
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

White Child Abuse

 Take a look at this! A friend sent me this video this afternoon.

This video shows a white student being thrashed around by a black schoolteacher. It's horrible. While we do not know the actual circumstance that led to this abuse, nothing excuses this kind of behavior from a teacher. Most teachers when I was growing up, always tried to be fair. But this is what happens when affirmative action takes over hiring practices. We get nasty, bitter black liberal teachers like this. The narrator said that there is a lot of this going around in schools, where black teachers are bullying white students. I've had black teachers before, and they were always very fair. But again, that was the pre-Obama era. It is Obama that has made black people these days so hateful and angry.

I'll tell you, if that was my child in the video and I even dreamed the teacher was doing this to her in school, that teacher would never draw another breath again. I'd have hunted her down like a deer, and shot her. I don't give a fuck what she thinks about "white tears". Apparently that's a thing that black people made up. They believe white people should not be allowed to cry when they are bothered by a black person, because (in their words) "white tears have been used for years to get black people in trouble". That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard to not let any cry, or even call for help. It's kindof like what I've come to know as "the Carlos Stewart effect".

Remember earlier in this blog, I mentioned how Carlos started bullying me for no apparent reason. And when I sought help from some of the adults in my life, including my parents, all of his little fag friends took his side, and I became the bad person. And I didn't do anything. Carlos just randomly one day began harassing me. And it got worse and worse. I still, to this day, have no idea why he just picked me out of all the kids in school, to harass. I never did anything to him. I never even said anything to him, or to anyone else about him. In fact, I never even gave Carlos a second thought until after he began bullying me.

Now, I could have used "white tears" against him, and had him arrested for battery and simple harassment. But I didn't. I wasn't going to give him and his friends the satisfaction. So, I never cried because of them. The worst I did was pretend like they were not even there. In those days, I had after school activities going, so I would more often think of those and how much fun I was going to have than what was going on around me in the classrooms. Sometimes I'd even find myself smiling, in the midst of all their bullying.

Anyway, it was the fact that Carlos and all his friends made me out to be the bad one is why I call it the Carlos Stewart effect. When a black person bullies a white person, and then complains about "white tears", that's what I call it. Especially if it is an unprovoked attack, which when it comes to black people bullying white people, it usually is unprovoked. That's been my experience anyways. In every case when I've been bullied by black kids, it was them who always initiated the attack. I'm not a fighter. I don't start fights. And I'd rather walk away from a fight than get into one with anyone. But that does not mean I won't defend myself any way I have to. But only when I feel it is needed, and there is no other way out.

If black people don't like white people getting them in trouble, then here's a novel idea; STOP BOTHERING US!!!!!!! Go about your own business. If you don't like white people, then just leave us alone! If you're not going to agree to that, then don't be surprised when a white person calls for help because you are harassing them. And when that help does come, expect that you are the one who is going to be punished! You reap what you sow.

There have been times where my crying has got me in trouble too. And I've seen other kids act the same way and nothing happens to them. Do you think I get angry and blame those kids because I got in trouble for acting that way and they didn't? No. I don't. That's life. I just learned not to act like that again.

Sunday, June 4, 2023


 Well, it might as well be! DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. All I did was rearrange the acronym letters to make it more accurate. DIE. It stands for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. It means the same thing, it just spells out the word DIE. And that's what happens to any business that follows that conception. Look at what has been happening to Bud Lite beer. The same with Target stores. Both are on a downward spiral and it just keeps getting worse. Bud Lite is really feeling the pinch. The National Baseball League had a pride flag for their logo for a little while on the 1st of June. But they deleted it very quickly because of backlash from the fans. I said "Good!" That's the way it should be.

The reason for all this is simple. It's the same reason I stopped celebrating pride month 2 years ago. We're getting sick of this pride bullshit. We all are sick of it. It was cute for a while, but now people are pushing it on kids. The reason the leftists don't want kids is because they want to take the kids of conservatives and indoctrinate them to become trans or gay. As conservatives, we're not gonna stand for it. The left is no longer even hiding the fact that they are turning everyone trans. This is part of their scheme to gain dominance. We cannot let that happen. When men took over women's sports and showing up in women's locker rooms, that was when we finally said we've had enough! No matter how long he is on cross-sexing hormones, a man will never be a woman. I don't care if he's been taking hormone blockers since he was a day old, he's still never going to be a girl. Those people make me sick!

My sis and I want to start up a business too. I said one thing I will not have in my store are wokesters. I won't have them at all! I've seen the woke leftists work in businesses before and I don't like their conduct. I have a video somewhere of a woketard who worked in a vaping store, and a man came in wearing a Trump shirt and the woketard kept yelling at him to get out. I'm not going to have anyone like that running my store! No way! I want to keep up a friendly atmosphere in my store. No matter if someone supports Trump or Biden or even Obama. But if one of those leftists come into my store and asks for anything "pride" related, I'm gonna have to tell them I don't have it. We're not going to celebrate pride month in MY store! But I'm not going to yell at them to get out of my store either. I'd rather ask them politely to leave, and have them lose their minds over it. They always do! Because leftists are unhinged narcissists.

I won't even hire anyone based on this DIE standards. I recently saw a video of a black liberal woman, who is a schoolteacher, and she held a machete to a reporter's neck, and chased the cameraman with the same knife. This is a black liberal woman! And she's working as a schoolteacher! I also heard the same woman lost it on some pro-life students who were just passing out brochures about where pregnant women can get help, and not have to kill their babies. They had a whole booth set up with these brochures and this black liberal "teacher" just knocked the whole display over because she was anti-life. So, it's obvious she does similar shit to other students she disagrees with too. I'd never hire someone like her! EVER!!! I don't care about this DIE logic. Someone like her would not only be fired immediately from my store, she'd also be put in jail.

That's the kind of shit that happens with "diversity hires". That's why I will never hire anyone based on the DIE philosophy. DIE often means "reject white men", and I just cannot do that. If I get a white man that can run the shop and equipment good, he's on! Same if I can get a black woman who can do the job very well. I'd never hire based on skin color, or gender identity, or sexual preference. That's not what I am about because I don't care to hear every day about how white people are oppressing blacks, or how straight people are oppressing gays. I won't hear it. If they want to whine about that shit, they can go home and do it. We have a job to do in my store. And I'm not going to inch out of it just for the sake of DIE. We want nothing but quality work. The one who can do it gets to stay on.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Delusional Kathy

 I hesitated to write this for a week. I heard the news when my mom arrived here from Reno and it made me laugh so hard I split my side! It hurt but it was still pretty cool! Though it pissed off my mom and sister, I think it's hilarious! But I hesitated to write this because, in the off-chance that Kathy were to see this post, I don't want her to think I really give a damn what she thinks. But anyway here it goes.

Apparently Kathy wrote another obituary for my father, who died of cancer back in 2016. She wrote it on ancestry.com. She made it out like her whole family was related to my father. She put down that her daughters were my father's biological daughters, and that my sister was their real sister. But Kathy left one most important person out. Me! 😁😁😁 She didn't put my name down at all on my father's ancestry line. I thought it was so funny! I laughed when I heard it. Believe me when I say my feelings are not hurt at all. Like Kathy herself would say, I'm not gonna flinch an inch. LOL!

Kathy is just butthurt that I called her daughter Stephanie a fat-ass idiot! Stephanie was the one who wanted the truth! So I gave it to her. Jennifer is no better either! Jennifer is crazier than a loon! Both of them are just as ugly as Kathy is. Inside and outside! All of them have those big, round, bulging eyes, and sags under their eyes that look like George Soro's. My dad didn't have that. My dad is more proportionate. So is me and my sis. So Kathy is jealous and bitter.

Before Kathy got butthurt, there was an obituary written by them that was made in honor of my father back in 2016. That one did mention me. But after Kathy got butthurt, she decided to leave me out. That's OK though. It just proves correctly what I've been saying about Kathy all along. That she is a grown woman who never grew up. She never speaks for herself. She always gets her daughters to do it for her. And her daughters are nutty asf! Kathy is petty, a coward, an overgrown baby, and very obviously a hardcore leftist. She doesn't think her daughters can ever do anything wrong. I told Kathy that Stephanie started the whole thing. She not only disrespected my mom, but she also disrespected my sister and me. And that was uncalled for! All my mom wanted was dad's Jesus on the cross necklace, the one that his mom gave to him. Dad had been promising that necklace to me and my sis for as long as I can remember. Now it's gone. But that too is OK. Kathy and her family will be the ones who will have to answer for it when they try to get into Heaven. I don't think St. Peter is going to let them through the pearly gates with stealing, loathing and lying on their record. I'm sure my father will have some questions for them as well for how Kathy and her family treated me and my family after he died.

Well, Kathy's kids can do wrong, and have done wrong for as long as I've known them. Stephanie has 2 kids out of wedlock, which is evil in GOD's eyes. That's sure not going to get her into Heaven! And Jennifer sucks as a mother. Last time I saw her daughter Madison, she wasn't even 18 yet, and already had tattoos all over her arms. Plus, she has run away from home before and stayed gone for a week or two. Jennifer did not even go out looking for her! It was like she didn't even care about the fact that Madison was gone. And Kathy was going out, getting drunk and partying with her pathetic friends no more than a week after my father was dead. No doubt using his money to do it with. I would not be surprised if that was the real reason why my sis and I never got any money from our father after he died. I didn't say anything about it because I figured the money he left Kathy would be used to pay off my father's medical bills. But now, I am getting the feeling that Kathy drank all his money away. I'm as positive as the day is long that Stephanie and Jennifer got a share of my father's money too, and drank it away themselves.

Oh well! It's Kathy and her kids who will have to answer for that. My mom was worried how I'd feel knowing Kathy left me out of my father's ancestry. I told her I really do not care. I know the truth. My mom and sis knows the truth. GOD knows the truth, and so does dad. And whether she wants to face it or not, Kathy and her kids also know the truth. Unless Kathy is delusional on top of all those other things I said about her.

So these things are clear; Stephanie and Jennifer ARE NOT my father's biological kids. My sister Anna and I ARE HIS KIDS. Kathy is NOT my mother (thank GOD). Fran Clark IS my mother. Stephanie and Jennifer have a father of their own.

Geez! I don't know what I'd have done if Kathy was my real mom! I can't even imagine. She's such a big baby herself. I'd have probably had to raise myself.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

OK So the Catfags Won

 Y'all happy now?!

These are the two newest members of the family. Yes, they are kittens. I know that! But having Venom here kinda made me fall in love with cats. I wanted one just like her. So, her sister had kittens back at the beginning of April, and the owner allowed us to bring them home. I got one for me and one for my sis. Dahlia is the black one, and she belongs to me. Yes, she is a licker too, just like Venom. Though not as much as Venom was. She's more of a rebel. Like me. Petunia is the white kitten with gray spots, and she belongs to my sis. She's the more even-tempered and social one. She is also a licker.

Don't worry. I am still more of a dog person. But we cannot have anymore dogs until we get our own place. Bummer! Though there are people upstairs from us (incidentally the same people who gave us these kittens) who have 4 dogs in their unit. But I cannot take that chance.

I believe another thing that changed my mind was when I had all those pets here. I learned to love animals of all kinds. Even kitty cats. Well, they're a damnsite better than humans, that's for damn sure! I didn't want to get rid of my animals, but I had to when my sis moved in. I love my sis with all my heart and soul, and I could not let her go back to an uncertain future. And family comes before pets in cages. So, what else could I do. But these kittens don't require cages. When they do something wrong I have a squirt bottle to get at them with. They don't take up very much room either. So, they're OK here.

In other events, I heard Russia is going to create a city for American conservatives to live in. Those of us who want to escape the rapid fall of the country we once knew and loved, Russia is setting aside a small area outside of Moscow for us to move to, where there will be no blm/trans/gay/pride bullshit allowed. There's only one problem. It sounds too good to be true. If I were to move there, I'd like to think I would not be disturbed by any government procedures at any time. I'd just want to go there, live, have my animals, and not be bothered. I don't want to be woken up one night and have a guard with a gun in my back telling me I'm going to be executed for whatever reason. Or bombed in my bedroom. Besides, I don't trust that Putin.

I saw this in an article last week, but today when I did a search for it again, I couldn't find anything recent. I did find that Russia is giving land to people who want to move to the Arctic. But it's very remote land. No amenities. So no. But since the USA is falling apart, I'd like to find somewhere in this world to move to. Somewhere where there are no naked, gay men dancing in the streets, waving their genitals in children's faces. Somewhere where inflation does not exist. Somewhere where there is no Biden or Harris lousing things up. My ma was recently visiting, and she tells me in Canada and the Netherlands, a parent can choose to have a child aborted at up to 12 years old. I thought she was kidding, or misheard something. But no. It's true. But so far, it's only true for parents whose kids are terminally sick or injured. And that's just in the Netherlands. Canada is so messed up though, they allow anyone to kill someone who is simply depressed, instead of giving them meds.

I'll tell you right now, I hate that Justin Trudeau!! His brain is warped! I suffer depression, and I don't want to die! Even in my earlier days, I would never have killed myself. I ain't that depressed! Especially with family around me now, and my pets. And looking forward to more pets!

Friday, May 12, 2023

A Goal I Never Hoped For

 I've been very popular on Facebook lately! As of this afternoon, I am up by almost 900 friends. That's a margin I've never reached before. And it grows daily. That's a margin I've never even reached with the INXS fans! Well, let's face it, not many of the INXS fans really liked me that much. I think I always kinda knew that. It was not because of something anybody said. I'm just always a bit antsy about people. I think of everyone as an enemy until they prove differently. I know I am an abrasive person. Not a lot of people like that. They would rather be lied to and treated with kindness (or what they perceive as kindness) than to hear the truth. Especially when it comes to other people they consider friends. The INXS fans didn't like me because I didn't like people they considered friends. Even though the people they considered friends were real jerks. Like that dumb ol' Matt Burney goon! What they didn't know was that ol' Matt started shit with me. I did not start anything with him. He could not accept the fact that I just don't like Paula Yates. But again, that's what liberals do. They think everyone has to agree with them. I'm not that kind of a person. I call them as I see them. I've been hated throughout my life for that. So, it doesn't bother me that the INXS fans felt the same way.

I still have a few INXS fan buddies on Facebook, but they are the rare good ones. You can tell how rare people like them are by seeing how few friends I have that are INXS fans. Even though I am a fan of the band. A MEGA-fan! I have maybe a dozen INXS buddies out of almost 900 friends. I'm happiest this way. I love my buds, and I am gaining literally hundreds more. I don't feel as on edge anymore like I did before. I always felt a wee bit nervous before when I had like over 400 INXS buds. Mostly because one thing I've noticed over the years is that INXS fans gossip! And since most of them are leftists, they won't ask for your side of the story. They'll just shun you and turn their back on you. Leaving you to wonder what it was you did wrong. In the cancer incident, it wasn't until one of my friends spoke up to me that I learned the reason why that day I was losing friends left and right. All of them were INXS fans. None of them knew me very well. And all of them were being led by a nitwit. But the friends I've been making there now, I feel good about. These are people I actually have a lot in common with. People I can learn from. People I wouldn't mind going out with for coffee or a soda or something.

Now, I can say anything I want to. I can curse Paula Yates and no one will give a care. Though I don't want to curse her too much. She was a dog-lover, and she bred that into her children. So that's like one good thing about her. But that's it. I can talk about dogs and my favorite cat breeds and have people answer me back. I can even still talk about Michael and Timmy and how cute I think they are. I can even talk about how I think Kit Harington is the best pick for playing Michael. How he looks more like him than anyone else. More than Luke Arnold, and especially more than Aiden Turner. I've never been one for numbers. I never really cared how many friends I've had on Facebook. But I've just never had this many before!! It's a bit exciting, scary, refreshing, all at the same time. I never felt this before!

Anyway, remember Tux? Or Venom? I need to start referring to her by her real name. It's just I have such a huge block against the word venom. Especially for a sweet cat like her. Well, her sister had kittens, and the owner has offered to let me and my sis have one. I loved Venom so much! I actually agreed to take one of the kittens. I especially fell in love with a little solid black kitten that crawled up on my shoulder while I visited them. My sis fell in love with a little white kitten with gray spots. Not tabby. Just gray. I wouldn't accept a gray tabby. I still don't like them. So my sis and I decided to take both of them. We're just now waiting for them to be weaned. Katrina, who still hates cats, said to me when I told her "Boy! You've changed!" I said yes. Tux (Venom) and Mya changed my mind. Mya has always loved cats. She always runs up to them wanting to play. And remember I said Venom was about the sweetest cat I ever met. So, I am hoping these kittens will be just like her. And I have always loved black cats. I've always found them to be the friendliest. I never believed in the superstition that they are bad luck. And also, I miss my bunnies. So, having a kitten will be sort of like having my bunnies back. I had to let them go when my sis moved here because there was no longer any room for them and their cages. Plus all my sis's things. But we have room for a couple kittens here. It's not like we'll be keeping them in cages.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Cuck The Tuck

 As you may already know, FOX News has fired Tucker Carlson. I am so angry at FOX for doing this. Tucker was their greatest asset. Already they are losing money because of this decision. I say it serves them right! They should lose money! Getting rid of Tucker Carlson is perhaps the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas! Of course the leftists are happy about this. On The View, they were singing that same song the leftists always sing now. I've heard it come from them so often, I'm even sick of the song...

Good bye!"

I used to like that song, until now, that I am hearing the leftists overuse and weaponize it. But Tucker is a very intelligent person. He'll figure out a way to get himself back in the media. He's well loved enough to create his own channel! But FOX wants to make sure they keep tabs on him. They now have some kind of opposition folder created to blacken Tucker Carlson's name if he ever speaks out against FOX News. Kinda weird if you ask me. Even though I've been known to do pretty much the same thing to my own foes, even with that, I admit it is a dickwad move. And if the accusations are from someone named Abby Grossberg, then I don't care to hear it!

Let me tell you why. For one thing, I've already heard her accusations that Tucker Carlson, along with several other men in the station, were spreading anti-semantic and misogynistic rumors. And frankly, I don't believe a word she says. Tucker has a wife. Why would he say anything against women? And the anti-semantic claims. People have been trying to accuse Tucker Carlson of being racist against non-whites forever! But it is simply not true! I think the real reason they got rid of Tucker Carlson is just for exactly the same reason YouTube is deplatforming Matt Walsh. Because he refuses to give into the big lie about how men can become women and women can become men, and that there is some kind of "in-between" entity that they call "non-binary". I don't blame him for that. I wouldn't go along with it either. The whole gender thing is a LIE!!!

Another reason I won't listen to Grossberg, she never actually met Tucker Carlson! Apparently they both live in totally different states. And she's never worked with him personally. So no. I'm not going to believe a word she says unless there is undeniable proof.

That is why FOX may be able to remove Tucker Carlson from their studio (even if it kills them), but they will never get him completely off the media! And they cannot change all the minds of those who love him.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Desperate Trannies

Remember, we just had a mass shooting where a trans "woman" killed 6 people at a Christian school. You know why that happened? Because trannies are getting desperate. They are now afraid of being outlawed out of this country. Several states have happily taken the initiative to make it illegal to transform kids to the opposite sex. So today's trannies are getting desperate. Desperate enough to try anything. Including threatening you and your children. Meet Tara (Thomas) Jay. He has a message for all the women out there.

"I dare you to stop me from going into a woman's bathroom". "I dare you to try and stop another trans "woman" from using a woman's bathroom in my presence". He's saying he is prepared to kill anyone who stops him from using the bathroom he has no business using. He kept saying "Its the last mistake you'll ever make". I totally hate this guy! If anyone out there ever had a shred of doubt that trannies are unstable people, who should not be allowed near guns, this should open your eyes. Mentally deranged people should not own guns. That goes for Thomas Jay. He doesn't need a gun. Its the normal people around him who need the guns. He seems proud of his threats too.

Thomas denies what he posted is a threat. Of course he does! Obama spoiled these trannies and now Biden is spoiling them. He tells them they can never do no wrong. He lets them get away with anything. Modern leftists give them all the ratification to do whatever they want. The entire leftist ideologies have now gone too far. Conservatives need to start fighting back. The problem is, judging by this video, it may already be too late. Thomas is still on Twitter (under the moniker Tranny Vs. The World) and unaware he is making threats. I would not be surprised if everyone, who has been trans-allies before, stop supporting trans people because of the threats made by this man. This man makes me want to gouge out his eyeballs in the slowest, most painful way I can.

What surprises me is that he has not been banned from TikTok or Twitter for his threats. Apparently on TikTok, some people have found out who he is and where he lives. He lives in Kansas. They have called the police on him for the threats he made on the videos. People like him seem to forget that, trans or not, a call to violence is NOT protected under free speech rights. I looked on his Twitter and all I see are all kinds of complaints and "whataboutisms" that leftists always use in their arguments. And they say conservatives do that. Well, maybe we do. But we have good reason to. Because it's seemed the leftists can get away with things others cannot. Yet there is not one single thing the right-wingers can do that leftists cannot. It makes no sense. And that is why conservatives are always throwing in the "whatabouts" in their arguments. But leftists have no reason to use that argument. They just think they don't have rights that we do. But I think the videos this tranny puts out is proof enough that they do indeed have special rights. The videos are still up. Whereas if a Christian man had said anything similar to this, that video would have been removed right away, and a SWAT team would have stormed the house of the poster.

Well, I've let bullies like this guy get the better of me for too long. I put up with all this bullying shit when I was a kid! I'm not going to allow myself to be bullied as an adult. I said to this guy if he threatens my family, it'll not only be the last mistake he ever makes, it'll be the last time he ever sees daylight! He's not afraid to die? Neither am I. And I will protect my family at all costs. If he can protect his dumb little tranny "friends", then I can for sure protect my family! And conservatives all carry guns! And have for all our lives. We can draw faster than this jerk can turn his head! He'll be down before he even has a chance to reach for his gun belt. You don't mess with conservatives. You never know what skills they could have.

Like I said though. It may be too late. We should have stopped this a long time ago! But other people were afraid of being called fascists. Or nazis. Or bigots. Or transphobes! Which is the silliest name of them all. That's why names never bothered me. Besides, the leftists have overused those names to a point where they mean nothing anymore. Someone calls me a bigot, I just laugh at them. Someone calls me a "transphobe", I first laugh at the word, then I laugh at them! It's just like washing socks to me now. I'm not afraid to fight back. I'm not afraid of the words. Actually, I never was afraid of the words. They are just words, after all. Sticks and stones, etc.

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Legendary Courage of Riley Gaines

I have a distinctive feeling this young girl will go down in history! Riley Gaines is the female swimmer who lost her #1 position to a man!

Well, recently she has taken to going around the country to save women's sports. I must say her courage is very inspiring! I know her parents must be proud of her. She's even gone to San Fransisco State University which is the most leftist city you can visit. The students there did not like Riley speaking out against Lia Thomas taking her first place spot away. Like the leftists always do, they attacked her, to a point she needed police escorts. But even they did very little good. She was banged on the head by a man wearing a dress. I cannot blame her for being scared. Those nutters are crazy! I only hope it doesn't discourage her from keeping up the fight. I'm with her in spirit. So are a lot of other conservatives who believe men taking over women's sports is wrong!

As I have stated before, I am not even into women's sports. I would not advocate for them at all, except now they have allowed men to compete against women, and I just think that's totally wrong! Especially in the case of Lia Thomas, who transitioned just so he could beat real women out of their own game. It made me angry to hear he did that. So now, I am joining in this battle against trans-"women" in women's sports. Pretty soon, if this is kept up, women will have nothing that is just ours, and ours alone. We'll have to share stuff that was traditionally only for us, with biological men. And it seems there is nothing women can do about it. Or there wasn't. But look what allowing trans-"women" in real womens' spaces has allowed; 3 women were raped in a woman's prison by a man who claimed he was a woman. Women have lost their first place positions in women's sports. Biological men are ogling young girls in women's locker rooms. Men are invading women's restrooms, and several times I've heard of women getting raped by them. It's an awful time to be an active woman now. It makes me angry at this world. And it's all Biden's fault!

Men are claiming to be women now because they get pats on the back for it on Twitter and TikTok. Those imbeciles call them "brave". Well, they're NOT brave. They're actually the most cowardly people of all. There is nothing brave about claiming to be the opposite sex. Any child can do that. They do it in play though. They don't do it to change their lives, no matter what the leftists say. The real brave people are the people like Riley Gaines, who go against the violent leftist mobs and say what they really feel. Believe me that takes a lot of courage! Courage that no tranny anywhere can ever even dream to match! As a person who speaks her mind a lot, I know the kind of bravery it takes. A regular tranny would fall apart under that kind of pressure. You have to be prepared that it could get you beaten, and not many people are willing to have your back. You have to be prepared that a lot of people will hate you for it. Even those who you might think are your friends. That's why I say I do not have friends at all. And proud of it! The more human friends you have, the bigger an ass-kisser you are. So, I don't want human friends. I'm perfectly happy just having my family and pets around.

I am no doubt in Club Gaines! Lia Thomas can go suck dick for all I care. Katrina and I are doing our part to fight the leftist mob. Right now, we are blowing up in the face of Jeffrey Marsh. Dylan Mulveney is next. Dylan has ruined Budweiser's career! I don't even drink beer. I think it all tastes like piss water. But if I did, I wouldn't put any more money in Budweiser's pockets!!! Most people who do drink beer are conservatives. So, it was a dooming idea for Budweiser to spit in the face of their biggest supporters by getting Dylan Mulveney to sponsor their products. Nike is a lost cause. But Budweiser surprised everyone. Now, no one is supporting them.

If you want to join us conservatives in the fight against allowing men in women's spaces, Riley Gaines has begun a page where you can show your support. Go to Riley Gaines | Save Women’s Sports | Official Website | Riley Gaines and show some love and support.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mass "Genocide" That Isn't

 I swear leftists are so DUMB!!! They make me want to scream! Or slap some sense into them. Now, they are calling us being against transgendering children some kind of mass "genocide". WTF?! That's an offense to people who have really suffered genocide. There's nothing genocidal about not allowing little kids to transition to the opposite gender. Being trans is not genetic! It's learned behavior that, when left alone, will fix it's self with age. It is much more genocidal to actually transition children than the other way around. Transitioning kids takes away their ability to reproduce properly, which is what genocide is. It's the forceful depletion of an entire gene pool. There is no gene pool that I know of, outside the imagination of leftists, where everyone is trans!

Let me tell you, Hitler killing Jewish people was a mass genocide. Killing of Indian tribes was a mass genocide. Killing of endangered animals is a mass genocide. Even killing of slaves would be considered genocide. Stopping kids from mutilating their own bodies is not genocide! It's protection from genocide. There are people out there who should not even be parents. Those are the ones who don't really give a shit about their kids. Or they see their kids as social media pawns. You can always tell those parents apart from others because they get on TikTok and show off their "trans" kids. Those kind of people make me sick! I don't like them. That's why I am getting so sick of trans people!

It was fine when all they wanted was to live their lives, love whom they love and be happy. I was fine with that. But now, they are demanding special treatment. Remember Sam Brinton?! That ugly SOB who has a fetish for having sex with dogs? Remember how he knowingly stole the luggage of 3 other women? He has now managed to strike a plea bargain so he would not be thrown in prison. Now, if he was a normal human being, he would have been put away for several years. But because he's a trans idiot with a fetish for dogs, he was able to plea bargain with the judge. And the judge (no doubt a leftist) fell for it. So the judge is going to let another criminal back on the streets to do his crimes over again.

I saw an article this morning that a friend shared with me, that was about four Walmart stores in Chicago closing down. No one will say it out loud, but it's because of the constant thefts and shoplifting going on in those stores. No one will say it except FOX News. Which is why the leftists need to start watching FOX News. But they refuse to. Without it, they don't get the full story. Only the leftwing media's side of the story. And as we all know (from watching Tess Obrien) the leftists are LIARS!!! But that's why leftists are so dumb. Because they only hear the left side. The leftist media is not going to tell you Walmarts are closing down all over the country because of thieves and shoplifters. They will more likely blame Donald Trump or white people. They won't admit it's because the District Attorney is so soft on criminals.

Speaking of blaming Donald Trump. Alvin Braggs, the current manager of NYC who was chosen just because he was black, has found a way to have Trump arrested. Trump went peacefully with no resistance whatsoever. The crime? Giving hush money to a prostitute. Now, since when is giving someone hush money illegal? The DA thinks she was given money to not talk about Trump colluding with the Russians. So, the leftists have finally done it. But you know what? I'm not worried. Not at all. Like I said, giving someone hush money is not a crime. And it's already been proven that Trump did not collude with Russia. But Clinton did. So why don't they go after her? For the same reason they won't arrest Sam Brinton. Because she's a leftist with a fetish. I knew there was something about that Alvin Braggs that I didn't like. And despite what Susan Burklund thinks, it wasn't just because he was black. It's because he's a jerk who only sees corruption in Trump, just like Susan. But is too scared to arrest the real criminals that invade the streets of NYC.

Trump handled his arrest gracefully, even though he did nothing wrong. I must say I am proud of him for that! He did a lot better than that goon, George Floyd! Now I have even more respect for Trump! I don't care what the NY courts think. Next election, I am going to vote for Trump. No questions asked. If he's running, I'm voting!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Trannies With Guns

OK I always wait until things have calmed down before I write anything about it. This is about the shooting in Nashville. The shooter was a trans "woman". Still a man, just a man who wears a wig, make up and a dress. As a real woman, I don't even wear dresses. In this case it was a man who thinks he's a woman, shooting up a Christian school. Of the 6 who were killed, three were children under 10 years old, and three were staff members. Then the tranny killed himself. The sad thing is, this is not the first time this kind of thing happened. I remember a few years ago, there was another trans "woman" who carried an axe into a convenience store swinging in Australia. This is how we can be sure people calling themselves trans "women" are not real women. Mass shooters are almost exclusively male. And there is a biological reason for that.

Now I hear that the day that happened, was some kind of official "trans day of vengeance" or something to that effect. I also saw where only a week before that happened, Cenk Yugar from TYT said in his podcast that he's totally against anyone having guns. With the exception of trans people. Fuck that! The rest of us need guns to protect ourselves against trans people especially! Only allowing trans people to be armed is an extremely dangerous way to go! Judging especially by the way ol' Johnathan Yaniv acted with weapons! He used them hap-hazardly against people who he just disagrees with. Not against anyone who would attack him physically. That's what dumbass anti-gun people like Cenk Yugar want for trans people. NO ONE with a mental disorder that bad should be allowed near a gun! Cenk says "they need it in case some 'right-wing lunatics' confront them". Well, I've never met a right-wing "lunatic". They may be out there, but I haven't seen them. The real lunatics have always been on the left. And anyone who thinks they are something they really are not, is definitely a lunatic!

There should NEVER be a trans day of vengeance! Unless it's something like April Fools day where trans people get even with normal people just for fun. But only in FUN. Not to kill or anything bad like that. And NO child is trans on their own. So, leave kids out of it! My prayers are forever with the families of the victims in the Nashville shooting. Not the shooter himself. I don't care what happens to his soul. He made the choice to shoot up a school he had NOTHING to do with! And he killed kids! That's totally wrong! And I'll bet when Cenk Yugar heard about the shooting, he laughed and cheered for the shooter. After all, he was the one who said a week before the incident that trans people are the only ones who should have guns. No one else. No doubt he inspired that event. This is why I stopped watching TYT, and I'm glad I haven't looked back!

Though I heard Anna Casparian is beginning to have a change in attitude. Well, she wouldn't be the first of the panel to change. Dave Rubin used to be with TYT, and he changed his mind after finding out what hypocrites the leftists are. He left the left. I'd like to think Anna Casparian is seeing the same light. Especially after this shooting incident. I don't see how anyone with a heart can hear of the shooting in Nashville and feel good in any way about it. It makes me sick! It makes me think we should never have allowed trannies to have their own way. They don't deserve special treatment. I liked the world better when they were staying in the closet. I've already stated I would never allow them in my business. I'd not even allow them in my house! Just like a pit bull, they may snap at any time. I'm not going to deal with that. I'm not going to call someone with broad shoulders and looking like a linebacker "ma'am". Not gonna happen! If they walk into my business and behave like a normal human being, I'll gladly serve them. But not if they come in demanding I call them by a pronoun I am not familiar with or don't see in them. And I've really only seen a small handful of trannies that would have me fooled.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Doctors Have Been Wrong Before

 I'm not a doctor. Let me get that out in the open first and foremost. This will not be a post about seeking medical attention. If you feel you have a problem, find a good doctor that is reputable and not woke. This is the latest argument I've heard from trans-activists. Because the medical community has been wrong before, about a lot of things. This is indeed true. Medical science has improved over time. Trans activists are using this argument now to say that maybe we were wrong about trans identity being a mental problem. I've heard this argument more than once.

It wasn't too long ago that doctors realized giving lobotomies to patients was wrong. I mean really! What good does drilling a hole in someone's brain by way of their nostrils do for a patient? Doctors basically did that to "drain out" evil spirits. But it did more harm than good. And that is why they stopped doing it. But today I watched a video of a trans-activist student using the medical science has improved over time excuse to affirm trans people.

The key code to that excuse is that medical science has "improved" over time. Main word you want to focus on is "improved". That means it has gotten better. But what good has come out of transgenderism since it's been accepted? What good has it done for those who do not suffer from transgenderism? The discovery of penicillin has saved numerous lives. Operations help people live longer. But what good has accepting transgenders done? I'll tell you what good it's done; NOTHING!! Nothing good I've seen so far has come out of accepting transgenders. The "good" that has come of it has only been self-satisfactory and temporary. I'll tell you what, if there was no such thing as social media, do you think there would really be as many trans people as there are today?? Think about that for a moment.

Most of the people today who claim to be trans are fakers. They're doing it for the attention and praises they get on Facebook and TikTok and other such social media platforms. Look at Dylan Mulveney. Look at Jeffrey Marsh. Look at Lia (William) Thomas. We got men competing in women's sports and taking away their #1 positions. We got trans activist teachers in school who want to mutilate and castrate children before they even have a chance to mature. We got parents who use the transgender lifestyle on their own kids just for TikTok praises. We got the woke mob who harasses and violates non-trans affirming people and call for violence against them and their families. We got trans and non-binary type people who demand that we play along with their little mental game. And in some places in the world, you can even get arrested and thrown in prison for misgendering someone. That's not good!

I'm not saying having compassion for these people is a bad thing. Don't misunderstand me there! But you can have too much of a good thing. And I think a lot of people are mistaking being compassionate with being affirmative. They are both totally different things! I have more compassion for trans people than anyone would think. But I will not affirm them! Because I believe affirming them does a lot more harm than good. It's like lying.

I remember back in the early 2000s, I was helping this young teenager who wanted to start breeding chihuahuas. Her name was Sara, who later became Mcgillicutty on the Pluba forums. Back in those days, I had no idea what a leftist liberal is. Even though I was one of them. But at least in breeding chihuahuas, I did try to do the right thing. Sara, I always admitted, did have potential to be a good breeder. She did health testing on her breeding dogs, and spayed and neutered those that came up defective. But the problem I've always had with her was that she always got her breeders from puppymillers and backyard breeders. I never told her that though. I was wrong. I told her to go to dog shows and learn what is being accepted in confirmation standards. But she always said "I don't want to go to dog shows or learn what confirmation is accepted", which is what led me to believe she had no intention of fully doing right by the breed. But I never blamed her for that. She was just a young teen who asked me for advise in the beginning. I blamed myself because I wasn't completely honest with her from the start. I chose to be nice over being honest. It was a wrong choice on my behalf.

Anyway, Sara was indeed a leftist liberal, because she did not like it when I finally told her the truth. She did not really want to learn how to breed to standard. She rejected all opposing opinions I had of her breeding program. I never even professed to be an expert in breeding chihuahuas to her. I wasn't. I still had a lot to learn as well, and I knew that. Which I guess is what makes me less of a leftist than she was. But oh well! I thought I could share what knowledge I was gaining with her so that both of us could become good breeders of chihuahuas. But she refused it. Ever since then, I've said that I will no longer do anything just to be nice. From now on, it's going to be just 100% honesty.

My honesty, perhaps because of that incident, has lost me a lot of clients and potential friends, but I don't care now. These days, I would rather be honest with people and have them hate me for it than to be nice and lie to them, only to regret it later. I don't like people anyway, so it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. So, if you are looking for someone who is going to be compassionate to the point of lying to transgender people, you're NOT going to find it in me!! The words "transphobe" and "bigot" and all that other jargon the leftists throw around has NO affect on me. I truly do not care!

Yesterday I saw the clip from the series "I Am Jazz", and that poor kid. I feel so bad for him. His parents forced him into that transgender lifestyle. I saw an interview done with his mom yesterday and she said he's been saying he was a girl since he was 2. At 2 years old, if you want to believe this, she said her boy asked "when is the gender fairy going to come and take my male genitals away?" At 2 years old, she wants us to believe he was asking that. I called bullshit! What 2 year old child even knows the word "genitals", let alone, how to use that word?! I didn't believe that story for one second! I believe Jazz's mom pushed him into believing he's a girl, and he went along with it because well, why would a mother lie to her child?! But she did lie to him, just like she's lying to everyone else who watches that show! And now, poor Jazz totally regrets going through that gender-affirming surgery a few years back. He's lost himself now. I also saw his tearful plea to his mom, and you know what she's doing? She's blaming Jazz for feeling the way he does. She said "You are your own worst enemy". She's trying to talk him out of feeling the way he does, when she was the one who brought it upon him. I think it was mostly for money and power. TLC paid them well for that series! And I used to like TLC! I can't believe what they've now become. They were much better when you used to have to pay extra for them! I would definitely not do that now!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Myths of Transgenderism

YES!!! I am happy! Now people are beginning to see the light! Even the NY Times is seeing all it's mistakes in accepting this idea of transgenderism. Hopefully, this is just a fad and it will all end soon. Of course if I had any kids who ever said they are trans, I would make them wait until they are 25 years old to go through transition operations. In the meantime, I would have them see a good therapist and find out what the root of this problem is. THEN, if the child is 25 years old, and still feels like they are the opposite sex, I would pay for their transition myself. But not until the child is 25. Not before.

I found this article tonight. It talks about the myths people have been spreading about transgenderism. It finally speaks the truth that has been hidden for several years now. All because most people were afraid of being called a "bigot". Well, it's good to see people are no longer afraid of being called a bigot. Everyone should be like me. I don't care now if I am called a bigot. I believe in the classic version of science. Not what the leftists call "science". To them, science is a spectrum and gender is fluid, and Fauci is an expert. I never did trust Fauci. His stories kept changing every time he spoke!

Anyway, I thought I would fill up this space with this article. Enjoy!

Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology (msn.com)

Scrutinizing the claims of gender ideology, it soon becomes apparent how incoherent they are. On the one hand, we’re told that men and women are the same — that the differences we observe in professional outcomes and sexual behavior are the result of sexist stereotyping. And yet, they are different; and men can really be women and women can really be men, by appropriating opposite-sex stereotypes.

For years, editors and journalists at the New York Times have been uninterested in skeptical views of transgenderism, dismissing them as bigotry. That’s beginning to change, as I write about in the forthcoming issue of the magazine But whatever took them so long?

In 2018, when the Times was uncritically circulating transgender myths, we at National Review were battling the disinformation. And this is just one of many areas where NR has fought to be a voice of truth and reason. This week, and for this reason, we’re asking for our readers’ support — donations, of any amount — to help us continue this mission. Your contributions to these webathons, and of course your NRPlus subscriptions, help us do what we do.

Here are just some of the myths that we’ve busted so far.

MYTH 1: We All Have a ‘Gender Identity’

Gender-identity theory originated with clinical experiments in psychiatry and surgery in the latter half of the 20th century. Later, in the 1990s, this theory evolved into gender ideology under the influence of academic leftists. It entered the mainstream via the internet in the 2010s and, with the help of political activists and lobbyists, morphed into the modern transgender movement. In its current manifestation, gender-identity ideology holds that everyone has a “gender identity” — an inner sense of being male, female, or something else — which is distinct from sex and capable of overriding it.

In activist lingo, a person who accepts their anatomical sex is “cisgender” while a person who rejects their anatomical sex is “transgender.” Really, though, a person who rejects their anatomical sex (i.e., reality) is mentally disturbed — deserving of compassionate help — while a person who accepts their anatomical sex is not.

This is what Ray Blanchard, a sexologist, explained in 2019, during an interview with National Review. Blanchard considers “gender identity” to be an unhelpful concept for “normal people” since “cross-gender identity is a constant preoccupation with, and unhappiness about, the individual’s gender” and not, as activists claim, “a normal gender identity which has found itself lodged in the wrong body.”

MYTH 2: Puberty Blockers Are Safe and Fully Reversible

The website of Britain’s National Health Service, whose main gender youth clinic was closed earlier this year after an independent investigation confirmed concerns over patient safety, formerly read: “The effects of treatment with GnRH analogues [puberty blockers] are considered to be fully reversible, so treatment can usually be stopped at any time.”

But in 2020, the NHS changed this entry to reflect the reality that “little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.”

What took them so long?

Susan Bradley, a child psychiatrist with 40 years of clinical experience and research, told National Review in 2018 that “we know from multiple studies that around 80 percent of gender dysphoric children will desist from cross-sex identification in childhood to identify with their natal sex. Most of these will grow up to be gay or lesbian; a substantial minority have also been diagnosed with autism.”

For years, we at National Review have recognized the so-called “pause button” in the context of “gender-affirmation” for what it truly is — a nuclear button.

MYTH 3: There’s a Medical Consensus in Favor of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

Biden’s assistant health secretary, Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, falsely insists that there is a medical consensus favoring medicalized transitions for minors. He claims, “There is no argument among medical professionals.” That is an unsustainable falsehood in 2023 when even the New York Times concedes there is a “Battle Over Gender Therapy” within the field.

At National Review, we have been closely following the medical profession’s debate for years, noting the recent developments in Sweden, Britain, and various American states as they move toward a more evidence-based approach.

MYTH 4: Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Can Be Dismissed as ‘Anti-Trans Propaganda’

When the medical doctor and Brown University assistant-professor Lisa Littman posited the idea of social contagion as a factor behind the sudden rise of transgender identification among teenage girls with no prior history of gender dysphoria, many liberal media outlets dismissed her work as “anti-trans propaganda.” At National Review, we responded differently. As soon as the controversy began, we investigated the phenomenon, which we found to be credible. Social contagion is now widely accepted among clinicians who cite it as a reason to support a more cautious approach in treating gender-distressed youth.

MYTH 5: Hormone Suppressants Level the Playing Field between Male and Female Athletes

The activist mantra that “trans women are women,” end of discussion, is perhaps most obviously absurd in the context of sports when males are stripped of their female costumes and starkly showcase their advantages in strength and speed. Activists have tried to get around this by claiming that testosterone suppressants somehow reverse the advantages bestowed by male puberty. Setting aside the sexist idea that an impaired or mediocre male can be made equivalent to a female, there is no evidence to support this assertion. In fact, the single study cited to support it has been thoroughly debunked.

Indeed, just watching Lia Thomas thrash his female competitors — as I did, on a National Review reporting trip — is enough to debunk this myth.

Trans women are women? Sex isn’t binary? Refusing to “affirm” a transgender identity will likely result in suicide?

At National Review, we are committed to exposing gender ideologues’ myths for what they are. But we’re only able to do so thanks to you, our generous readers. Your support helps arm us in the fight against disinformation. Please consider contributing to this webathon.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

How Did We Get Here?


This girl is 100% correct! But she forgot something. The left also believes in raising black voices, unless they're black conservatives. I'm talking about the case of Eunice Dwumfour, who was shot and killed in her SUV last week. This happened in New Jersey. It's a very sad event that should not have happened. I don't think anyone has ever found out if the attack was motivated by politics, because she was a black conservative woman. I also heard she was an angel of a person. Very warm and outgoing, and loved everyone. So, it's a shame her life was cut short at the age of only 30.

Until the attacker is found and questioned, no one can say for sure if the crime is a political attack. But the conservative side of me wonders if this would have happened to her if she was a dumb black liberal woman. If it was indeed a political attack, then I whole-heartedly blame Maxine Waters and Lori Lightfoot. They are the ones who are always calling for violence. I cannot believe the liberals cannot see that. They think Donald Trump is the only one who ever calls for violence. The one and only person who was recently in any stretch of congress who has NEVER once called for violence! Only the leftists believe he has because they're dumb. To them, anything that comes out of Trump's mouth sounds like a call to violence.

I don't like liberals. Not at all. They are mindless, soulless robots. I have known some liberals to convert to conservativism. If you're as observant as me, you can literally see a difference in the eyes of liberals vs. the eyes of conservatives. Ever seen the original 1966 version of How The Grinch Stole Christmas? The part where the Grinch is waiting on a hilltop to hear the Whos crying boo-hoo once they realize all their Christmas items are gone. But instead, the whos all gather once again in the center of Whoville and sing happily together. It was then the Grinch realized Christmas still came, even without all the decorations and presents. Remember then, it was when the Grinch changed radically. His eyes opened wide, his big frown turned into a big smile and his heart grew almost too big for his body. He became full of love and happiness. That is what I liken to liberals vs. conservatives. The leftists are the Grinch before, who is always angry and offended by Christmas, and has a small, shriveled up heart. And the conservatives are the Grinch after, full of happiness and love and lots of spirit.

So how did we get here? One word answer: Obama! I blame him for all the shit going on in the world today. Obama was like the "godly-tier" individual who planted the seed, and then it was his followers who just took it from there. It was Obama who brought back the idea of slavery and that white people should be blamed for everything. It was under Obama's watch that BLM was formed. It was Obama who told black people that they were being unfairly hunted by police. It was Obama that dug up old bones about white colonizers coming to this country and how evil they were. It was Obama who kept complaining about slavery, even though it's been over for 150 years and he never experienced it! It was Obama that made gay marriage legal. I still have nothing against gays marrying each other, but it's what it lead to that bothers me. Once gays were accepted into society, the trannies were next. Now they wanted to be accepted, and once that happened, our whole society was turned on it's head. Now you have liberals who can't even define the word "woman", let alone believe women have any right to change in the women's locker room without prying eyes of men who just think they're women. That was the beginning of the division in this country! It's becoming like the 1920s all over again!

Once gays and trannies were accepted, now we have them trying to sexualize children as young as 3. The schools are teaching kids they can magically change their sex. They have drag queen story hour. Men are competing against women in women's sports. And on the way, we have pedophiles who want acceptance into society. Don't tell me that's not the next thing! Changing their name from pedophiles to MAPs is the first step in the process. But I don't care if they are called pedophiles, or MAPs, or Rumpelstiltskin!! I'll NEVER accept them! I think, first of all, just talking about sexualizing small children is disgusting! It hurts them in the long run. I believe, with all my heart and soul, this is why people today want to sexualize children. They want to prepare them for the sake of pedophiles, so it can look like the kids are consenting to sex with them. But kids cannot make that choice! They cannot be expected to make a choice like that.

And don't give me the "Obama inherited these problems from George W Bush" or that all this shit was started by Trump. No! Don't give me that shit! These are all problems that started with Obama, alone. And this is why I hate Obama so much! I won't accept any excuses made for Obama. Just like I don't accept any excuses made for Joe Biden. This is all on them! Not Trump. Not Russia. Not Bush. It's all Clinton, Obama and Biden who ruined this country. Obama was just Clinton 2.0 and Biden is Clinton 3.0.

Why villainize white Christian men? I'll tell you why they do that. Because they want to make gay the norm as fast as possible. They want the new generation to think straight white men are the evil sin of this world. This is a tactic the left is using to make gays more accepted. And what better way to make gays the more dominant entity than to villainize straight white men. I used to see the exact same pattern of behavior on the Pluba forums with the Dirty Dozen mob. Remember Mcgillicutty? She made it seem like she was the one being truthful by calling me a liar, and stupid, and any other bad name you can imagine. But especially when I found out who Mcgillicutty really was, I figured out why. Because she was a puppymiller. She didn't want the Dirty Dozen mob to know about the real unscrupulous behavior she was committing behind closed doors. So she told them not to believe a word I said. It's a "get her before they get me" mentality. I even recently saw a video of a gay guy, who demands straight people bow to him, and obey him. He said he was our "superior". I said to him "go suck your own dick! I will not obey you!" NO ONE can make me obey anybody or anything! I only give that kind of respect to people that earn it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Are You Happy Now?

 Last night I saw a news clip. The leftists keep riding Trump that he did not turn in his tax returns and shit all those years he was president. They kept on complaining that Trump was "making money off taxpayers". They thought for years that Trump was giving himself a huge salary, as if no other president ever elected had drawn a presidential salary before. They griped that Trump used all that money he got from his presidency on playing golf. The left is nothing but a bunch of dumbasses!!!

I knew all along that Trump did NOT draw any salary being president. That was one of the first things I heard debunked. Trump didn't need a presidential salary. He was already wealthy!

In fact, when Trump did turn in his income tax statements, they proved he did not make money at all during his years of presidency. He lost about $20 million per year. So, looks like the Trumpettes were right all along. And again, the leftists were wrong. So, they can stick that theory up their asses. But guess who did enter office just so they could get more money. I'll give you 3 guesses. That's all you'll need! Three names: Biden. Obama and Cortez!! Do you honestly believe AOC was going to make the same salary as a bartender as she is as senator? No. And she's dumb! She would never have gotten any high-paying job anywhere else with the low IQ she has! Strike one!

Obama apparently did not do too well as a lawyer, because he ran for president just so he could get a high-paying job. And yes, he also used tax payer money to play golf. More than once. Seemed like every weekend, Obama was out there playing golf somewhere. He didn't even have enough respect for the Queen of England to bow before her when they met. He's also laundering money that he gave to his mother. Strike two!

And Biden? Ohhh Biden is in DEEP SHIT!!!! Even deeper shit than he pushes in his pants! He was caught falsifying his taxes, laundering money from Hunter Biden, and sending money overseas to China. He used to have a website up to publicly display his tax records. But he took that website down almost immediately when some discrepancies were pointed out. There's a lot of money that Hunter Biden sent Joe-blow that was never accounted for in his returns. So it won't be long before the IRS goes after him. Strike three! You're out of there leftists!

And what did Trump do now? Collusion with Russia? False. Withheld tax returns? False. Laundered money from the government? False. Became president just to fill his pockets? Falso! It seems everything the leftists think Trump did are all things their own party's candidates did. Trump did nothing. And they still want to see him behind bars. Not going to happen I'm afraid! LOL! You leftists need to stop. You are the reason the world is laughing at us! Even we real, solid Americans are laughing at you because you guys are acting like clowns!

Sadly I don't think the leftists will learn anything. They're going to keep on blaming Trump, saying he did all the shit the democrats are doing to ruin our country. Most of them don't want to learn. They just want to keep their ears closed. Recently on Quora, someone asked me to give him my favorite right-wing talking points, and he would debunk them. I said "OK, debunk them if you can". I told him a few very popular right-wing talking points, and he could not debunk any one of them at all! The only one he tried was that I said Kyle Rittenhouse shot a man in self defense. The leftists HATE that one! This guy tried to tell me that he was not being chased. But I said yes, it's been proven in court. So, leftists lose again! Really leftists need to expand their mind and watch something else besides CNN and MSNBC and stop getting their news from Twitter!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You Might Be Vs. You Are A Liberal

 Liberals are annoying! They're crazy, their little tantrums are very disruptive on our streets, and they are delusional. I would say the delusional mods forum should make fun of the liberals. But ya know, I bet you Catsredrum was out there, running along with Antifa, wreaking havoc. If she was, then any shit she said about INXS fans on that dumb forum of her's is totally irrelevant. But it does prove what a hypocrite she was. Boy! Wouldn't Fat Vicki with the tattoo of INXS all up her arm, be disappointed?! LMAO!!! Before she disappeared, she said that she cannot stand liars, hypocrites and delusional people. But seeing as how Vicki was indeed a leftist, she was totally unaware she was describing herself, and Catsredrum, whom Vicki considered to be a "friend". Funny. She doesn't like liars, hypocrites or delusional people, but she'd make friends with them for the sake of dissing everyone in her own forum.

Anyway, that is what this post is about. There are moderate liberals, and there are hardcore liberals. Vicki was obviously a hardcore liberal. Those are the worst kind. The hardcore liberals are the ones I now most often refer to as "leftists". Moderate liberals are kindof in between being liberal (without the violent protests and the TDS) and libertarian. That is how I look at these categories. You might be a liberal is for moderate liberals. You are a liberal is to describe the hardcore liberals. So here we go! Note the difference in the key words "you might be" and "you are".

You might be a liberal if...

  1. You believe our government is big enough
  2. You want the government to stay out of personal affairs
  3. You believe in more freedoms
  4. You've never been to a BLM protest, but you still believe black lives do matter
  5. You hear the leftist media say the authorities are going after Donald Trump, but you check all media sources to hear both sides of the argument
  6. You find pride parades disgusting and inappropriate
  7. You think children should not be sexualized
  8. You believe in LGBTQ rights, but not in special rights for them
  9. You believe the idea of "protected class citizens" is silly
  10. You may prefer Biden over Trump, but you don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)
  11. You respect everyone's right to have an opinion.

You are a liberal if...

  1. You want total government control over people
  2. You talk about woke movies and think "this will really make conservatives shit their pants!"
  3. You go to Antifa and BLM rallies, ready to kill or maim any conservatives who oppose
  4. You vote for anything at elections as long as it has a D by it's name
  5. You listen to one side of a story (usually the leftist point of view) and never even consider there are 2 sides to every story
  6. You viciously defend people you don't even know as long as they are colored or LGBTQ
  7. You would give your right arm to see Trump thrown in jail or any conservative's reputation ruined
  8. You use terms like "cisgender" or "cis"-anything
  9. You allow total strangers to dictate to you what pronouns to call them
  10. You say you hate liars and hypocrites, never realizing that everything you do coincides with everything you profess to hate
  11. You believe cows know they are being raped and PETA is your god
  12. You get outrageously mad when someone disagrees with you
  13. You find racism and homophobia or transphobia in places it really does not exist
  14. You think there's nothing wrong with sexualizing children

See. Hardcore liberals do not like moderates. To them, moderate liberals are no greater than conservatives. I used to be a hardcore liberal. I know how they are. But I changed. Some of my buddies on Facebook talk about other INXS fans and say they are OK people. But not me. I'm extremely cautious of INXS fans now! I don't trust most of them. I tell my buds those people are all hardcore liberals. Some disagree, but I say no. ANY fan who jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon is indeed a hardcore liberal. I'd say it to their faces too! They're a damn liberal!

If they really weren't hardcore liberals, they wouldn't have jumped on the anti-TimmyHutchFan bandwagon. Libertarians don't do that. Neither do conservatives. This is the point I made in numbers 5 and 10 under "You are a liberal if". Moderate liberals, libertarians and conservatives would have asked me my side of the story. Instead of just listening to one prejudiced person's story and leaving it at that. And yes, Kelly Poulter was prejudiced against me. I just never talked about it before to anyone because I really don't care how she feels about me. It's her problem. Not mine. And I never had two shits to give.

Well, I cannot say I wasn't warned about INXS fans being hardcore liberals. Not all of them, mind you, but most are. Thankfully those most are people who I will never welcome onto my Facebook page again. Anyway, this is my take on what I learned about the difference between moderate liberals and hardcore liberals.