
Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by sheer honesty, or you think me having my own opinions is "being negative", then this is not the place for you, and I suggest you leave and head elsewhere. I call a spade a spade, and I don't sugarcoat anything.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

1000-Mile Walk

I wanted to do it! I still want to do it! It's something I've never done before. I wanted to go on a very long walk, a walk that would have probably taken us weeks to complete, but it would have been so much fun! I talked at length with Anna about it, we were going to go on a walk all the way from Bozeman, MT to North Dakota. Montanans go on long walks like that all the time. So I figured why can't we do the same? I see those lonely hikers on the side of the freeway all the time, almost every time I go on the freeway. Most of them look younger than me, but still! I'd like to do something like this. It'd be a very rough existence, but really, it'd be a lot cheaper than taking the car to North Dakota. It'd be the adventure of a lifetime. If I had kids, I'd say this would be an adventure to one day relay to grandchildren! LOL! We were going to pack the dogs in their buggies, and just go and have fun, walk 20 miles each day, and where ever we found ourselves was where we would make our camp and stay for the night.

I wanted to do this. But Anna reminded me that our schedule is too tight right now to do something like this. She wants to go back to school, and she has a surgery scheduled for the beginning of June. I have to take her for that. So it's like BUMMER!!!!! I really wanted to do this. And I betcha we would have lost plenty of weight by the time we got back home. At least 50 pounds of it. Anna said we may even have made the news! Probably. It was a choice between walking or boating to North Dakota. I've never done either! Anna said "I'll take you camping one day." But for me, it's not just the camping that would have made this trip special, I've been camping many times before. It's the 1000-mile walk that would have made it special, going places we've never been before, seeing things we've never seen before, in a way that I've never seen them before. Anybody can view anything from a moving vehicle, but to see them on foot, walking by, in sort of a way, it allows you to interact with that thing. The only thing I would have worried about on a trip like that would be highway men. But I would have carried weapons to deal with them. They would also be easier to avoid if we took the back roads.

Ya know, I think this is why Americans are so fat! Because our schedules are so busy no one has time to work off what they eat. That really sucks! We would be able to go on this walk if only Anna's upcoming schedule was not so busy. I was going to keep a video diary of the walk, and Anna was going to bring along her trip journal, which she always brings every time we go on a trip. She writes about the fun we have and everything.

Anyway, I've got some good news about Brandi, Lois is getting her some training with a professional canine behaviorist. Hopefully with the proper training, Brandi won't be so aggressive anymore and will leave Minnie alone. She usually does when I am in the dog park. Because she learned after the first attack on Minnie, that I'm not going to take any of her shit! This last time she attacked Minnie, I wasn't in the park, I couldn't keep Brandi from her. Well, let's hope and pray for the best. I'd really hate to see Lois lose Brandi! But as of now, Brandi is a big threat to a lot of dogs. And Minnie is so tiny, I'm scared to death Brandi is going to kill her one day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Rats, Rats, Rats!

LOL! You know what I find most hilarious about some people? Any animal that is small, that a person has no idea what that animal is, they think it's a rat. Recently, I've even seen someone say on a TV show, that a lemur is a rat! I sat there thinking "In what way does a lemur resemble a rat??" To me, a rat is a tiny creature with naked ears, a long, naked tail, squat legs, beady eyes, and naked feet tipped with claws. Lemurs hardly fit the description. Most of them have hairy ears, large eyes, long legs, and a furry tail. Of course not all rats are as I described. One of the beautiful things about rats is that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of them look more like squirrels than what the average human perceives as rats. Of all the small, non-rodent animals I've seen, the only ones I can think of that remind me of a typical rat, are the opossums. Check out the resemblance:

Typical rats
American Opossum
To me, there is a resemblance. Opossums are of course much bigger, and they don't have the incisors like rats and all other rodents do. But outwardly, there is a resemblance. Their legs are short and squat, the eyes are dark and beady, the ears are teardrop-shaped and naked, the tail is long and naked, and the feet are naked and tipped with claws. All the same characteristics that most people think of when they think of a rat. But opossums are not rats. They're not even rodents. They are marsupials. But a lemur resembling a rat?? Some of the tiny ones I could see somewhat (??) resembling rats. That's how they got the name of "mouse lemurs", because they somewhat resemble mice.

Mouse Lemur
But any other kind of lemur, I would have to seriously disagree resembles a rat. I just don't see the connection, or how anyone could make such an observation. In fact, most lemurs look no more like rats than a cat does! I look at lemurs, and to me, they look more like cats! Not rats. Or maybe like a cross between a dog and a cat. Take a look at these varieties especially:

You know why I think a lot of people say any small animals resemble rats? Its because they're not looking at a lion, or a tiger, or an elephant. They don't know what they're looking at, all they know is that it's a small animal with fur all over it, so they call it a rat. To a lot of lazy-ass people, it's easier to just look at a small animal and say "that's a rat" than to get educated and learn what the difference between a small animal and a rodent is. I learned! I learned the difference in no time. It used to drive my ma CRAZY too!!! It was hard for her to realize I wasn't that young, gullible child anymore who agreed with everything she said, but someone who is well-educated about animals and takes that knowledge very seriously. It took ma a LONG time to finally figure that out. I was relieved when she did too. I can remember one morning we even got into a fist fight (which she started) just because she misidentified something and I corrected her.

As someone who has studied animals for the majority of my life, I learned not to look at animals on the surface. Appearances are oftentimes deceiving! To me, lions look more like dogs than cats. The only thing that looks cat-like on a lion is the whiskers and feet. Hyenas also look dog-like, but they are not dogs either. They just look like dogs. So you can't really tell what an animal is related to just by looking at the surface of that animal. Rodents and rabbits are the only mammals that have the long incisors. And while the group of rodents is a very large group, it does not consist of all the small mammals of the world. Every group has variety.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bad Dog!

Well, this morning when I went to the dog park, there was another little problem. I put Minnie and Vegas in there, and grabbed the poo-scoop to pick up a mess Minnie made this morning that I was unable to pick up then. I went out to the area around the building where she did it, and while I was there picking up Minnie's old droppings, I heard a commotion in the dog park. I heard Vegas going crazy, and Anna yelling. And it sounded like she was yelling "Brandie!!!" She shouted it several times. I raced back to the dog park, wondering what the Hell was going on. I saw Karen wrapping what I first thought was Vegas, in a blanket, and handing it over to Anna. Anna shouted "Come in here, quick!" So I rushed faster. As it turns out, it was Minnie, and Brandi had attacked her and pinned her down. I was livid! To say the least! I saw Anna point at Brandi and shout "BAD DOG!" Karen gathered Brandi up and took her back to the landlord's apartment. As they were coming out I shouted at Brandi. I said "BRANDI!! Damn you!!!" In the process of pulling Brandi away, Karen got bit by her.

Well I was mad at Brandi, and I still am! This is the second time she attacked Minnie! Fortunately Minnie was not hurt at all. She has no puncture wounds anywhere. But it may be a LONG time before either she, or I, trust Brandi again! Poor Minnie was so shaken up! I would have understood a little bit better if Brandi had attacked Vegas. Vegas after all has been asking for it for weeks now! But not Minnie! Minnie doesn't hurt anyone, and pretty much leaves Brandi alone. Of course I still would have been pissed if Brandi had attacked Vegas, don't misunderstand me there! But at least I would have had an answer why she did it, and hopefully would avoid such a confrontation again. But Minnie does nothing! So there are no answers. Did Brandi just have this pent-up anger because Lois is now away from home? I don't know. But why attack poor, innocent Minnie???

Well, Brandi's days may be numbered anyway. Rory went and opened his big, stupid mouth and blabbed on Lois! He told Animal Control that Brandi attacked his dog, Taz, one day in the dog park. But Brandi did not start that fight! Taz did. But I bet you Rory did not tell Animal Control that. Rory thinks his dog can do no wrong. What a dumbass!! But unfortunately, Brandi may get the worst of the consequenses because she is the landlord's dog. The landlord is not considered a tenant, and because of that, if Brandi were to get into another fight with any other dog or pet in the building, she's going to be taken away from Lois! And Brandi did it again today with Minnie. If Animal Control ever found out about this, Brandi would surely be taken away from Lois! Frankly, if Brandi were my dog, she'd have been GONE already! She's simply not safe to have around other dogs!

When we were walking out of the dog park, Karen kinda looked at me out the corner of her eyes and said "Would you dare to call Animal Control?" But no. That's not how the Timmyfan works! LOL! The last thing I ever want to do is get the landlord in trouble, or bring harm to another dog. I said though that all I want is for Lois to do something about Brandi! Either get her some good training, or send her to live with someone else! Lois's sister looked responsible enough, perhaps she could take Brandi. It's none of my business really, but then at least Brandi would still be in the family. I don't want to get Lois or Brandi in trouble. But having Brandi is a violation of the lease. The lease says that any pet that harms another pet or person will not be allowed to live in this building. Brandi has gotten into more than one or two fights, which she did instigate. Not just with Minnie, but also with Deb's dog Ziggy, and there are several others whose dogs cannot be in the park with Brandi because Brandi just automatically attacks them.

I'd hate to see Lois lose Brandi, but she has to do something! I'll have to talk to her tomorrow. I hope she's available. I must tell her about Brandi attacking Minnie again. I don't want to not go into the dog park, that's the only time I really get to chat with my friends. But what can I do? Karen comes in with both Brandi and her own dogs. Lois does not take Brandi to the park. She's too busy. And Karen once told me that Brandi is MUCH worse when Lois is around. But I don't want Minnie killed. If Minnie ever gets hurt really bad, I'm going to have no choice but to report Brandi.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just Shut Up About It!

I've said it before, people are dumb! Especially over-obsessed fanatics. At least though I now know I am not the only one who thinks fanatics are annoying. I don't even like INXS fanatics, that should say a lot. And I used to be one of them, LONG ago. But that was then, this is now.

I bring this up because I watched (and favorited) a video about how annoying fanatics are to one person. He talked about religious fanatics, vegan/vegetarian fanatics, and homosexual fanatics. I added a few of my own that I hate. I hate panther fanatics too. I wish that African panthers movie had never been made! Because of it, panther fanatics are now more pushy and annoying than ever before. But then again, that may be because people today are just dumber than they've ever been before. That's why I never let society or the media tell me what I can or can't like. You don't see many movies about lemurs do you? I don't love lemurs because of some popular movie I saw in the theaters. Choosing lemurs as my favorite animal was my own choice. No one else's. But I am not a fanatic about them. I hate fanatical people.

I saw some vegan comments on that video too. And another one I watched after that. Vegans need to find some new heros. The one they have now is getting boring! I always hear the same dumb comebacks from vegans!

Vegan comment #1: If we were meant to eat meat, I want to see you chase down a squirrel using nothing but your bare hands, legs and teeth, kill it yourself and eat everything including the bones, eyes, brain, intestines, etc.

Rationality lesson #1: Even a lot of natural predators do not eat bones, brains and eyes. Some predators, like the leopard seal for example, only eat the breast meat of their prey. Bones and all the undesirables are usually left to scavengers. And if you're going to bring up that we don't have claws or teeth to bring down our prey, you missed the best weapon of all: our brains. We're intelligent enough to make weapons for killing and are able to outsmart our prey.

Vegan comment #2: Our digestive system is completely like that of a herbivore.

Rationality lesson #2: No, it's not. Cows have 2 stomachs, humans only have 1. Purely herbivorous primates have 2, humans only have 1. Think about it, if a human's digestive tract were naturally like that of a pure herbivore's, then vegans would have pot bellies like all herbivorous animals do. And I don't mean a pot belly like mine that is this way because of an overabundance of fat cells. I mean a pot belly that is that way because the person has more than 1 stomach pouch, and many more yards of an intestinal tract than what a normal person has. Fact is, our digestive tract paralells that of a true omnivorous animal. Not a herbivore.

Vegan comment #3: Put a 2 year old in a crib with a bunny and an apple. If the child eats the apple and plays with the bunny, that means we are herbivores.

Rationality lesson #3: (with a facepalm) This is the vegan's most favorite excuse for veganism. It's been over-used, but it doesn't prove anything! Even a lion of comparable age (which would be about a 6-week old cub) will not attack, kill and eat a live animal sitting in front of it. Except maybe in play. But at that age, it hasn't yet grasped the concept of predator and prey and what they're supposed to do. I once had a Scottie dog, I got her as a puppy, and she didn't catch and kill her first rat until she was about 6 months old. Before that, she looked at rats with great indifference. Yeah, a 2-year old child might not kill and eat a live bunny rabbit, it may not even eat the apple, unless you cut and peel it for them. But take a pork chop, or even a burger patty, and a bottle of cow's milk, put them down in the crib with the same child, I guarantee that baby will eat those in no time. Maybe even before it eats the apple!

And when all else fails, fanatical vegans always resort to name-calling. Mostly because we omnivores are right and they know it. We struck a nerve! hehehe! Like I said before, there is NO conclusive proof that a mixed diet (containing both meat and vegetables) is unhealthy and that a purely vegan diet is healthier. A vegan may have a heart-attack. They may have a stroke as easily as I could. They never know. All it takes is a lot of stress. I have a lot of stress, I'm a very good candidate for a heart attack myself! LOL! It has really nothing to do with my diet. It's because of the stress that I am putting myself through on a daily basis with all the work I have to do. Stress causes your body to do a lot of things it wouldn't normally do. But vegans don't understand that. They think it's all linked to diet. While that may be partially true, it's not the whole truth. And the source that most vegans use is PETA. And let me tell you, PETA is NOT a credible source! They are nothing more than a fucking terrorist group. To say Ingrid Newkirk knows what she's talking about is the same as saying Bin Ladin knew what he was talking about. He didn't! Like Newkirk, his view was completely biased and boorish. Even I, as an animal lover, wouldn't listen to her!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Neighbor The Jinx

I was joking around with my sis tonight and I said my neighbor, Marie, must be a jinx. For the past 3 days, she's been in the dog park. The first day she was in there before either Anna or I arrived, so I guess that did not count. She left shortly after. But for the past couple of days she's been coming in after we arrived, and both days, Anna and I actually developed belly cramps within 20 minutes of arriving there. I think my neighbor lady might have a hex on us. LOL! I don't like her very much, and I believe she knows it. I don't hate her, but I am not fond of her either. Much the same way I feel about Sharon. When Marie is in the park, she pretty much ignores me and Anna. She's had a lot of practice at ignoring me. LOL! To me, that's a good thing. I could sit at the park and say out loud in front of her that her face looks like the ass-end of a donkey and she would probably never hear me. At least she is not griping about me anymore if she's ignoring me, and she's not pounding on my walls anymore either. She told Karen that I've been "farting around the house at night". LOL! So I don't care if she's learned to ignore me. But I need to learn to ignore her as well. But when she is at the dog park, she just never shuts up! She hoards the conversation! And I am not interested in hearing what she has to say. I go to the dog park to meet up with Karen and Kim, and possibly Deb. Not my wacky neighbor!!

I think I know why she's been going in there more often now than she ever has before. She doesn't have anyone else to talk to. Sharon stiffed her. Apparently Sharon asked Marie to look after Cora while she was away, and then one day Sharon calls Marie and tells her that she forgot to pay her rent, so Marie agreed to pay Sharon's rent for her, and said that she can pay her back when she comes home, and Sharon said OK. Well, when Sharon got home, not only did she not pay Marie back for paying her rent, but Sharon even accused Marie of stealing from her! Well, long story short, they had a big falling out, and now Sharon and Marie are not speaking anymore, and that was the last friend Marie had here, besides Karen and Kim, who are friends with everyone here. So Marie now goes into the dog park. That sucks! I haven't been able to talk to Karen or Kim since before that first day. I won't talk to Marie. Even though I know she tunes me and Anna out when we speak. LOL!

I don't like Marie because she's a drunkard. I have this block against making friends with drunkards. They're usually mean and they stink! So I want nothing to do with them. I think Marie senses that I don't like her, and so that's why she tunes me out. hehe! I really couldn't care less either. I just don't like her coming into the dog park. She doesn't even have a dog. She only goes in because no one else will have anything to do with her. Although I must say the "farting around the house" comment is a little bit creative. LOL! I've never heard that one before. I've heard the phrase "tooting around the house", but this is the first time I've ever known anyone to convert the phrase to "farting around the house"! LOL! We're not supposed to know who's been griping about us to the office, but Karen always reveals it anyway. I think Lois tells her or something. Or Marie probably has confided directly to Karen herself. But Karen always spills the beans. LOL! But I don't care. I have no plans to start a war with my neighbor. My mutual agreement with her is, she leaves me alone, I'll leave her alone. No war is necessary.

My father thinks I am a very negative person. But no, really I am quite positive. I just don't like it here. I want to go back to the coast. I really don't have many complaints against the people. At least I didn't until I found out what cocksuckers many Montanans are about this state. Like I said, they act like you're bashing their family or children. But for me, it's more like I just don't like this climate. I'm not used to it. I'm used to the marine air of back home. Pa has mixed feelings about me moving back. That's what he told Anna. Well, I told Anna he can have as many feelings as he wants about this, but my mind is made up. Moving here was a big mistake on my part. The only real reason I am here is because I could not stay in Ocean Shores without a car. I lived there without one once, and it was HELL! Now that they have upped the price of the shuttle, and eliminated bus transfers, it's going to be much worse! I might as well have just given my entire monthly allowance to the company that ran the buses and shuttles. I can't afford that every time I need to go somewhere. And have any of you tried to take groceries on a 25-mile bus ride? Especially if it's like 70 degrees outside. I worried a lot! It always took the bus 2 hours to run from Aberdeen to Ocean Shores, and another hour to wait for the shuttle, and then LORD knows only how long it would take to get from the shuttle station to our home. It was only 4 miles from the station, but on a busy day, it sometimes took as long as an hour because it had to run a certain route. So that would be about 4 hours wasted out of my day, and that's just one way! Plus the toll it had on my perishable groceries. I say the HELL with it!!! So that's why I could not live in Ocean Shores without a car. And that car belongs to Anna. She'll need it when she goes to school.

Well, I need a car if I am going to get back to the coast. Otherwise I am just stuck here. But one word to my father, if he is reading: PLEASE DON'T BUY ME A CAR!!!!!!!!! I'LL DO IT MYSELF!!!! I know the man means well, but his taste in cars SUCKS!!!! He bought this last car for Anna, and when he bought it, it was a piece of crap! It ran, but that was about all it did. Anna and I were the ones who had to put the money in to get that car to do more. Plus it's a damn Ford! Dad knows how I feel about Fords!! I hate them! I'll take anything but a Ford!! Dad always insists on putting us in Fords, and I hate it when he even suggests it! That's an insult! It's like he wants us to have nothing but cars that break down and give us nothing but heartaches and stress!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

All About Eggs?

Well, I have decided to rejoin this forum about birds. I was once a member long ago, and I had another name, but I forgot my password, so I just said screw it! I don't go in there much anymore anyway. I just don't care much for forums. Especially forums like this one, that take away my rights of free speech. But this time when I went in, my main interest was in completing this bird book. I am right now working on the chapter about pheasants, quails and partridges, and I would like to add egg dimensions for each species if I can. But there is one I have yet to be able to find, and it's the snow partridge of the Himalayas. So I went in there to ask about it.

Well my post sat in there for a whole day, it got a lot of views but no responses. I figured the people there would know about something like that. Well, today I got some responses. One person just asked why I want information like that. I wasn't sure at the time if I should have been telling them about this book I am writing, as I have been working on it for many years, and I am not even halfway done with it yet, and I have no idea of the outcome of this book yet. Yet, I was wondering why this person was asking me why I wanted to know information like that. It almost sounded like I had offended him or something. Well, another person told me that most people now do not like discussing Oology, which is the study of eggs. He compared it to being like trophy-hunting an animal. He said the study of eggs has proven to be detrimental to the survival of some rare species like the snow partridge. But I am not trying to be detrimental to any bird's survival. All I wanted was to know if anyone had this information. But at least I can say that he answered my question as to why no modern books carry this kind of info. But I still want to add this information to my book.

I want this bird book to be along the same scale as Walker's Mammals of the World. I want detailed information in this book. I believe the reader deserves it! I want to contain as much information as possible, and that includes egg measurements along with the description. The only problem is, I can't find such detailed information about some birds. They've not been so easy to find. For example, hummingbirds. There is no book out there with any detailed information about hummingbirds. The closest that I've been able to find is this book I have about birds of South America. And then it's just a physical description about each species. I have lots of books about birds, and more will be on the way. I just have to gather as much info as I can while I can. Hopefully someone out there can help me out.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Post-Party Fun Lingers

Well, I just got back from my landlord's birthday party, she turned 60. The party was actually for her and her twin sister. I had no idea whatsoever she had a twin sister. When you see them, you don't even realize they are twins. They must have been apart for so long, they stopped looking like each other. Her sis lives in California. I made Lois a clock with Brandi's picture on it (I made a video of how I made it and I will be putting it up on YouTube). It's a simple little clock that anyone can make! I'm just going to post it to share the idea. The landlord loved the clock! I knew she'd at least get a kick out of it. But I am glad she loved it. They aren't hard to make, and it's a cute, novel idea. One of the people who helped out for the party was a woman who lives here named Betty Warwood. I still don't like her. In fact, I've been bad-mouthing her all afternoon. LOL! I saw Mike Mayers here and I said to Anna that I didn't want that dickhead sitting next to me, so I scooted over closer to Kim, who was a couple of seats away. I don't like Mike either! He's an asshole who thinks everything of his is better than anyone else's and he's a fucking liar! Every time he opens his mouth you know he's going to spit out a lie! And his stories change all the time. I believe what he does is he hears interesting stories about everyone else's life and applies it to himself. Like one time he told Kim that his sister was really his mother. Well, I know where he got that story! That's the story of Jack Nicholson's life. But Mike tells it like it's his own story. Everyone knows it's not.

Well, little did I realize that by moving closer to Kim, I was also moving closer to Betty Warwood, and I don't like that woman! When someone mentioned Betty was going to be seated only 2 seats away from me, I was like "Oh GAWD!!!!" I said it out loud too. LOL! Other people down the row were looking at me funny, but I didn't care. I turned to Anna and said, "I can tell you I am not a people-person!" hehehe! It's true! But I wanted to be there for our landlord, no one else. Also, when food was being served, I was behind this one other tenant, who asked Betty if the macaroni salad was one that she made, and Betty answered "Yes." But she didn't just answer, she shouted "YES!" I told Betty it looks disgusting. I meant it too. The other tenants in front of me heard me say that, and I'm sure Betty did too (she was standing right there), but I didn't care. She didn't respond, but again, I didn't say it just to get a response. I said it because it did look disgusting! She put egg halves on top!

Actually when you get right down to it, I am not a big fan of eggs. I like omlettes with American cheese, and I like scrambled eggs and souffles. But things like fried eggs, or over-easy, or even boiled eggs, I don't like those. Deviled eggs make me sick, just looking at them! To me, deviled eggs look like someone puked up the yolks onto a half an egg white, and they smell that way to me too! I'm not a huge fan of cheese either. I love American cheese, and I like cheddar on some things, but no other kind of cheese. And I cannot just sit and eat a block of cheese, or take a handful of shredded cheese and put it in my mouth. I went to Costco once where there were demos for Irish-style cheddar cheese, and I tried it and it was disgusting! I'm sure it would more likely have tasted better on something, but by it's self, it was disgusting to me. I just cannot eat a block of cheese by it's self. But anyway, the fried chicken and rolls were awesome! That was all I had, and all I wanted. Then Lois opened her gifts and cards. She loved the clock I made her with Brandi's picture on it.

Later on we had cake. Watching the both of them try to blow out the candles was hilarious. Even with both their lung power, they could not do it. LOL! I got it all on film! I'm going to make a movie of this and give them a copy. The cake turned out to be a marble cake, and what I thought was white icing. But I was wrong. What I thought was actual white icing turned out to be cool whip! YUK!! The stores call it "bettercreme", I call it Cool whip! And it's disgusting on cakes! I think it makes the cake tasteless. I like white, vanilla-flavored buttercream icing! Especially on a marble cake. I remember Suzie's Cakes back in Aberdeen made some awesome marble cakes with white vanilla icing!! That was what I got for Anna's birthday when she turned 40, and had them make it into a volcano. The only problem with Suzie's is that they have this thing about always adding raspberry jelly to everything! Even when you ask them not to. I like cake with flavor, but not that much!! Raspberry is very strong in a cake, and overpowers the taste a bit too much for me.

Anyway, Anna brought up in context to our landlord's party that she should have a graduation party. I said "We'll see." I didn't want to say anything much right there, especially knowing Betty was coming around. I wanted to wait to talk to Anna about that at the dog park, but just as I was thinking of bringing up the subject, Rory comes in with his old dog, Taz, who turned vicious according to Karen. So we had to take our little ones and get out. I didn't want Taz attacking them! But I went out with Anna as she went to the bank to deposit a check. I spoke to her about it then. I told her that having the birthday party for our landlord is one thing. Everyone has to pay their respects. But Anna and I are not that well liked here. So, don't count on inviting anyone else except our closest friends to her graduation party. Ma and Katrina always laugh when I tell them that we are not well liked here. LOL! I'm not even trying to be liked in this place, because I simply do not care. I'm not going to be here much longer anyway. Anna feels the same way. We have our litte circle of friends, and that's enough. I adore them! They are few, but they are wonderful people!

But the reason I am not interested in making friends, and in many cases even glad to make enemies, is because my primary focus is on getting myself back to the coast. And my mentality on that is like a "win at all costs and screw everyone else" attitude. I want nothing more at this point than to get back to the coast. And the few friends I have here, it's going to be hard enough leaving them behind. If I made more friends here, I would probably never want to leave! But at the same time, I don't really want to spend another summer or winter here. Anna is the same way. She is not here to make friends either. She is here to avoid staying in the dorm and to go to school here. Like me, she has few friends here. I had hoped she would make more, because she is going to be here a lot longer than I am. But I guess like me, she's just not trying to win anyone over. But the friends we do have, I cherish a great deal. Karen thinks she's ugly, but I told her I don't think she is. I told her I enjoy seeing her come into the park. Besides there are people here who are MUCH uglier than she is! Like that fugly old fuck with the chocolate labrador! He's one of the ugliest people I've ever seen in my life! And believe me, I've been around quite a bit, and seen many people!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't Care

Well, I have tried to put this vegan shit behind me, but the fanatical vegans keep wanting to open the book, even though as far as I am concerned, the subject is closed. They are not going to ever convert me, but being the retarded dipshits that they are, they don't know the meaning of the word NO. See this is why I hate fanatical vegans. Actually ANY fanatics I don't like. They're like fleas, they're pests. I actually dreaded commenting on my vegan friends' Facebook pages, because I was concerned that the fanatics would take it as some sort of invitation to raid my life again. But you know, the more they push their beliefs on me, the more I rail against them, and the only thing they succeed in is making the steak (or burger, or porkchops) taste even better, and look so much more appetizing, just to piss them off.

They use the heart attack and cancer angles to try and intimidate me into turning vegan. But you know what? That doesn't work either. I'm not afraid! If I have a heart attack, then I just do! If I die from it, at least I die happy, and not with the taste of dirt, fungus and seaweed in my mouth. To me, that would be worse than the heart attack it's self. That would even be worse than the death, it's self! I would rather die at 50, and eat what I love than to live to be 100 and not be able to eat meat anymore. That would SUCK!!! But there is no definitive proof that someone who eats meat will die early of a heart attack. Like I said, my grandma's aunt lived to be over 100, and she was definitely a "meat and potatoes" person. But if I were to go vegan, it would be only because of my friends, not the fanatics. But if the fanatics keep pushing, I'll just keep railing against veganism.

I bring this up because someone left a comment on my page asking me if I ever sat down to think why I enrage vegans. I said no, and I don't care either. If the fanatical vegans are going to raid my channel, then they deserve to be enraged. I'm all for them being enraged! Like I said, if they don't like my channel or my opinions, they can leave and never come back. Or I'll do it for them by continuing to block them, and report each one to YouTube for harassment. Maybe I should direct the fanatical vegans to my dead panther video. LOL! Again, just to piss them off even more. But I dunno. Maybe I should just do like what is always suggested when trolls and haters are harassing you. They say to just stop, block and report. That's it! Don't respond to them, just block them. I have this natural urge to communicate with my viewers, but I need to get over it! I don't get like Purfect Dream always did on Pluba, she used to get crazy! But I do let them know I am laughing at them.

This guy said that instead of hurting the fanatical vegans by laughing at them, I could try to understand. I say Why? Why should I try to understand them, when they don't try in the least to understand me? It's not on me. The ball is in their court. Not mine. I didn't invite them in the first place to view my videos, that was their choice. I'm not the one who threatened their lives, but they always threaten mine. Even my dogs have been threatened by fanatical vegans. People who supposedly say they care for animals. The nicer vegans, I don't mind them commenting on my videos or my channel. But the fanatics who piss and moan about my lifestyle, and threaten me or my dogs, I usually block them and I still report them to YouTube for harassment.

This is why everybody hates vegans, and the word vegan has become somewhat synonymous with someone who is pushy, bossy, nosy and just a total ass. They're lucky I'm not in the same room with them, I'd probably want to sit on them. But then I guess that's why they do this stuff online. Because they wouldn't dare say any of their shit to my face. I may be fat, but I can move as fast and suddenly as a bear if I want to. LOL! I've done it before. But I still say any fanatical vegan who comes to my channel and watches my videos deserves to be enraged. I'm sure there is some "leading entity" that tells them about my videos, and if they don't like it, then don't come. Otherwise if they do come, they have no right to complain. Too bad the fanatical vegans are too dumb to see that! Maybe they've been vegan too long that it's eating away at their brains. And yes, it has been proven that if a person gives up eating meat for very long, that it does turn their brains into mush. Tofu and peanuts do not substitute very well either.

Well, I added another job to my already extended list. Now, I am cataloguing my DVDs. I have literally thousands of DVDs, and I am making a list of all of them, what is on them and everything. Now I am doing my compilation DVDs, which takes a lot of doing! I have to watch each one, write down numbers, chapters, positions and everything, and look up titles. Sometimes I make up titles, and that saves a lot of time. I know what they are. But I try to be accurate and just look up titles. There are titles out there. I think for this project, I should print the title lists.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ever Wonder Why

Did you ever wonder why I don't really care if I am the most hated person on the internet and in this apartment complex? I admit it, I only have a few friends here, but they are great friends! I never cared to become "popular". I get negative comments on Youtube and they really do not bother me. Well, I got a negative comment this morning from a dumb vegan fanatic, but I warned them that if they bothered me that I was going to start blocking and reporting them from now on. Some get the message, others don't. Those that don't, I have to remind them who's boss of my channel. :) And it's not them! Most, if not all of them, are teenagers who need a good ass-kicking anyway. They probably come from meat-eating families, and never learned how to behave like a true vegan is supposed to (according to my friends). Ya know I used to not write to my vegan friends on Facebook, because I didn't want to, in any way, show any of their other vegan friends (in case they had friends who were fanatics) I was communicating with them. I would occasionally "like" their posts, but I never commented on their posts or channels or anything. But then I recently said to myself "screw them!" I'm there to converse with my friends, not with anyone else. So now I treat them as equally as I do all my other Facebook friends. Screw the fanatical vegans! hehe!

But anyway, forget about them! hehe! That's how my mind works, it can quickly shift gears from one thing to another. YouTube is usually the first site I visit when I make my daily rounds to check my messages and e-mails. Then I go to Facebook and visit my friends. Then I go to Craigslist to search for an apartment on the coast. By the time I get to Craigslist, especially if I see something I love, the negative comments from YouTube losers are all but forgotten. Just before I came here in fact, I saw a wonderful looking home, it allows pets and is only 2 blocks away from the beach. In fact, it has a 180-degree, panoramic view of the ocean! I want it!!! More than anything! It's not too far away from the Seaside/Astoria area either. I'd love to look into getting it. The only problem is now, it is not the best time to look into moving, especially here with snow on the ground. But it's always fun to dream! And who knows? Maybe it'll still be available in the summer, when I can possibly move. IF I have enough money saved by then, and a car.

Say, that reminds me! Where are the donations at? LOL! I figured with all those "people" wanting to campaign to "remove all 'idiots' from Montana", that the donations would just be pouring in. Shoot! That's what I would do if an idiot Montanan moved to Washington or Oregon, and decided it was a mistake to move there and wanted to move back to Montana! And I opened up my big mouth like that CaptnHowD guy did and said I was "campaigning to remove all idiots from Oregon and Washington". LOL! I would have given them a generous donation to get started getting out. But then again, when I have a hobby, I see it completely through! I don't just say I'm going to do something (I wound up here, didn't I! LOL!) I do it! Without any donations, all those in this "campaign" can only hope someday soon, I win the lottery. The only reason I am here is because 1) I wanted to come and support my sister. And 2) because I didn't have my own car in Ocean Shores. It'd have been tough living in Ocean Shores without a car. That is the one thing I need now to get back to the coast. I thought I could make it here in Montana, I'm usually a tough and rugged girl myself. But let's face it, I'm just not cut out to live here.

Some people love the mountains, some people love living in deserts, or jungles, or in caves, and even underground. Me? I'm a beach-comber. I'm just not happy unless I am living near water. BIG water! And I don't mean a lake! You couldn't give me a lake-front home! It very definitely has to be a beach home. I used to be a mountain girl back in the days, but now that I've had a taste of living near the ocean, I find I love that sooooo much better! So anyway, that is one reason I don't care if I don't make friends here, because I know I won't be here much longer, and I really don't care to have friends here. I have a few, and that's it. That's enough. It's going to be heart-breaking enough leaving them behind! Maybe we can write to each other after I leave.

Another reason I don't go all "Jessi Slaughter" over hate comments (hehe) is because I just don't have time to! I'm trying to work on another edition of this dog book that I completed in 2009, so that hopefully I can release another edition that has more updated information, maybe I'll get to release the latest edition by 2015. I'm finding new breeds to write about all the time. Plus, I am working on a book about tropical fish, which I just added another chapter to yesterday. That will also become available on the UMG Productions website when it is completed, as will the dog book. And guess what, I've also decided to finish the bird book that I started back in 2004. Actually, the idea for that bird book began in 1988, and I've been working on it since then. But then when I moved to Ocean Shores, for some reason, I stopped working on it. I don't know why, and when we moved from Ocean Shores to here, I even threw away all my folders and information about birds. Now, I am mad that I did, but I am trying to regain my interest in finishing this work. I only hope I can! And I need to finish all this before I pass on! I can't do like Jessi Slaughter did about her hate comments! I simply don't have time to! I barely have time to sleep, let alone cry, sob and have emotional breakdowns over some nameless, faceless persons who don't matter to me anyways on the internet! Maybe she should try that! You get busy enough, you don't even think about anything else!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I Found Out!

I totally found out this morning who the "person" was that left that nasty message on my sister's door. I cannot tell Anna who it was, but I heard who is responsible for it through the grapevine. This person apparently told Roger that (s)he was going to do it, and Roger told Lois. No one wants Anna to know because they feel she'll open up another can of worms. But when it was told to me, I was shocked! Yesterday, when Karen, Kim and I were talking about it, I said to Karen that I hope the culprit is not another fat-ass themselves. Karen almost died laughing. Well, guess what! It is another fat-ass! In fact, the person is a LOT fatter (and uglier) than Anna is, and I could not tell Anna who it was, but I told her to take comfort in the fact that the person who made that sign is MUCH fatter than she is! It's not at all any of the people I thought it was, but definitely someone I didn't like at all. And now I hate that person even MORE because that dumbass made me blame an innocent man and say things in a letter that I would never normally say to anyone! Including not signing my name to the letter! I'm not like that, that made me feel like a coward, and I hate that feeling!

I'm not normally a people-person, but the person who did this to Anna, I never liked him/her from the very first time I saw them. There was something about this person that just bothered me from the start. Now I know what it was! Am I a great judge of character or what??!! HA!! I remember Karen one time wanted me to get in the elevator with this person (LONG before the note incident), and I refused to do it! But she made me anyway! I hated it! It gave me goosebumps and made my skin crawl just being in the elevator with this person. I'll tell you, I don't like this person at all!! The fact that the culprit is a fat-ass themself, and a coward, it almost made me just burst out laughing! Well, that and the fact that I sensed there was something evil about this person from day 1. It's like "hey pot! Meet kettle!" and "she's black!" But this person is FAT, ugly, and I never see them out going on long walks either, so is very lazy as well! MUCH lazier than Anna!

I told Anna that I would tell her someday, perhaps after she moves out of here. But I just cannot tell her now. Either I will tell her in an e-mail, or a letter, over the phone, or on this blog, but one way or another, some day I will tell her. I just cannot tell her as long as she is living in this complex, because I don't want her to cause a ruckus over it. By that time, I'll probably be living on the coast. But I know Anna reads this blog, so she'll get the message.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Well, It's All Done

Well, I thought I would write an update. I apologized to Roger. Anna and I went downstairs and he was there waiting for the mail to arrive. I asked to see him, and he asked me what for, and I told him it was something very important, and I didn't want to say it in front of the other people sitting there. So we went outside. I told him that I was the person who posted the hateful message on his door, and I apologized most sincerely. I thought he was going to rant and rage and call me every name in the book. But he didn't. He took it surprisingly calmly, and said he accepted my apology. Believe me when I say I felt like shit after I found out the truth. But I must also correct something else too. Actually 2 things:

1. Lois told me that the note left on Anna's door said "you're a fat, lazy mutt. Why don't you go move to the dog pound!?" I didn't know someone had referred to Anna as a "mutt". She didn't tell me that! That could mean it's anybody. If the person had called Anna a bitch, that would have been one thing. Mostly men are the ones who call women bitches like that. But a "mutt" could have been anybody, man or woman. Besides the fact that that sounds incredibly stupid! It's the first time I've ever seen anyone call someone a "mutt"! LOL! I wish someone would call me a "mutt". I like dogs. I wouldn't mind.

2. That the culprit could not have been the woman I said earlier was fatter than me and Anna. That woman even gave us a Christmas card last year. Somehow I didn't think it really was, seeing as she's fat herself. But it could have been done to throw us off the scent.

Lois knows who the culprit is, but she is not saying. She did say it's someone who is old, but immature, and thinks they're perfect. And it has to be someone who is on this floor, and most likely down that hallway. And they are a coward! Even Lois agrees the person is a coward. So unlike what Karen said this morning, the person does not "pack a punch", unless they are talking anonymously behind closed doors. But anyone can do that! It doesn't take a tough person to do that at all. At least I can say neither Anna nor I are cowards! I actually confessed to Roger that I wrote the note on his door. That is what a mature person does, who is not afraid of taking responsibility for their actions. When I am wrong, I am wrong, and I admit it. I have no problem admitting it. One thing I can never truthfully be accused of is being irresponsible. But a coward, in my eyes, is the same as being on the level of irresponsible, and there is nothing I hate more than irresponsible people!

Well, the one person on this floor that I believe thinks she's perfect is Betty Warwood. Like I said in several previous posts (here and on in prizon), she's stuck-up! And she had just returned from some trip the day before. She is one of my top 2 suspects right now. It's a toss-up between her and Dan, the ugly dude. I don't even talk to Betty anymore. Not since that last time I thought she was talking to me and she wasn't. But she walks around here like she believes she's perfect. Sometimes she still talks to me and looks at me, even though I don't want her to!! But this person who, like a cowardly little bitch, left that note on Anna's door, I hate him (or her)! I don't care who this person is, or who their friends are, I hate him (or her) anyway. Not just because of the note they left on Anna's door, but also because they made me accuse an innocent man of the crime! If I find out who it is, I'll scratch their eyes out! Irresponsible people make me SICK!!!

Feeling Like Shit!

Well, this morning I feel like shit. I was at the dog park with our buddies, Karen and Kim. Anna was not there. After Andy and Mike left, Karen started talking to me about the note I left on Roger's door, and said that Lois is PISSED!!!! She said Lois was one pissed off woman. But she blamed Anna for the note. I promised myself that if Anna got blamed for that note that I would completely confess to writing it. Karen told me that Lois knows who the culprit is, and it's NOT Roger. When Karen told me he didn't write that letter to Anna and said that Lois knows exactly who it is, I really felt like shit! I got this lump in the pit of my belly. I said to Karen that I have a confession to make. Karen knew right away what I was going to say. She said "You did it!" I said "yes." I said that Anna had nothing to do with that letter. I feel just awful!! I said some shitty things in that letter. Calling Roger things like "retarded" and "spineless". Now I feel I have to explain everything to Lois, and apologize to Roger. I feel like shit! Poor Roger he got the worst end of the deal, and he didn't even have any idea what it was all about. Karen began making pranks about the whole deal after I confessed, but even her jokes could not cheer me up. I just feel like shit! I don't even care that this whole issue is ruined now, I feel bad because I thought Roger did it, and I blamed him for it.

What else was I supposed to think??? After this shopping cart war going on! And Roger saying the note on Anna's door was stupid, I figured he'd stoop that low as to put a message like that on Anna's door. I was just sticking up for Anna, I thought I could by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Or so I thought that's what I was doing. I said if Roger did not do it, then it must have been Andy. But Karen said that Andy does not have a computer or a printer. Besides, he would have used the word "cow", not "bitch". But he has called Anna a fat bitch before. I heard him. Kim spoke up and said that it's most likely the last person you'd expect, and I thought about that actually last night. I said to Karen and Kim that all I can hope is that the person who wrote it is not a fat-ass themselves. Kim said it could be someone who is usually quiet, but can pack a punch. I don't know about the "pack a punch", but the one person I know of on this floor who is quiet, and always gives me dirty looks is a woman who is MUCH fatter than either me or Anna! I saw her yesterday morning smoking a cigarette out front. She seems to be quiet, and she always looks depressed. As far as I know, she only talks to a few people here. She does not seem to have many friends here herself, and she's a lot fatter than Anna is! She's even fatter than me! Why would she call Anna fat names when she's even fatter than the both of us?

Then there is this guy Dan, I call him "that ugly dude", because he always looks so mean and ugly. I figured from day 1 that he could even be the one pushing the shopping carts in front of Anna's door. Karen said he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, but I always figure that to be wrong, because he always looks so mean. He's also quiet, and seems to have a problem with me and Anna. Of course I always call him "the ugly dude", and I swear sometimes he hears me say it. LOL! But Anna never says it. And Dan himself is fat, at least as fat as Anna. Though I don't think he's lazy. Dan kinda looks like Paul Casler from back in WA, who always gave me and Anna trouble since we were kids. His mom was a whore. Really! She was! Everyone in the neighborhood knew his mom spent her nights downtown, prostituting. Paul, and both his sisters all had different fathers. Neither one of them had the same daddy. Dan, besides always having that ugly look on his face, is quite ugly physically himself. I just never have anything to do with him. He looks too mean. So I stay away from him. And I like it a lot better when he keeps away from me.

But still I feel like shit! I'm going to tell Lois I wrote the letter, and then I have to apologize to Roger. And I will. He's going to be pissed off too. Well, I wouldn't blame him if he did! I deserve anything he can ever say about me. That's how low I feel! I just feel effed right now!

Sis's Attitude

I am hoping Anna does see this. A lot of people have been complaining about her attitude. I know Anna has an attitude problem, I've known that for years. I guess you could say I've gotten used to it. I hate it when Anna responds to everything with an attitude. When we were in Idaho Falls, we went to Sam's Club, and the guy who greets people at the door, we were talking to him, and whenever Anna spoke, she did it with a lot of attitude in her voice. I was so embarrassed! Anna just never smiles when she talks. So I guess with her, talking must seem like a chore, and her tones seem to change. I thought maybe she was tired that day, because she had such an attitude in her voice. And the poor doorman, he looked at her like he wanted her away from him right then. I felt so bad about that! I wanted to apologize to that man on behalf of Anna, because I don't know if Anna knew she had such a rude tone in her voice!

That's not the first or only time Anna has had a bad attitude. She's been fired from jobs because when she gets frustrated, she cops an attitude with everyone. I don't know if she even knows she's doing it. I heard about the incident when she worked at Target back in 2006. Someone threw away some soup that Anna took to work to have at lunch time. Apparently that was their day to clean up completely, but Anna said they didn't have a sign anywhere stating that on that day, all things in the refrigerator would be cleared out and thrown away. Well, when Anna found her soup missing, and someone told her it had been thrown away, Anna threw a fit. She told me she kicked the chairs around and pounded on the tables. Well, someone reported Anna's little shit-fit to the manager and Anna got fired. I hated it that she did that, but that's how she handles things, by getting all pissed off and throwing fits. It's wrong, and Anna needs to work on that. Last week, Anna got a message that a local grocery store that she has been doing demos at, does not want her to work there anymore. They said she got pushy and rude when she could not find her demo table. I didn't see it, as I was not in the room when she talked to them. I don't know what happened, but I know Anna very well, and based on what I saw at the Sam's Club in Idaho Falls, there was little doubt in my mind that Anna did lose her temper and got pushy. Anna asked me that day if she really is like that, and I had to say yes.

And it isn't just at work. She loses her temper around here too. Remember the story of Raymie? Apparently she said something about Odessa, though I am not sure she really meant it for Odessa. But Anna got so pissed off that she told Raymie if she ever touched Odessa, that Anna was going to do something terrible to her. I really wish Anna hadn't said that!!! It's one thing to stick up for Odessa. But what Anna did was threaten to harm this woman. And Raymie could not do anything to Odessa! She could barely walk! Let alone break a tiny dog's neck, like she said. I sure would not have handled it that way! Instead, I would have put the ball in Raymie's court and left it there. I would have asked Raymie how she would like it if someone threatened to break her kids' (or grandkids') necks. I'd never do that, but Odessa is Anna's kid. So in her eyes, it would have been the same thing. And Andy teases Anna all the time. The only reason he does it is because he knows she will always respond to him! And she does! She needs to stop it. I always hate it when Anna responds because she develops an attitude toward others, and it is by that that everyone here judges her by.

Anna was like that even before we moved here. I remember one day we went to Point Defiance park, and we were both walking down the pier. A couple of 10-year old boys on bikes were causing some trouble for the people on the pier that day. When they got to us, they pretended like they were going to run over us, but stopped short of doing it. I didn't even pay them any attention. I just walked around their bikes and kept on walking. But Anna just had to give them this evil glare of her's! If she had just ignored them, my plan would have gone perfectly. I heard one of the boys shout "What are you looking at?!!" and go on with name-calling, which I did not pay any attention to. I don't even know who that kid was talking to. There were so many people on that pier, and from what I saw, they had been causing trouble for all of them, which is why I chose to ignore them. But Anna shouted back at them, and I wish she hadn't!! But being Anna, she just had to ruin the morning by giving those kids the response they were after! Anna shouted "The same to you! Ugly dudes!" Then one of those boys shouted "Shut up, fatso!" Luckily for them, they were not my kids! I'd have slapped them! But no doubt their parents never heard about them going around being disrespectful to adults, and causing problems all over the pier. Or if they did know about it, they must have been some bad parents, and I mean BAD parents!! I often have to wonder what kind of people raise kids like that. Probably they don't. My guess is the kids more likely are the ones raising the parents, and telling the parents what to do. It's a sad day when little kids are the ones bossing their parents around, and people wonder why America is going to Hell. But still, Anna should have just done like I did. In the back of my mind, I say "fuck them!" And I refused to give them the attention they were craving.

I don't know why for some reason, Anna always thinks she has to respond to bullshitters! I tell her not to do that, but she does it anyway, and it makes her look bad all the time! Even our friend Karen said she does not like Anna's attitude. Anna is a nice person, but I really wish she would just learn to let things go! I do. I don't cop an attitude when someone is bullshitting me. I get hateful comments all the time, I never get pissed off at any of them. Like tonight, this guy on youtube, who calls himself music22727358, he thought he was going to piss me off by continuing to call me "fat bitch" as if it were my name (although that is what I say in my YouTube profile page), and saying shit about fat people in general. But no. I didn't even feel the slightest bit pissed off. In fact, I laughed at him! His spelling was reminiscent of a 6-year old child, even though he claims in his profile that he is 26. I doubt it though! LOL! I told him to contact me again when he learns how to spell like an actual 26 year old person, then MAYBE, I will probably take him a little bit more seriously. Probably. But not likely. LOL! But see, I did not give him the kind of response he was hoping to get from me, and I feel wonderful! I had a big grin on my face all night because I was so proud I kept my cool with that bozo. Besides, he's from the UK. What should one expect from them? Anna could learn a lot by watching my responses, or sometimes the lack of such. Although I did like Anna's responses to the idiots on my I Hate Montana video, which I still have yet to see that first donation from those "campaigning to get all idiots out of Montana". Like I said, he should begin with himself, not me. LOL!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Confession

I was downstairs a little while ago and I ran into Deb, she apparently had a talk with Roger. She told me that Roger swears he didn't write that note. Frankly, I don't buy it! He also swore to Anna that he wasn't the one who has been leaving the shopping carts in front of her door, but then in the next breath he turned around and basically admitted that he was. And he even openly admitted he is the culprit to at least 5 other people. If Roger did not do it (and I am not saying he didn't), it could only have been one other person who would say something like that to Anna, and that is Andy. But the thing is, I have no idea if Andy even has a computer or a printer. And why would he come all the way up to this floor just to post a sickening letter like that on Anna's door?? Especially since he promised Karen he was going to try and be nicer to us. Unless he just simply snapped, which is what usually happens with him, now that he's on this new medication.

Well, if I am wrong, and Roger didn't do it, I'm going to feel awful. But if it's true that Andy did do it, I'll be somewhat relieved. Because I think Anna should be used to Andy's teasing by now. I know I am. But I do remember he was at the dog park yesterday when I went in, and he simply left without another word, rather quickly. I mean, quicker than it usually takes him to leave. He just rushed out of there. Maybe it was a signal that he did something really wrong. I thought nothing of it at the time because he has always left when I walk into the park. But never as quickly as he did yesterday. But I'll still feel like shit because I accused Roger! What else could I think? He and Anna have been at this shopping cart war for quite a while now, and he's pissed off because of that sign on Anna's door, it seemed only logical he did do it. I still believe he did it. Until someone else steps up and actually admits they did it, I'll always believe Roger was the one who did it.

Roger has a few dim-wits on his side. Betty for one person. She also could have done it. Anna and I were just talking yesterday about how she has never bothered her. I don't know. I don't exactly like Betty. She's stuck-up and she's LOUD!!! Her voice is just naturally loud! Sometimes I want to stick a load of cotton in her throat just to get her to quiet down! But I don't like her. I also know she is always on Roger's side.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cat And Mouse Games

Sometimes, I just want to slap the shit out of my sis's neighbor. It's this man named Roger, and he's an old man. Not like he's a young teenager or anything. He's been pushing carts in front of my sister's door. Anna had no idea who has been putting carts in front of her door, but she wrote a message and put it up on her door, telling the person to stop it. And she said the person who is doing it is stupid, dumb and inconsiderate. The note was not directed at any one person, just the person who has been pushing the cart in front of her door. Well, one day Roger was downstairs and he had been talking to Deb, Deb didn't think it was a good idea for Anna to have that sign on her door, calling someone dumb, stupid and inconsiderate. But Anna did not direct those comments to anyone in particular. But Roger complained about it (I know he did). The way he talked at Anna that day, and some things he said when she asked about the cart in front of her door, it gave him away as the culprit.

One morning Anna was walking out of her apartment with Odessa, and she saw Roger talking to someone and he mentioned out loud in front of her that she still has "that stupid sign" on her door. Basically, Roger has all but admitted to her that he was the culprit. But he has admitted it to several other people whom he waits downstairs for the mail man with. But he is so spineless, he absolutely refuses to admit it to Anna. Well, this morning Anna was again about to put Odessa out when she noticed an anonymous note on her door that said "You are a fat, lazy bitch, nobody likes you, your attitude anyway, so why don't you just move!" Anna took the note, gave it to Karen and asked her to give it to Lois. This has become an issue now. I knew when Anna told me about the message that it had to be Roger! I told her he's just trying to get to her because of that note on her door saying the shopping cart nag is dumb, stupid and inconsiderate. But it looks like now Roger wants to play games with Anna. So, I said if he wants to play this game with Anna, we're game! He'll have to deal with me too!

Well, I invited Anna to my apartment and I wrote a scathing letter back to him. I wrote "A stupid, retarded old fart lives here. He is loony, spineless, and needs to be institutionalized!" and I took it and stuck it on his door. I put it over his peephole, so I know he'd see it when he steps out. He didn't even see me post the sign on his door! LOL! I'll tell him I did it only after he tries to accuse Anna of doing it. But like I said, if he wants to play this way, we're game. Anna has me on her side! So it's our 2 brains against his none. Everyone here knows Roger is a loony old fart. Anna never did anything wrong to him either. But he just pushes any shopping carts he sees in the hallway in front of her door. He's just being an asshole. Irma, who is Anna's other neighbor, said Roger is acting like this because he believes Anna's apartment is possessed by some evil spirit or something. The guy who lived there before her used to give Roger a hard time, and I think he believes Anna is in some way connected with the former tenant. But that's wrong to put that kind of hatred and blame on Anna's shoulders. But it shows Roger completely lacks character!

He's lucky I don't believe in slapping an old man! LOL! I used to get slapped for shit-talking men that age! But I think even my dear, sweet mom would agree with me on this one. Roger's note has been turned in to the landlord. Bet anything he still doesn't admit he made that letter. The only other person who could have done it would have been Andy, and he never has had any reason to come to this floor so far. The only person who has such a problem with Anna that lives on this level is indeed Roger, and he was pissed off by that message Anna posted on her door. He could only be this upset if he were guilty, and more and more every day, he proves that he is. Deb says we need to have cameras placed down that hall! I agree! Either they do it, or I'll put a hidden camera up there. Hopefully Anna never gets another letter like that again on her door, but she should be prepared, this may get worse. But like I said, she has me on her side. But at least now I know why Roger won't just confront Anna face to face like an adult. But it's still not right, what he's doing. I told Anna if she gets another letter like that one, to show it to me as well. I want to see it.

Well, I knew the "retarded" epitaph would get to Roger! LOL! For someone as crazy as him, the word "retarded" always cuts them deeply. I was out in the lobby, and I saw him march himself down the hallway, and he had the note I left on his door wrapped around his wallet. He looked PISSED!!!! LOL! I just laughed, after he left of course. I'm not yet ready for him to know that I was the one who posted that letter anonymously. I'll tell him when he accuses Anna of doing it, which should not take too long. I just want to see if he actually does accuse her. Then that will provide a little further proof that he was the one who posted that stupid message on Anna's door.