! Or at least an old friend. I never actually met her though, she didn't like coming to the west coast. She had such a deep, dark resentment for her ma that she preferred to stay away from this part of the country. Her ma married a man when Dian was about 5 years old that was the kind of person that believed children should be completely separate from adults. A total jerk in other words. So, she and her ma never really bonded. But Dian should not have been too upset, she made something of her life. And to the gorillas, she is the ultimate hero!! She deserves to be remembered in a special way. She was a special person. I celebrate her life every year, it's become as much a part of this holiday season to me as Christmas and New Years are.

Speaking of Christmas and it's traditions, look at one of the uses being discovered for that leftover misteltoe! It can be used to prolong the lives of cancer patients. I read about it in this article: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/12/24/mistletoe-cancer.html. And eat as many of those candy canes as you can! It's great for regulating your system and fighting germs: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2008/12/24/candy-canes-germs.html.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Michael Jackson Touring???

Well, after I read in The Star Celeb how there have been allegations regarding Michael Jackson's life coming to an end (completely false) I heard about him planning another World tour. The first thing that came into my mind, ignoring the article about people saying he was dying, was "Michael Jackson is touring?????" I always thought his touring days were over. Well, all I know is I am not going to any of his shows. Call me what you want but you cannot pay me to attend an MJ concert!!! If there is one thing wacko Jacko is famous for (among thousands of other things) is cancelling concerts just for funsies. It's like he wants the money, but doesn't really want to do the work. This man doesn't even have half the mannerisms INXS does!!

I heard once Janet's boobs flopped out of her outfit on stage while she was doing a dance on a stage in Chicago. I think it was Chicago!! Or was it Washington DC? It was one of those unlucky towns anyway. Anyway, I would kinda like to know if Michael J's nose will also fall off his face? If there is still the threat of that happening, he'd better think about deploying a welder to weld that thing onto his face! Or Michael himself can drill in some screws to keep it on. He can get the screws from the loose ones in his head! Seriously though, I do feel sorry for the man. He fucked up his face and now he's fucked up his life. This was a total surprise that he is going on another tour. GOD help the man!!

Well, I am glad to see The Star Celeb has more guest writers. I've done a few articles for them. I actually feel honored to write for these people. I get a lot of hot news about celebs through E! news on my homepage. And I have a few strings I can pull myself, hehe! Being a writer and touring the country, you meet a lot of people, believe me!! I'm even slowly getting over my shyness. I mean S-L-O-W-L-Y!!!! My supervisor is also here in town and we have been discussing the plans for the company for next year. eek!! In a way I am kinda excited, but in another way I am also scared. I'll be touring to places I've never been before. Some places scare the shit out of me! Like NYC. I've never been there, and I'm going to have to go. Shoot!! I've heard some nightmarish things about the place!!! I know someone who lives there and she tells me that there are people there who will rip your head off for looking cross-eyed at them!! It's totally fucking scary!!! Portland scares me too. Of all the places in Portland that is bad, Hillsboro is the worst!! The people there are ritzy and upper-crust. Any out-of-towners there get treated like they are slime on the sidewalk by the locals. I keep telling Trisha I don't want to go to Portland!! I beg her don't send me there!!! I was so glad when my ma moved from Salem to Olympia, I hated even going through Portland briefly on my way there. That is how much I hate Portland!! And it's not the town it's self I hate, it's the people! They make visiting there more of a chore than a pleasure trip.

Well, I really couldn't care less if MJ is touring, I just want to see INXS tour again. I'm secretly hoping (well, not so secret anymore, lol) that INXS and I will tour the country at the same time. Then I can see every show they put on. I can work by day, have fun and play at the concerts at night. hehe! And I don't mean play any instruments either!!! hehe! I mean, play by looking into Timmy's face and admiring his outer beauty.