
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Got It!!

I finally got my DVD for FMDH! It includes interviews and all the videos from the album. I'm so excited! And this time it WORKS!!!! Anyone else notice how in Days of Rust, Michael looks like that Lurch from The Addams Family? Timmy of course looks handsome as ever! And funny too, I love his questions to people on the street in the interview, some of them made me laugh! And so sweet of them to give tix to the fans, whether they answered correctly or not. I don't know why, but the song Full Moon, Dirty Hearts always makes me think of Titanic, the movie!! And I love Jon as the doting father in Kill the Pain.

Well, this came a bit late, as I am almost over this cold. I really needed it then, but I love it anyway. That's OK though, I had the other 2 DVDs sent to me and I got to see them when I needed to. This is what I love about ebay. I only have 24 more to go before I get my blue star. Well Hell!! It took me 7 years to get this far, I'll probably be in that category in another 7 years. I just don't buy from ebay a lot. But I am so glad I happened to search there and found this video. I love it! The interviews were simply fun! The videos were great!! Anyone else notice on the DVD (if you have it) the video for Please, You Got That was totally different from the one on the Great Video Experience. On GVE, the video done with Ray Charles was depicted. In this DVD, FMDH collection, Kirk was playing with some dinosaurs and they had animated dinosaurs running around. I don't know, this is a rare collection. Few fans have it. I was the only one who missed it when it was programmed on MTV back in '93. Or I seem to have been! That's why I am so glad I found it. I don't know what happened with the other copy sent to me, but I threw it away because it just wouldn't play. I tried it on 2 different DVD players. But this one plays good!!

Shoot! I had better get back to doing ebay shopping again!! Did you know ebay doesn't allow you to leave negative or neutral feedback anymore? I saw that message and said to myself "So what is someone supposed to do if they have a bad experience with a seller? Just let it go and not warn anyone?" I have an online buddy who bought an item from a seller that was not as described, and she turned him in. Well the guy wrote back to her and said that if she gets her money back, he is going to sue her. Nevermind that she had plenty of proof against him! I was thinking Geez what a dumbass!! I don't believe he was going to sue this bud, I think he was just saying that, and I kept telling her so. Unfortunately it was too much for her to risk, so she dropped the charges against him. Personally, I would have called his bluff, but if she felt it was too risky, who am I to say what's right for her? That's why I don't do much business with ebay. About once every 3 months or so I look for something when I have nothing else to do. Sometimes I get lucky and find something I've always wanted, like with this DVD. Well, it's been about 3 months since my last purchase, maybe more. One time I didn't sign on to ebay for 2 years.

Well now I am not writing much anymore (not until I get the green light again from my supervisor) so I have some spare time on my hands, so I looked and found this DVD. It was a mega-find!! I need to give my friend and co-author Cathy a ring, ask if she'd like to get together and collaborate on some more story ideas. LOL!

OK, so my mind is shooting off in different directions. I do hope Cathy is alright. I hear Hoquiam has some flooding and land slides. I always have fun when I go to her place cuz we sit and talk for hours, even act out some story ideas! LOL! Two crazy young ladies just having fun. Then her oldest daughter looks at us like "What the heck is wrong with you two?!" LOL!! You'd think she'd be used to us by now, but you'd be wrong! But hey! As artists and writers, we're supposed to be nutty!! Anyone have a problem with that can kiss my behind!!

The Town of Batman

I was looking in on some bizarre news clips this morning and there was one that especially caught my attention. A small town in Turkey named Batman is suing Warner Bros. studios and the director of The Dark Knight because the name of their town was used without their permission. When I read that I thought "What???" I know Batman as a comic strip character has been around for about 70 years (since Bob Kane created him in 1938), why is this town just now deciding to sue Warner Bros?? Some people I think have nothing better to do with their lives. UGH!!!

Since when did this new trend start, suing someone for using a town name?? Though my grandma read once that if you use a real town in your stories, and a reader visits that town and does not see anything you mentioned in that story, they have every legal right to sue you. That's why most writers make up city names in their stories. But I never heard of suing someone for using the actual name in a city in their stories. Especially when it was not the writer's intent to make that name associated with that city. I'm sure the original creator of Batman had no idea the town of "Batman" even existed when he created the character. Sure is a crazy World we live in!! And many would say I'm the ring-leader! LOL! So I guess I'd better not name a character in any of my stories "Seattle" or the mayor of Seattle can sue me. Ridiculous!!! Or what about Memphis, in the movie Happy Feet? Maybe Memphis, the town in Tennessee, will sue Warner Bros/Dreamworks for using their town name in that movie.

The question is, and it was asked in this article, where have these people been for the past 70 years? Why are they chosing now to sue a company for the use of their town name? This has either got to be some kind of publicity stunt, or some kind of game these people are playing. Personally, I think it's the latter!! What kind of a dumbass would sue a company for something as stupid as that!!?? The mayor of the town claimed many people have committed suicide because of this movie. Why would they do that because of a movie? What on Earth has the success of a movie got to do with killing yourself?? Perhaps those people didn't kill themselves because of the movie. If the town in question is this dumb, maybe they did it to get away from the silly mayor of that town! And I don't mean silly as in cute or funny. I mean silly as in STUPID and crazy!!! Too crazy for me.

Well anyway, anyone who wants to read the article, here it is: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b68391_batmans_latest_archenemy_batman.html Actually, I am not quite sure of the authenticity, but either way it makes for interesting reading.

If you ask me, they should have used a bit better make-up for the Joker in this movie. They used better effects in the 1989 version of Batman. Jack Nicholson at least had a better smile. Not saying anything is wrong with Heath Ledger's smile, but they should have used something a lot better than lipstick painted in the shape of a grin on his face. It looks too low-tech. But there must be a reason, and since I haven't seen this movie yet, I wouldn't know. I'm planning on renting it as soon as it comes out on DVD, which I understand will be next month (or was it in January?) Well, either way I will be waiting on pins and needles to see what all the fuss is about. It's a shame Heath Ledger did not live to see the release of this movie! Snuffed out so young!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Truth of Modern Christianity

I do consider myself a Christian. I was raised in the Christian faith, even though I have moved away from a lot of their beliefs. For example, I believe more heavily in evolution than in creation. I was reading some of Ratlady's posts on the Pluba forum, I must say, she is an educated person, but she has some very absurdly old fashioned ideas about religion!! Sorry Ratlady, but it's so true!! A lot of the creationist ideas have been proven wrong. I just have a hard time believing in the fact that all living things appeared on the Earth at the same time when it has already been proven that the world has gone through periodic changes spanning millions of years.

This thing about gays being an abomination, I have gay friends, some of them are christians themselves. One of my buds has told me there is a movement of Christians for gay rights, and a lot of gays who are themselves christians. I think they are getting the message. But to say gays won't be accepted by GOD is almost like saying people with mental disabilities won't be accepted by GOD. Being gay does not make you evil, or unworthy of GOD's love or acceptance!! That is an old fashioned idea. Not to mention ridiculous!!

And as for going to a Judas Priest concert.....what????? That is supposed to be unchrisitian-like????? Oh my! That is very old fashioned!! I haven't noted the philosophy that rock or metal music is evil since I was 10 years old. A lot of my chrisitan friends listen to rock music. Some of those same people don't even believe in evolution. But they'd prefer to hear a good rock n roll song than that mendacious music known as "christian rock". I've been to several concerts, for MC Hammer, Roxette, INXS, even Rich Marx, and I loved them! Never once considered it feeding on evil. In fact, Tim Farriss, when he was younger, tought the bible to many of his schoolmates, including the local school bully, who reformed and later became a priest. Way to go Timmy!!!! And Timmy is the guitarist of a rock group. Again, to say rock music is of evil is old fashioned, and silly!

Good GOD I miss Timmy!! Been thinking of him a lot!! We need more concerts! But again, I hope he is enjoying stretching his legs and relaxing at home.

Anyway, I would usually never agree with some of those on Pluba, but some of Ratlady's ideas are just ridiculous!! But if that is what she believes in, let her go on. Some people I guess are just too old to accept change. My grandma hated change!! And whenever you would try to update her ideas, she'd say you're calling her a liar!! I finally got to a point where I just said the HELL with it!!!!!

Myself, I prefer to go against popular beliefs, this is why I have my own religion. I still worship the same GOD as I did when I was going to a Baptist church, a Pentecostal church, and a Jehovah witness church (my ma's idea, LONG story!!) but I have some different beliefs than I did when I was studying those faiths. Jehovah witnesses don't even believe in celebrating Christmas or birthdays. Now, Thanksgiving is different. The pilgrims didn't even believe in celebrating that every year, and they were the ones who created it. But the Jehovah witnesses believe birthdays too are bad. You can say I had some very mixed-up beliefs growing up when it comes to religion. Ma wanted me to get into the mormon faith, and I said No way!!!! If she wants to go for it, she can. I'm not getting involved in someone else's religious beliefs anymore. I'm sticking to my own. Some people call what I practice Judaism. Maybe it is, I don't know though. I'm not Jewish, never wished to be. I consider mine nothing more than a free-standing religion. I don't even have a name for it yet.

But why really does a religion need a name to be official like some kind of brand or trademark? I don't think that's the way GOD would have intended his followers to work. And really every religion has different beliefs. It's all too confusing. So, I have one universal set of beliefs, and worship alone. I don't go to church, though I do read the bible and pray a lot!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Damn I hate those things!! Spiders are about the only creatures that will send me running. I am totally terrified of spiders. Put me in a room with a hungry tiger or lion any day of the week, I wouldn't be even half as scared as I would be stuck in a room with a big, black, hairy spider crawling along the walls!! Yep, spiders scare me that much!! Funny thing, I didn't used to be scared of spiders. Up until I was like 15, I always looked at spiders with great indifference. Then one night I was in my room, lying on the floor, listening to music. As I was changing cassettes, this huge black, hairy spider crawled out from behind the stereo, and I nearly had a coronary!! I let out a loud, bone-chilling screech (as Eva described it), and my sis came running in and asked what was wrong, and I told her there was a spider in the corner of my room. So she went in the room with a shoe and squashed it. Ma and pa were out that night, so they didn't know about any of this.

I don't know what happened, but after that night, I was terrified of spiders. I guess it was the way that monster just suddenly scampered out from behind my stereo that scared me. That coupled with it's size, it was pretty big! I'm a little calmer now, I don't scream anymore when I see spiders (I can't anymore! Every time I try to hit those high octave notes now, all that comes out is air!) I do have a tendency to freeze when I see one though. I get so scared I can't move. I literally become petrified with fear. It usually lasts for a few minutes. When I finally compose myself, I grab something and kill the beast!

Last night I was sitting alone out in the living room, watching TV, and I saw a huge, black spider on our sliding door. Scared me nearly to death!! I also wondered if that darned thing was there when Anna put the dogs out. That wouldn't have made her too happy!! She's as scared of spiders as I am! Only she doesn't freeze up with fear. LOL! She's the one more likely to run screaming. Then last night when I was getting ready for bed, I saw another big, black spider crawling on the wall near my bed!! I got my slipper and crushed the damn thing. I think it disintegrated! It had me scared though for the rest of the night. I kept thinking "What if I hadn't been in the room?" that thing could have landed in my bed. I kinda wondered if there was anymore in the room that I couldn't see? There is always that possibility. Made me so scared I almost couldn't sleep. Yet I found myself highly grateful for one simple fact: spiders do not travel in herds!!!

Well, not all spiders are ugly, black, brown and hairy. Some are actually quite pretty to look at. But they are still terrifying to me. But check out these jumping spider species from Laos. I found this video on MySpace.

They do look pretty, as spiders go. But I would never want to touch one! The last one looks like an ant. The cinematographer though says it is indeed a true spider. Knowing me, I'd probably mistake it for an ant, brush it off and get bitten!! LOL! I don't profess to know anything about spiders, normally I don't know one from another, but I know what is pretty, and these are indeed that.

Judge Judy

Anyone watch this program? I love it! She reminds me of me with her attitude! Boy I'd hate to stand up in her courtroom, and face her in my usual sassy way. Knowing me, we would clash horns right away, and she'd be telling me to get out of her courtroom! And I don't mean she'd just be telling me "please, get out of my courtroom." or ask me kindly to leave. I mean, she would say to me "GET THE F*** OUT OF MY COURTROOM! NOOOWWWW!!!!" Well, she'd have one thing going for her with me, I would have respect for her. It is after all her courtroom.

Well anyway, today she had a case of a child playing with a BB gun and put dents in the neighbor's car or something. Do you know the toy stores still sell BB guns?! I agree with Judge Judy on this issue, they should not even be available to children!! Any parent who would buy a BB gun for their child is irresponsible! Especially for an 8-year old!! BB guns, though I've never heard of them killing anyone, can cause great harm to a person or an animal. I remember back in 1989, there was a string of BB gun attacks by an unknown assailant out by where our grandma lived. Three people had been shot by a BB gun. One was a jogger who didn't even know he'd been hit until he got home and discovered a huge red spot on his tank top where he'd been bleeding. Another of the victims was my sis Anna, who was struck while we were waiting to be picked up from grandma's neighborhood to be taken home. We were both terrified, and when grandma heard Anna had been struck, she almost had a heart attack. She started shaking and hyperventilating.

Now, not all kids are that bad, but knowing there is a possibility that could happen, I would never give a BB gun to a child!! No child under 12 anyway. Kids that age are not focused on what could happen due to their actions. My grandma always said parents who would condone playing with BB guns aught to be horsewhipped!! I agree, throw a little tar and feathering in there too. I cannot even believe BB guns are still being sold in toy stores!! They deserve nothing more than to be outlawed!! Any parent who would get their 8-year old child a BB gun is nothing less than stupid. There is where Judge Judy and I agree as well! She said she has 8-year old grandchildren and she would disown any of her children who would buy them a BB gun.

Some of my favorite lines of Judge Judy's are "Get over it!" and "Umm is not an answer!" She always makes me laugh every time she says those lines!! That's why I always look foreword to her shows every day! Today she had a touch of laryngitis, but for some reason, she still sounded strong. My cold is draining me, I envy Judge Judy for being able to conquer her own attack of laryngitis and sit in her courtroom and keep control of the guests! She can still keep a lucid head even in her ailment!! hehehe! Me, my thoughts are a lot more obscure! LOL!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sorry Timmy....

I had to remove my last post, such a shame! But I got a message this afternoon that the pics posted are professionally taken and were copyrighted, and apparently have been posted up in other places, and the person who owns those pics was upset about them being passed around. But they were such awesome pics!!!! I miss Timmy so much. But I am NOT mcgillicutty!! I don't intentionally steal copyrighted pics belonging to other people and post them up elsewhere! I was asked to remove them, and I said no problem, and came back here and immediately took down the post. I'm thinking about getting the link that can sell me the rights to those pics. I just might too, they were awesome pics, but not right this minute. My apologies to the photographer. He never did anything bad to me. Well, either way, I wouldn't want to be accused of copyright infringements! That would put me in the same class as the dirty dozen mob and I would HATE that!!!!

Well, the disks I got from ebay were mostly good, but one, the main disk, turned out to be not so good. But I wrote to the seller and asked for a new one if they have it. The seller graciously complied and is sending me another copy. So, once again, I cannot wait. I think I am over the worst part of this cold, I think now, my cold is going through the cough and stuffy stage. But anyway, I'll be fine. Been feeding on nothing but apple and orange juice for the past week.

**************EDIT TO ADD******************
Message to the photographer: I would never have mentioned the name of the person who referred me to the pics if I'd known they were copyrighted!! Please, DON'T blame Wendy!! She didn't send me the pics, she just sent me the link. I was the one who took the pics. Don't punish her, punish me instead!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Obama Won

Big deal! Now my instincts will yet again be put to the test. Am I right or am I wrong? I only hope I am wrong!! I didn't trust either of this year's presidential candidates for different reasons, so I just didn't vote for prez this year. I could not pick one over the other. I don't sincerely think Obama is going to keep all the promises he made during the campaigning season. But at least say goodbye to Bush and his BS, and hopefully the war!! I don't feel good or comfortable about this decision, but I say let the people find out for themselves. I've discovered that is the only way anyone will learn. I'm not the type to force my opinions on others, I just say what I feel and that's it. Funny thing when someone speaks their mind, the World thinks that person is trying to force their opinions down their throats. I voice my opinions on here, people can accept them or reject them, it's their choice! I don't care, and it's none of my business anyway!! I don't tell people what to think, I can debate, but I don't tell them "You shouldn't think this way or you're going to be considered a *such-n-such*!"

I am not saying anything, but I am cautious of Obama because of his associations. As with all new people, I say Obama is evil due to his associations with evil people. But let's see what happens. Maybe my instincts are wrong. Like I said, I only hope they are! Obama wants to share the wealth. As nice as that sounds (though I don't think the wealthy are going to like it) I don't know how Obama is going to do it. And honestly, I don't think the wealthy owes me anything just because I am not as wealthy as they are. They are whom they are and I am who I am. If GOD wants me to become wealthy, HE will do it HIS way. If not, then oh well! I've managed perfectly this long on a fixed income, I can go right on doing it forever if I have to. But I don't think the wealthy owe me anything, seeings I am not in any way related to anyone who is wealthy. I do have wealthy friends, and it'd be hard enough for me to ask them for any money!! Much less a stranger!! Seriously, I don't know how Obama is going to keep that promise!! But maybe he has some kind of magic trick up his sleeve. Who knows really??

I wonder if Dino Rossi won as governor? If so, that would thwart Obama's plan to "share the wealth". Obama would be all for freely sharing the wealth, whereas Rossi would be all for making the poor work for it. LOL!! Going to be a financial "tug-of-war" with the government!! It's going to be kinda funny to watch!!

The worst thing about all this, the color wars are about to get worse!! You know damn well the skinhead/neo-nazi groups are going to revolt!! If one set of them doesn't succeed in assassinating Obama, another set of them will pick it up. You know how desperate those assholes get!!! And they are all over the country, you can't really get away from them. That is where I fear FOR Obama! He's in for a major struggle with groups like that. I hope he's got some darn good body guards!!! I always hated the skinheads' philosophy that this country was made FOR white people!! That is soooooo NOT true!!!!! Whites belong in Europe, the indians were the ones this country was made for!! And as far as I know, no real indian is white!!! My great-great grandma was 100% Cherokee, and she was NOT white!!!! I saw her pics. Old as they were, I could tell she was not pale-complected. I look a lot like her. Only fatter and a bit lighter! hehe! I must be something of a throw-back. And white supremists complain that this country has too many Mexicans now. I say STOP your whining!! The Mexicans were here long before the whites were!! And now you just know they are going to target Obama. I'll bet my life on that one!! I just pray nothing bad happens!!

But anyway, he won the election. He is to be congratulated, but I am still not comfortable with this decision. But all I will say at this point is let's see what happens!

****************EDIT TO ADD*******************************
I forgot, I do have ONE wealthy relative, Eva and her husband (my BIL), with an annual income of $###### they can be considered wealthy. LOL... Sorry! My cold meds have me not thinking straight!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ah Nutz!!!

This SUCKS!!! I've had this nasty cold for the past 2 days, and it SUCKS!! I caught it from Anna who most likely got it from school. Makes me so MAD!! I don't so much mind the sneezes and sniffles half as much as I mind the coughing. I've coughed so much today, and last night my throat is raw!!! I think it's blistered. Not only that, but this cold medicine I am taking is making me feel weak. I have to take something for the misery and something else for the cough. I hate this time of year. But there are 2 things that even now keeps me going. My Vegas and Timmy!! I lay in bed with Vegas under my arms and surround myself with my pics of Timmy.

Vegas is a pervy dog!!! He has the strange habit of waking me up by rubbing his belly on my face!!! And since he rubs his belly on my face, guess what also always winds up touching me!! That's right, his winkie. That's HIS own doing!!! NOT mine!! I don't feel good, this is no time for Vegas to be acting like a pervert and I'm his whore!!! Crazy-ass dog!!! Every time he tries that, I push him off as quickly as I can!! LOL! Yet even with his strange ways, I love him unconditionally. Always will. There is something about this little guy that just begs "love me!" I guess that is what is typical about chihuahuas. I love him to death but if he keeps popping his weiner in my face, I'm gonna whop his butt!! Then he's never getting in my bed again!

Well, I'm no different, only I wish I could lose myself in Timmy's buns!! At a time like this, I love to surround myself with my Timmy pics and look into his eyes, as well as other places as well, hehe!! Now, I need this video that is on the way. I cannot wait.

Well, it looks like the Obama supporters are about to get their wish. He's way ahead in the polls, as I knew he would be. All I will say is those people who've supported him all year are getting their wish. I only hope it isn't a mistake!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

LOL! Anyone see this program? I never miss it. Of course I have it on DVD this year. I cannot for the life of me understand why the TV networks stopped playing this, it's a classic!!! Try to find the innocence depicted in this clip in today's cartoons. You CAN'T!!!! Linus is weird sometimes, but even so, one has to admire his supreme loyalty to the great pumpkin. I've always had a bit of a picture in my mind of what the great pumpkin would look like, and if I were Linus, I wouldn't even try to wait up for him!! In fact, it'd make me run to the house as fast as I could, not look back and lock the door behind me!! But I like Linus for his loyalty anyway! hehe! That and his little bit of kookiness!!! Linus's problem is, and it's plain to see, he has mistaken Halloween for Christmas! I don't think the Great Pumpkin would be even half as adorable as Santa Claus!! You know what my favorite holiday is? President's Day! hehe! Not as commercialized as the rest of them, and it's as far away from being near the dates of any personal tragedy I can think of!! I used to hate Christmas and Thanksgiving because it was too close to the time the world lost Michael Hutchence. Then I hated Memorial Day and the 4th of July because it was too close to the time I lost my Groucho. Nothing bad happened to me on President's Day though! Of course I'm a bit back on course with Thanksgiving and Christmas now because I did not know Michael. So I felt I've grieved for him long enough. But it's going to be a LONG time before I can enjoy Memorial Day and July 4th again.

Well, surprisingly enough, this cartoon was also bad-mouthed by parents whose children started calling others names because they thought it was funny on this cartoon. I'd be concerned myself, but it's not the cartoon's job to stop children from calling others names. That job is supposed to fall onto the parent's shoulders!! If they cannot stop their kids from picking up what they see on TV, then they should not let their kids watch TV at all!! But I can say I have been watching shows like that all my life and I never called anyone names. And what about cartoons like the Simpsons?? They call each other names, most of them are FAR worse than "blockhead"! And yet parents let their kids watch that mess. And those characters are not even half as cute as the ones on the Charlie Brown cartoons!! What happened to parents today??

Well, I managed to find the Great Pumpkin on YouTube, though I left out most of the middle of this program. I mean, who gives a shit about Snoopy as the WW1 flying ace??? I sure don't!! That part of the cartoon SUCKED!!!!! Though on the documentary, it was mentioned that that was the most popular part of the cartoon. I say NO WAY!!!!! That was the most BORING part of the cartoon!!! I guess that just means I am naturally hard-wired not to like what everyone else does. But that is the only part of the cartoon I tend to fast-foreward all the way past. So here, I just didn't include it at all. But these are what I found, courtesy of YouTube, and someone called "Penguindaeler"...

And part 2 (or 3 actually)....

You wanna know about fury in a woman scorned? Wait till Obama and PETA try to take my baby away from me, you'll know what Hell on Earth looks like!!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pet Owning, A Thing of the Past

This is why I don't like either of this year's presidential candidates. Now I hear Obama is in with PETA and the HSUS. So that could mean, if you have a pet that you absolutely LOVE, you can kiss it goodbye if Obama gets elected. That goes for both dogs AND cats. If Obama gets into office, PETA will really be the ones having control over this country. I sure don't want that. We won't be allowed to eat meat or have dairy in our homes anymore, and I for one enjoy that. Maybe even that deal between PETA and Ben and Jerry's will become mandatory. If so, I'll never eat ice cream again!! But the one thing that bothers me the most is that we won't be allowed to have pets anymore.

Looks like I'd better trade grandpa's antique hunting rifle for a new one. One I can actually get ammo for. I lost my Groucho, and that hurt bad enough! I'll be damned if I'm gonna let PETA take my Vegas without a fight!!! In defense of my baby, I'll even take on the whole US Army if I have to. This is final: THEY ARE NOT GETTING MY BABY!!!!!!! I don't care how hard they get. Vegas has been with me since he was born, he would not be able to make it without me. I'll move to some place not affiliated with this country. Maybe Argentina. Better bone up on my Spanish!

The only thing that would not bother me if it is outlawed is the fur trade. I have nothing made of animal furs, I have no use for animal furs! I'm the type that thinks animal furs look better on the animals. I think skinning an animal is a stupid waste of life!! I would only agree to it with those animals whose meat can be consumed. But very few people actually wear cow skins. But animals like foxes and mink should stay in tact IMO.

****************EDIT TO ADD**********************
Oh yes! Katrina's right. People do too wear cow skins. She has a leather coat to prove it. LOL!! Geez!! I'm a dimwit!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A New Farriss

Jon and Kerry had a baby girl, Avani Jillian Farriss. I think it's a lovely name! And she is such a beautiful little girl. I knew all along it was going to be a girl. Jon just seemed like the type that would throw female sperm. Not meant to embarrass him! In fact, I don't blame him for being so proud of this beautiful little angel!

Without any roasting or sarcasm of any kind, I want to congratulate Jon and Kerry for their latest member of the Farriss clan. I love the fact the baby is already smiling! Looks so cute on her, almost as if she knows she is in for a lifetime of laughs from that silly uncle Timmy of her's!! hehe! Well, he always made me laugh, in a good way!

Late-Term Abortions: My Views

All this talk about Obama being all for late term abortions got me thinking. It is a very cruel act! I've seen some sites and stuff about late-term abortions, that is abortions that take place in the third trimester of pregnancy (in case you didn't know). IMO, that is when the baby first starts to develop a personality. I think it might even be aware of the world around it. In my eyes, aborting a baby this late in the pregnancy is nothing less than murder! There are some exceptions though. If the mother is ill, and being pregnant would mean the mother sacrificing her life in some way to keep that baby inside her, then by all means there should be an abortion (if the baby is too young to survive outside the body). I remember when I was about 10 years old, my pa told me about his ma getting very ill one time when she was expecting, and that baby had to be aborted or she was going to die. The baby was only 6 months along in it's development, and the way it was aborted was the doctor speared it with a sharp object. I remember when he told me that, I had nightmares about it for some time. It made me ill just to hear about it. Necessary I know it was, but still. And there are women out there who would rather do this to their unborn baby, even though they are healthy and the baby is healthy. And Obama is OK with this!!

I know the debate between Obama and McCain is a never-ending battle, and so is the morality of abortion. Some people are all for it while others are against it. I am very surprised Obama is all for this, since he himself is a love-child!! His mama chose life, then handed that life over to her parents to take care of!!! Lazy-ass wimp!!! But anyway, it makes me think. I was once almost raped back in 1990. I say "almost" because he tried to get me to go behind some bushes with him, but I would not do it. I was a tough adversary even back then!! LOL! But what if I had been forced to do it? Then got pregnant by that unknown assailant? Would I have wanted to have that baby?? I say YES!! I would definately have had that baby! I just would more likely not have kept it. There is a thing called adoption, and I'm sure someone else, not knowing the child was a product of rape, would have been able to give that baby a good life somewhere else. I don't know if I could have looked at that baby and not think of the person who would have raped me. But then again, I don't know. I'd never really know unless I was actually in that situation. But I do know I would have felt worse if I'd had an abortion to get rid of that child who may have become a decent person (not take after it's father, LOL!) and helped somebody somewhere do something. Anyway, I'd hope that it's adopted parents would have raised it to become that way. This is just speculative though.

I don't know though if I would really have associated that baby with the guy who would have raped me. That's not in my nature. I don't judge people by their siblings or friends (or I try not to), sometimes I do find myself thinking "if so-n-so is a friend of whosit, I'd better be careful!" But at the same time I do realize everyone has their own personalities, and their own minds. A lot of people just choose not to use either! But anyway, I may or may not have associated the man who would have raped me with that baby. I'm really not saying either now. But I would have rather chosen life than abortion.

I did some googling of sites that discuss late-term abortions, and the pictures are not pretty! I will not post any here because they are too gruesome! One site that has a lot of images was at this site: http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/photosassorted/index.htm. But I warn you!! If you have weak constitutions, faint at the sight of human destruction, or are a hardcore Obama supporter, I advise you NOT to look!!! The images are very graphic!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Confession

I got this today in an e-mail, apparently these were Ben Stein's words, and so true!! This is why I always treat everyone like an equal, whether they realize it or not. True, there are some people I don't like, I just stay away from them for the most part. But people I like and even those I don't know, I still treat them like an equal.

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession: I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish.

And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees.. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees. It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me.

I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a croeche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Katrina) Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK. (Think about this one!)

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. (This is one reason why I never had children, spanking them has been made illegal. And now, a lot of parents are not even allowed to touch their own children to hug them. People now call it "molesting".)

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.' Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet? (I'm not. This is very profound!)

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us. (I stopped worrying about what other people thought of me after Groucho died. Maybe that was the reason that happened. It just became not so important to me anymore. Really GOD's opinion of us should be all that counts, and HE has been good to me so far! Why would I care what mere humans think of me?)

Pass it on if you think it has merit. If not then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in. (Tell your friends!)

My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully, Ben Stein

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Story Discussion

I've discussed a few stories put out by our group on this blog, I'd like to point out a little bit more about some favorite stories I have. Yes, I do have some favorites. Some would say that is like choosing your one child over another to be your favorite, but I don't see it that way. I never choose any of my own stories as my favorites. It's always those of some of my friends. Likewise, they tend to choose some of my stories for their favorites. It's just a personal rule I have though not to favor any of my own over any of my friends' stories. Don't ask me why!! I cannot explain all my own weird personal rules!!

The Mischievous Mongoose is one story that faced quite a bit of controversy in the beginning. It was originally completed by Katrina O'hara in April of 1986, no this was not my baby sis. Just a very close friend. In those days, stories about mongooses were few and far between. In fact, when people saw the word "mongoose" anywhere in the story, the first thing that came to their minds was "Rikki Tikki Tavi". So in the beginning, Kate heard a lot of "This story sounds like Rikki Tikki Tavi!" Especially that originally, the story begins in a pasture in India and is about a mongoose who loses it's mother while she is on a hunting trip, and later on after being adopted by the hunter who killed her mother, stows away on a ship heading to Africa. So Kate re-wrote the story, and made the mongoose a larger example than the one displayed as Rikki Tikki, in a field in South America, where mongooses have been introduced, but not naturally associated with. The mongoose she created specifically for the story is one of these from my site:

That is a great leap from being "too much like Rikki Tikki"!! In fact, this is like a cross between a mongoose and a very large panther! It was great for the story!! Diana, as the mongoose was named, did keep her primordial instincts about killing snakes, and that may have also been a thing that confused the readers. But that's a mongoose for you, and one this big could really take on a 6-foot Indian cobra and win!! Not like Rikki tikki, who would have been killed instantly by those things that were probably 5 times his size!!!

In the final version of this story, Diana is born in a field in Chile, her mother is shot and killed after being surprised by a hunter and his dog and attempting to attack them. The hunter finds the orphaned cub hunkered down in the grass and brings her home. The next day while exploring, she winds up in a shipyard and is accidentally taken on board of a ship heading to San Diego. There, she meets Jasper, a lemur, and Katie, a squirrel. At first they are confused about what Diana is. They'd never seen a mongoose before, and especially none like Diana! Diana is homesick though and wants to go back, but Jasper and Katie don't know this and just think she is sick. So they take her to a vet. It is here that Diana gets her first glimpse of a snake, as a wild garter snake races across the floor of the waiting room. Her old instincts kick in and she chases it all over the place. Finally both wind up in the main gasline vent and the whole building explodes! Katie and Jasper are seen in the rubble. But in the midst of all that, Diana did get her quarry!! She proudly retrieves it back to Katie and Jasper who are still up to their necks in kindling from the explosion.

This actually goes on several times. Diana is as curious as any cub! And just as full of silly antics. When the story was completed I invited my ma to try it out on an unbiased audience. She babysat for 4 kids, all under the age of 7, at that time, and read the story to them. Now, there was a new complaint. The story was a bit too rough. Because Diana does kill snakes in the story, it is not really recommended for small children. Although that was in '86. Kids were still considered innocent back then. Kids today are not so innocent. They might be better able to handle situations like this now. However, I still classify it as not being suitable for children under 7, or even 10. I don't want some freaked-out parent coming on our site saying that the story was too violent and gave their 5-year old nightmares after reading that story (or it being read to them). At the same time, it is a funny story!! Kate was a funny person. It's a shame she died later that year.

Caroline, the Sequel is another funny story by the same author. It was first completed in February of 1984. It's kindof a companion to an earlier story, but not necessarily part 2. Caroline is a loony lemur (before I met Kate, I had no idea at all what a lemur is!) and she wakes up early one morning and cannot get back to sleep. Katie the squirrel is also in this story. She and Caroline are inseparable companions. But sometimes Caroline gets on Katie's nerves!! This story is one of those cases. So because Caroline cannot sleep, she bugs the heck out of Katie, asking her if she'd like to join her in their TV room. Katie is tired but she reluctantly complies. While they are in the TV room, Katie falls asleep on the sofa, as Caroline sits in front of the television watching whatever is on at that hour. It was then that Caroline hears a noise in the kitchen and thinks they may have intruders. So she wakes up Katie yet again and urges her to check out what is in the kitchen. It isn't until Katie herself hears these noises that she feels she should check it out. Before she even sees what, or who, is in the kitchen, she plans a counter-attack. Guess what she does find in the kitchen.....I cannot tell! I don't want to give away too much of the story!

Depending on the level of sensitivity in the child, this story is recommended more for older children. Not necessarily a 7 or 8 year old. But more like 9 to 14.

Sandy, the Seal Who Feared the Water is another very good story. It was originally completed early in 1980 by Trisha Greenbush, the founder of our little group. She first wrote the story for her church daycare group. During the long sermons, the toddlers were kept in the basement of their church, which was converted into a school and daycare, with supervisors who read them stories, played games with them and gave the kids snacks. Well, Trisha would sometimes create stories for the daycare that the kids never heard before. The story has nothing to do with GOD or Jesus, it was just entertainment for the children while they waited for the sermon to end and the parents to pick up their kids. This story was a hit with the kids, and the parents!

Sandy is a seal unlike any other. She is too afraid to go into the water. Like a lot of people, Sandy fears the unknown, and the water is too deep and too dark to go into. So, she sits on the ice and just stares into this little opening to the ocean. She has one loyal friend, a walrus named Greta, who does all she can to get Sandy's confidence up enough to set flipper into the water. Even a threat by a polar bear cannot get Sandy to go into the water! She hides underneath a huge glacier instead. Greta eventually has enough and tries to force Sandy into the water. She pushes and prods but Sandy refuses to dip!! Finally, later on, Sandy does make it into the water. Guess how it happens? I cannot tell you, I don't want to give away the story.

This story is great for all ages, but it was mostly made with children under 10 years old in mind.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Strangest Party

I love that song!! LOL!! I still need the smiles, INXS gave them to me tonight. I was watching that Great Video Experience with INXS interviews, concert clips and some videos. There are some songs I am not fond of that INXS created, but they are actually quite few. I'm not that fond of Baby Don't Cry. I like most of the animals (except the panther), but the song leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not crazy about Never Tear Us Apart. I'm probably the only INXS fan on the planet that doesn't like that song!!!! It's just too hard to boogie to, and when I am in the car, the song always reminds me of how I get motion sickness. So I always skip it. That's what slow songs do to me. I love the faster songs that are easiest to boogie to. Like Kick, Devil Inside, New Sensation, I even love By My Side, for a different reason than the others, but I still love it!!!

I even saw the video for Time. That was the video that in 2005 made me fall in such a deep love with Kirk. I saw it again tonight and still got a bit weak in the knees. Too bad Kirk is such a jerk!!!! Well, if there is one thing I learned with that incident of someone supposedly being him commenting on here, it's that I know I am not as willing to "write him off" forever as I thought I was. I don't believe the person who came in and said Kirk's grammar was better than that person's, as I think most of the time, someone does the writing for the guys. (My guess was that individual was judging the grammar by those writings on his journal at inxs.com). But a small part of me says don't write him off, but the other part of me says forget about him. Well, all that has to happen is a 300-pound woman step up and say she has met Kirk and he was a perfect gentleman to her, and I will forgive him and forget about him snubbing me everytime I've met him. I will even apologize to him on this blog for all the horrible shit I've said about him. There is a catch. I must be able to trust the woman who speaks up, and she MUST be overweight, like me. A pic would help a lot too. There are some people whose words I wouldn't trust more than throwing horseshoes!! I know for example DonnaG is fat, but she also forces herself on people, and she is blind to these guys' faults. I know she had a photo-op with Kirk before, but if he was disgusted by her, she'd never see it. Not like I would have! (In the breeding game, that kind of disorder is known as "kennel-blindness". I don't know what one would call it when meeting your favorite band is your game). I can say I have met Kirk 3 times. Once snubbing I can forgive, even twice I can overlook. But after the third time there has got to be something personal there!! I wouldn't know what other conclusion I could come up with. Third time is supposed to be the charm, but not in this case. I once heard how Michael was always flirting with women, no matter what their size was. The one and only time I saw Michael was in 1991, and I was definately skinnier then!! I kissed him, but I never formally 'met' him. But I tell you, after meeting Tim, and him being such a charmer, it does not even bother me that I never formally met Michael anymore!! I used to envy those who have. But those are ancient feelings now, never to be felt by me again!!

Anyway, anyone besides me notice there are a lot of dogs in INXS videos?? INXS are obviously dog-lovers. There was even a dog on the cover of Shabooh Shoobah. Gives me a little encouragement for an idea I have. I could bring my babies to INXS concerts. I once saw a woman whose hobby was to take her french bulldog to concerts of different rock groups and allow them to play with the dog and pet it. True most rock stars have dogs at their homes and I am sure they miss them when they are on tour. It'd be great to brighten their tour with a surprise visit by someone with dogs they can pet and make friends with. Vegas is a good candidate, because he's the friendliest. Especially if one of them were to take their shoes off!! Vegas LOVES feet!!!!! Odessa, well she's the more nippy one, Kirk can have her!! LOL! Vegas needs to get used to men though. He's always nervous at first, but he never has bitten anyone before. Not like Odessa who is indeed an ankle-biter. She's also an ankle-scratcher. At least she is off-leash! Better leave her home!! Vegas the worst he does is bark and growl. That's all I've seen him do anyway. His bark is much worse than his bite though.

It'd be kinda cute to get a pic of Tim with Vegas! hehe! I've been getting him to give Timmy's pics kisses since he was born. However, I would have to leave the pics OUT!! If I do happen to start doing this, it would have to be professionally. I couldn't try all that fan stuff if I am to start doing these rounds. But it is a great way to socialize the dogs, and at the same time, bring some much-needed and well-deserved smiles to the faces of musicians. Maybe if Odessa is kept on a leash she won't do anything. But I would hate to chance it!! She does good at Petco, but I don't know how she would react with the music and stuff in the background at a concert.